General Patton on Iraq. I love this vid!
[quote]Rockscar wrote:
General Patton on Iraq. I love this vid![/quote]
What a load of crap! There hasn’t been a single argument, just talk about “Americans play[ing] to win”, “defending freedoms” and the usual BS. Emotions and false parallels with WWII, nothing more. The USSR propaganda machine couldn’t have done it any better.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Rockscar wrote:
General Patton on Iraq. I love this vid!
What a load of crap! There hasn’t been a single argument, just talk about “Americans play[ing] to win”, “defending freedoms” and the usual BS. Emotions and false parallels with WWII, nothing more. The USSR propaganda machine couldn’t have done it any better.[/quote]
Likewise Lixy, Likewise to you. You just don’t understand, but that’s OK by me.
[quote]Rockscar wrote:
Likewise Lixy, Likewise to you. You just don’t understand, but that’s OK by me.[/quote]
I thought it sucked too. Just more bushie bullshit trying to de-douchebag themselves. Still doesn’t work.
Too bad he still isn’t around.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Rockscar wrote:
General Patton on Iraq. I love this vid!
What a load of crap! There hasn’t been a single argument, just talk about “Americans play[ing] to win”, “defending freedoms” and the usual BS. Emotions and false parallels with WWII, nothing more. The USSR propaganda machine couldn’t have done it any better.[/quote]
So, what would you tell your grandchild?
[quote]hedo wrote:
Too bad he still isn’t around.[/quote]
Why? He’d just call bullshit on Bush & Co. and be blackballed like every other general who have seen through the lies.
[quote]tme wrote:
hedo wrote:
Too bad he still isn’t around.
Why? He’d just call bullshit on Bush & Co. and be blackballed like every other general who have seen through the lies.
Most Generals are politicians and worry more about their turf and career than anything else. Dumping Generals is very common in war time until you finally can get one to do his job.
It looks like we have a good one in Petraeus.
Of course you don’t care about how things really work, you just want to bash Bush.
[quote]Chewie wrote:
lixy wrote:
Rockscar wrote:
General Patton on Iraq. I love this vid!
What a load of crap! There hasn’t been a single argument, just talk about “Americans play[ing] to win”, “defending freedoms” and the usual BS. Emotions and false parallels with WWII, nothing more. The USSR propaganda machine couldn’t have done it any better.
So, what would you tell your grandchild?
He shoveled shit from Sweden.
[quote]Chewie wrote:
So, what would you tell your grandchild? [/quote]
The question isn’t what I’ll tell my grandchild. I am not associated in the killing of anyone in any way. You (and your fellow Americans) are clearly complacent towards Bush’s imperialistic enterprise. Under the guise of spreading democracy, he’s building what appears to be permanent bases in Iraq, and looking to start yet another murderous campaign.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Dumping Generals is very common in war time until you finally can get one to do his job. [/quote]
Let me guess, “his job” would be to execute the orders without asking questions.
And for heaven’s sake, quit saying that you’re at war. You wrecked a country and are now occupying it. Pay some attention: Nobody declared war!
[quote]lixy wrote:
Chewie wrote:
So, what would you tell your grandchild?
The question isn’t what I’ll tell my grandchild. I am not associated in the killing of anyone in any way. You (and your fellow Americans) are clearly complacent towards Bush’s imperialistic enterprise. Under the guise of spreading democracy, he’s building what appears to be permanent bases in Iraq, and looking to start yet another murderous campaign.
I didn’t see any answer to my question. Instead, I saw the same anti-American sentiment possessed by terrorists.
To the victor goes the spoils. It looks like we have forgotten that fact. Has there been a world power that hasn’t been imperialistic?
You don’t have to kill anyone to support the war on terror.
The question remains:
What would you tell your grandchild?
[quote]lixy wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Dumping Generals is very common in war time until you finally can get one to do his job.
Let me guess, “his job” would be to execute the orders without asking questions.
And for heaven’s sake, quit saying that you’re at war. You wrecked a country and are now occupying it. Pay some attention: Nobody declared war![/quote]
So, instead of being at a war with terror, what do you call it?
