I never understood exactly what the effort was supposed to be. [/quote]
That’s obvious. The uninformed are easy to fool with propaganda.[quote]
First it was WMD, which we knew didn’t exist.[/quote]
See? Already you have been fooled. Even Putin said he told Bush Saddam had WMD’s. And we did in fact find a large stockpile that Saddam specifically said was destroyed. But it is right that we didn’t find very much. But there are reasons for that.
First Saddam was telling his allies that he had WMD’s so he didn’t look week in their eyes. Then he did in fact have WMD labs up and running. Many WMD’s need to be produced right before use because they are more powerful that way.[quote]
Then it was to liberate which was a completely asinine idea because we are not neo-colonialist nation builders.[/quote]
Who the hell said we attacked to liberate? I believe you are talking about the post war, when we stayed afterwards to help them recover. [quote]
Then it was to stop terrorism which (even given the current anecdotal evidence) is ludicrous. Terrorism never existed in Iraq.[/quote]
Of course terrorism didn’t exist there, but terrorists did. Terrorists do not attack their benefactor. Some of the anecdotal evidence was that Al-Qaeda was running out of money at one point, then after their meeting with Iraq, they were suddenly awash in it. Coincidence? I doubt it.[quote]
There is a government in Iraq that should be solving Iraqi problems sans America.[/quote]
But there was no government there after the war. By staying and helping, we are doing humanitarian work. As well as helping keep them from being taken over by Iran. Besides, if we had left afterwards, you would be complaining about that. That we didn’t stay around and help them. You know its true.[quote]
The gist: we have no business there. Our business is to protect this country first which we cannot do when we have our troops killing other people and creating new hatred. I really don’t understand why this concept isn’t understood – it’s like we expect human nature to change overnight. Violence does not stop violence. There will always be someone who hates us and wants us dead no matter how much killing we do.[/quote]
So your belief is that we should just stick our heads into the sand, and ignore the people who have been calling for our destruction for decades? Yeah, that works.