Whey Supps Leaving Out Creatine Info

[quote]Originally Posted by Getpumped97 View Post

Does anyone know how much creatine is in Six Star Whey Protein Puls? I wanted to start taking actual creatine but didn’t want to go overboard seeing as this protein also has creatine.

Hey OP, we can’t release all our secrets but Whey Protein Plus has a full clinical dose of creatine so that you don’t HAVE to pair it with another creatine product. However, if you prefer to get a high dose of creatine, then you can certainly consider Creatine X3 or the creatine product of your choice. Hope that helps man. Let me know if you have any other questions.

All the best,
Luke -
Team Six Star


I read this on a forum earlier today when searching for how much creatine is in this protein powder I decided to try in a pinch from Walmart. This seems like a strange answer about something as simple as creatine.

laughing at what Luke said, but I think it has 5-6 grams of creatine per serving. I had a friend who use to drink it, I thought it was horrible, and as far as creatine goes, I usually get unflavored pure creatine. Biotest has a cheap high quality creatine, 20$ and I think it lasted me 3-4 months the last batch I had. You can find 2ILB tubs of ON for around the same price as sixsttar online and you get better quality isolates and better taste.

[quote]Mike T. wrote:
laughing at what Luke said, but I think it has 5-6 grams of creatine per serving. I had a friend who use to drink it, I thought it was horrible, and as far as creatine goes, I usually get unflavored pure creatine. Biotest has a cheap high quality creatine, 20$ and I think it lasted me 3-4 months the last batch I had. You can find 2ILB tubs of ON for around the same price as sixsttar online and you get better quality isolates and better taste.[/quote]

I use unflavored creatine mixed in juice or Gatorade myself but I would at least like to know how much is in something I taking. I thought it actually had a great taste and mixed pretty well (count me surprised), but I don’t want to take something if I have no idea what how much of something is in it. I don’t like taking Luke’s word for it that he will give me the right amount of creatine ha.

And what the hell is a “clinical dose of creatine”

[quote]bpick86 wrote:
And what the hell is a “clinical dose of creatine”[/quote]

I would assume close to 5 grams