What's Your Opinion On My Workout?

Bench press 3 set 8-10 reps
flies 3 sets 10-12 reps
Incline db press 3 sets 8-10 reps
incline flies 3 sets 8-10 reps
decline bench 3 sets 8-10 reps
decline flies 3 sets 8-10 reps
tricep ext. 3 sets 10-12 reps
Tri pull overs 3 sets 10- 12 reps
dips 3 sets til burn out

Preacher curls 3 sets 8-10 reps
pull ups 3 sets til burn out
Db curls 3 sets 8-10
military press 3 sets 8-10
db military press 3sets 8-10
Shrugs 3 sets 8-10 reps

Squats 3 sets 3-5 reps
dead lifts 3 sets 8-10 reps
Leg curls 3 sets 8-10 reps
leg press 3 sets 8-10 reps

Bent over rows 3 sets 8-10 reps
Leaning Lateral Raise 3 sets 8-10
Lat Pull Downs 3 sets 8-10
Deltoid raise 3 sets 8-10

Bike 30 seconds fast 2 min slow repeat for 20 min
abs …

It sucks mostly.

TOO MUCH!!! mainly on press day monday bro just cause there are 100’s of exercises doesnt mean you have to use them ALL in one work out. whittle it down and nail the fewer exercises HARD.

My suggestion to you would be pick a program from one of the coaches here if wanting a split like such choose something by CT lately.

Do these quality programs while learning how you respond and how to build a program that is good and fit You personally.


So cut down on Monday. My gym sucks and I do not have the equipment that the coaches talk about. Thats why I asked about my program. These are things I can do at my gym. Beleive me I am doing things like turning the bench around on the incline press to make it a decline press.

Bro you seemingly have a barbell and are able to bench DL and squat. and have DB’s I know of no program you cant do with very minmal changes.


[quote]Phill wrote:
Bro you seemingly have a barbell and are able to bench DL and squat. and have DB’s I know of no program you cant do with very minmal changes.


I agree. Hit those big rocks [squats etc(DJ term)] before you go for the sand [biceps curls].

get some type of squat, DL or squat variant (lunge, single leg, GM) in each day first and then get your split in after. I notice great progress when you grow the wheels each time. Plus it gets you in a great mood for lifting.

Try a CT or CW program for a good start.


[quote]country wrote:
Bench press 3 set 8-10 reps
flies 3 sets 10-12 reps
Incline db press 3 sets 8-10 reps
incline flies 3 sets 8-10 reps
decline bench 3 sets 8-10 reps
decline flies 3 sets 8-10 reps
tricep ext. 3 sets 10-12 reps
Tri pull overs 3 sets 10- 12 reps
dips 3 sets til burn out
why only 3 sets of flat bench?
cut out the decline and double the number of sets on dips.

Preacher curls 3 sets 8-10 reps
pull ups 3 sets til burn out
Db curls 3 sets 8-10
military press 3 sets 8-10
db military press 3sets 8-10
Shrugs 3 sets 8-10 reps[/quote]
I don’t know if this is the order of your workout but… start this day with pull ups rather than curls. cut out the preacher curl and do standing bar bell curls. make sure you do your shoulder presses standing. “but…” I know its harder.

cut out leg curls and add Roman chair (reverse hypers) with weight. cut the leg press and increase the sets of squats.

Leaning lateral raise? what is that? maybe reverse hypers or Roman Chair?

cut lat pull downs and do pull ups.
cut “deltoid raises” and do upright rows with a barbell.

you can do the bike routine during the week with the extra time i just saved you.

cut “abs” and do core training during the week.

on sunday do an athletic activity or give yourself a day off.

[quote]country wrote:
Bench press 3 set 8-10 reps
flies 3 sets 10-12 reps
Incline db press 3 sets 8-10 reps
incline flies 3 sets 8-10 reps
decline bench 3 sets 8-10 reps
decline flies 3 sets 8-10 reps
tricep ext. 3 sets 10-12 reps
Tri pull overs 3 sets 10- 12 reps
dips 3 sets til burn out

Preacher curls 3 sets 8-10 reps
pull ups 3 sets til burn out
Db curls 3 sets 8-10
military press 3 sets 8-10
db military press 3sets 8-10
Shrugs 3 sets 8-10 reps

Squats 3 sets 3-5 reps
dead lifts 3 sets 8-10 reps
Leg curls 3 sets 8-10 reps
leg press 3 sets 8-10 reps

Bent over rows 3 sets 8-10 reps
Leaning Lateral Raise 3 sets 8-10
Lat Pull Downs 3 sets 8-10
Deltoid raise 3 sets 8-10

Bike 30 seconds fast 2 min slow repeat for 20 min
abs …


57 sets for upper body
12 sets for lower body

18 sets for chest
6 sets for back

Your workout is very out of balance. My guess is that you want to have a big chest and are not that concerned with your lower body. This is pretty typical when first starting to work out.

If you want that much volume for your chest, you would be better off doing 5-6 sets of flat bench, 4-5 sets of decline dumbells and 3-4 sets of incline flyes. You really don’t need to do bench and flyes at every angle because you will be burned out by the last several sets.

Also try to balance your vertical pushes (overhead shoulder work) with your vertical pulls (pullups/pulldowns). Same with horizontal push (bench, flyes, pushups) and horizontal pull (seated rows, bent over rows, db rows, etc). If you are doing 12 sets of chest (horizontal push) do 12 sets of rows (horizontal pull). You don’t have to balance them in the same workout, but within the same week or lifting cycle.

Unless you have a specific weakness, your time on your lower body would be better spent by focusing on the compounds movements such as squats, deadlifts, bulgarian split squats, even weighted lunges and step ups rather that leg curls and extensions. You could throw in romanian or stiff leg deadlifts, hyperextensions or reverse hypers.

Your best bet is to pick a premade program and stick with it for a while. If you can’t do something in the program because you don’t have a piece of equipment, then post your question here.

Ask if there is a good substitute and tell us why you can’t perform that exercise. If you ask for a substitute for deadlifts but don’t give a reason (such as my gym doesn’t allow it, or whatever), people will probably give you a hard time.

[quote]Modi wrote:
57 sets for upper body
12 sets for lower body

18 sets for chest
6 sets for back

Your workout is very out of balance. My guess is that you want to have a big chest and are not that concerned with your lower body. This is pretty typical when first starting to work out.

If you want that much volume for your chest, you would be better off doing 5-6 sets of flat bench, 4-5 sets of decline dumbells and 3-4 sets of incline flyes. You really don’t need to do bench and flyes at every angle because you will be burned out by the last several sets.

Also try to balance your vertical pushes (overhead shoulder work) with your vertical pulls (pullups/pulldowns). Same with horizontal push (bench, flyes, pushups) and horizontal pull (seated rows, bent over rows, db rows, etc). If you are doing 12 sets of chest (horizontal push) do 12 sets of rows (horizontal pull). You don’t have to balance them in the same workout, but within the same week or lifting cycle.

Unless you have a specific weakness, your time on your lower body would be better spent by focusing on the compounds movements such as squats, deadlifts, bulgarian split squats, even weighted lunges and step ups rather that leg curls and extensions. You could throw in romanian or stiff leg deadlifts, hyperextensions or reverse hypers.

Your best bet is to pick a premade program and stick with it for a while. If you can’t do something in the program because you don’t have a piece of equipment, then post your question here.

Ask if there is a good substitute and tell us why you can’t perform that exercise. If you ask for a substitute for deadlifts but don’t give a reason (such as my gym doesn’t allow it, or whatever), people will probably give you a hard time.


good advise