Where’s a good place to start?

Intermediate lifter here, very consistent with my training and diet. Considering enhancement. Do y’all have any recs on a good place to start where I can learn about AAS? What are some good social media accts to follow?

Apologies if this is a taboo or naive way to ask this. I don’t want to just walk up to the most juiced looking bro in the gym and ask where he gets his gear from .

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That’s why this section exists. Knowledge.
We see a lot of people just start doing AAS and then ask questions when stuff goes wrong. This is the correct way to start.

You can start by asking direct questions on here.

You need to be really careful here. There is a ton of bad advice out there. Stay away from reddit. Chase Irons has good info. Dylan Gemelli also has great info. He has a lot of drug specific videos that are very good IMO. I don’t really follow anyone specifically for drug info though. Most are just trying to promote themselves and schill products.
Your best resource is right here.

Thanks for the response!
What are some of the more mild AAS that you can still see some?

What would you recommend for a first time cycle?

Where/how does one come by legit product?

46 Y.O. Already on TRT. I take my training and nutrition very seriously and have for about 7 years. But would love a little added boost.

Before you do anything you should get bloodwork done to make sure you are healthy enough to use AAS.

Just test is a great start.

500mg/wk test seems to be a great starting point. Lowish chance of sides.

napsgear dot org is a great source for international and domestic products.

Just increasing the test amount per week would be perfect. You would want to have an AI like arimidex/aromasin on hand before you start.
You would also want an organ protection product(s)
You don’t have to worry about PCT as your on TRT.

Start there and see how you rbody reacts and then on the next cycle you could introduce another injectable and/or and oral.
One consideration is when your doctor bloods are. You need to leave enough time between your cycle and your bloodwork to get numbers back in line.

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Join the Jordan Peters membership forum.

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some great channels: todd lee’s anabolic university, peter attia (very conservative), anabolic doc, man medicine (great channel, quite conservative), gillett health (also conservative), optimale (conservative), ben pakulski (good interview with abraham morgenthaler).

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I have been on hrt for 5 years. I cruise at about 200 a week. I’ve done a few 6 week cycles at 500, definitely got some increased acne and sleep seemed to take a hit at 500.

Regarding bloodwork, I get it twice a year. Lipids, A1c, liver, all numbers are always pristine

Napsgear dot org? I see they have many different vendors. All legit in your opinion? Any you specifically recommend? Forget wasting money, the last thing I wanna do is put something in my body that’s fake or even worse.

I know this is naive, but considering the legal nature of this, what is the risk of purchasing and having shipped to US? Or is this something the feds just don’t waste their time with?

did you jump right from 200 mg/week to 500 mg/week? i ask because if you did, i wonder if you could’ve mitigated or avoided side effects like acne if you did a more gradual increase to allow your endocrine system to adapt.

off-topic, how insane is it that testosterone is essentially criminalized unless you go through the medical mafia (which is loaded with misinformation, dogma, idiocy, etc), while little jane gets hormonal birth control when she has her first period at 13?

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I jumped from 200 to 500. Maybe not the best strategy :joy:

you may be better able to tolerate 500 mg/week without negative side effects if you gradually titrate/increase from 200 mg/week instead of jumping in one go. a really conservative approach would have you go up in 50 mg increments every week or two. it may seem like overkill in terms of cautiousness.

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