Curious to see what other ppl are doing for their layer split. I’m doing HP mass but workouts are taking a bit long w school and other stuff so I figure this is a good time to switch it up!
My current layer split is this:
Monday: Slight Decline Bench Press from Pins.
Tuesday: Snatch Grip High Pull/Chinese Pull/Low Pull, 3-4 sets of Deadstart Row.
Wednesday: Slight Incline Bench Press from Pins.
Thursday: Same as Tuesday.
Friday: Front Squat (as I do not have a Deadsquat bar)
Sat and Sun: Off.
You’ll see on the first page of my posting that CT has me doing a split based upon what I need for Powerlifting and my upcoming competition.
The workouts are not short. Takes any where between 90-120 minutes so far.
A hui ho.
How does this look?
Incline bench
High pull
Decline bench
Overhead press
[quote]pwr_speed_size wrote:
How does this look?
Incline bench
High pull
Decline bench
Overhead press
CT has said that we need to be doing high pulls at least 2x a week and up to 3x I believe. I would replace the back/bi day and sub it with high pulls. Then do 3-4 sets of either biceps or back/lat work after the high pull days.
I use a 6 day split in 4-5 days:
Pulls (SGHP, SGCP, SGLP, with 3-4 sets Scrape the Rack Row)
Dec-tilt BP, pins (2-3 inches from chest)
Inc tilt BP, full
Back squat to low box OR Front Squat
Overhead press, pins
I rotate through the week, so that no three consecutive weeks are the same.
I’m actually playing around w:
High pulls w 3-4 sets OHP
Incline bench
High pulls w 3-4 sets of OHP
Decline bench
Back bicep
Order changes based on life circumstances, but here are the workouts:
Flat Bench
Back/Abs - non layer
Incline Bench
Arms - non layer
So after playing around w it a nit my final split is
High Pulls + some OHP singles (heavy)
Decline bench tilt
High Pulls + OHP for reps
Flat bench (competition setup) using CT’s strength layer
Squats (oly) or deads (conventional) - competition setup using strength layer
Back bicep
Off or repeat
Also wanted to thank you CT. I ran HP mass for the last 4 weeks and literally added 40 lbs to my bench
[quote]pwr_speed_size wrote:
So after playing around w it a nit my final split is
High Pulls + some OHP singles (heavy)
Decline bench tilt
High Pulls + OHP for reps
Flat bench (competition setup) using CT’s strength layer
Squats (oly) or deads (conventional) - competition setup using strength layer
Back bicep
Off or repeat
Also wanted to thank you CT. I ran HP mass for the last 4 weeks and literally added 40 lbs to my bench[/quote]
What made you add the OHP singles after the High Pulls as opposed to after the press day?
Sawinwright, I don’t have a press day. I really like OHPs so I wanted to fit them in somewhere. After bench would be too much I felt.
So I tried them after high pulls. I think that the high pulls “activate” me or something, because after even a full layer workout on the high pulls, OHP feels SO FREAKING EXPLOSIVE it’s insane. I hit several PRs AFTER doing a full high pull workout every time thus far. Try it
DAY 1: incline tilt bench
DAY 2: high pulls
DAY 3: decline tilt bench
DAY 4: high pulls+shoulders
DAY 5: heavy upper/mid back
DAY 6: front squats+VL work
DAY 7: arms pump
[quote]pwr_speed_size wrote:
Sawinwright, I don’t have a press day. I really like OHPs so I wanted to fit them in somewhere. After bench would be too much I felt.
So I tried them after high pulls. I think that the high pulls “activate” me or something, because after even a full layer workout on the high pulls, OHP feels SO FREAKING EXPLOSIVE it’s insane. I hit several PRs AFTER doing a full high pull workout every time thus far. Try it [/quote]
Lol the reason I asked mate, is because I’m OBSESSED with overhead pressing, altougth certainly not CT approved, I follow my two bench sessions with a BTN variation (push/klokov), I follow my overhead pins with close grip benching, I follow each High Pull session with a squat / row, plus I add in clean and press for time lol
Everybody else feel alright with the one squat session, I know there’s crossover but i feel slightly awkward with less than two squat sessions a week!