[quote]Chewie wrote:
To the victor goes the spoils. It looks like we have forgotten that fact. Has there been a world power that hasn’t been imperialistic? [/quote]
No, you haven’t forgotten anything. It’s just that you seem to be missing the part where the world was brought to civilization after WWII. You know, UN and all…
WTF? Why do you think thousands of Iraqis died? Did you forget the lies you were sold in 2002/2003 about Saddam’s link to 9/11? It’s just after you realized that there were no WMDs and that Saddam was actually killing Islamists that you switched the “war on terror” line to “war for democracy”.
[quote]The question remains:
What would you tell your grandchild?
About what? The birds and bees? Global warming? Why I was opposed to foreign troops on Iraqi soil? Be specific.
[quote]Chewie wrote:
So, instead of being at a war with terror, what do you call it?
I call it like I see it. Bush invades Iraq under the guise of “war on terror”, when everybody fully knew Al-Qaeda and other Islamist were ardently fought by Saddam. Saddam gone, Jihadists and terrorists from all across the globe converge to Iraq. Bingo! You find the ideal reason for never leaving Iraq.
So yeah, your effort in Iraq has been to the terrorists’ advantage. Hence, your “war with terror” lapsus.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Saddam gone, Jihadists and terrorists from all across the globe converge to Iraq. [/quote]
Bringing them out of hiding and giving us a front to fight them on.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Dumping Generals is very common in war time until you finally can get one to do his job.
Let me guess, “his job” would be to execute the orders without asking questions.
And for heaven’s sake, quit saying that you’re at war. You wrecked a country and are now occupying it. Pay some attention: Nobody declared war![/quote]
Wrong again. Denying that this is a war makes you look sillier than usual.
Was Korea a war? Was Vietnam a war? Was the first Gulf War a war?
No one declares war anymore. It does not change the fact that it is a war.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Chewie wrote:
To the victor goes the spoils. It looks like we have forgotten that fact. Has there been a world power that hasn’t been imperialistic?
No, you haven’t forgotten anything. It’s just that you seem to be missing the part where the world was brought to civilization after WWII. You know, UN and all…
You don’t have to kill anyone to support the war on terror.
WTF? Why do you think thousands of Iraqis died? Did you forget the lies you were sold in 2002/2003 about Saddam’s link to 9/11? It’s just after you realized that there were no WMDs and that Saddam was actually killing Islamists that you switched the “war on terror” line to “war for democracy”.
How have you failed to see that I am supporting your argument about imperialism? The only difference is that you think we should go around hugging people and I see imperialism as a necessary evil.
The question remains:
What would you tell your grandchild?
About what? The birds and bees? Global warming? Why I was opposed to foreign troops on Iraqi soil? Be specific.[/quote]
Strike two. You dodged the question yet again. Did you even watch the video or did you use this as another chance to plug your anti-american ideals?
Three strikes you are out.
What would you tell your grandchild when he ask you what you did in the war on terror?
It is beginning to seem like you would say:
“I supported the enemy.”
[quote]lixy wrote:
I call it like I see it. Bush invades Iraq under the guise of “war on terror”, when everybody fully knew Al-Qaeda and other Islamist were ardently fought by Saddam. [/quote]
Completely wrong:
We invaded under the guise that this dude already invaded killed and raped Kuwait and was dveloping and had WMD…and he absolutely did and was a crazy SOB in an unstable world. He had months to get rid if it all because the US politicians were being so PC and all gaining the support of the ENTIRE Country.
Some people just make stories to fit their viewpoints. There was never a 9-11 “Theme” behing the Iraq invasion. We suspected maybe, but it was NOT the underling reason. People forget the Gulf War and our MISTAKE of not ridding Sadam then.
[quote]doogie wrote:
lixy wrote:
Saddam gone, Jihadists and terrorists from all across the globe converge to Iraq.
Bringing them out of hiding and giving us a front to fight them on. [/quote]
Iraq has become and morphed into that front over time. Let them come, we’ll take care of them. They hide and use kids/schools and are cowards, but they’ll kill us at any opportunity because that’s what they grew up wanting to do.
Nobody in the US grows up WANTING to rid of a people and/or it’s faith. That is a main driver and issue with you Islamic guys. You love to abuse and kill innocent people in the name of your god.