What's Your Biggest Mistake?

I was thinking about some of the things that I wish I would have done sooner. I know you guys have something you wish you would have changed sooner.

I’ll start it off.

Measure my progress from week to week, you will never know when you are gaining LBM, losing fat, gaining mass or losing weight.

Also, take my BCAA’s.

2.Measuring my bodyfat every day and taking weekly averages to rule out the day to day fluctuations but paint a reliable picture.
3.More BCAA’s
4.Letting toxic people screw up my training and nutrition.

A few of my bigger ones =]

-Not take a food log and measure my food.

-Fooling myself into lifting more weight at the expense of range of motion and proper form

  1. Found Intermittent fasting
  2. Sprinting
  3. Supplementing with adequate fish oil
  4. The power of raw eggs

My biggest mistake is not finding T-Nation about 5 years sooner than I did.

  1. Eating high GI carbs outside post workout.
  2. Pizza. to me it is like crack, smack, and crank rolled into one, who needs drugs when you have it?

1-On and off training (work out for a 6-8 months, season changes, start skiing, stop lifting due to travel, then dont start again for a long time

trying to squat and workout when I didnt know wtf I was doing

Taking advice from people who dont know shit and letting them talk to into lifting more weight.

learning that i can be socially functional without binge drinking.

[quote]benmoore wrote:
2.Measuring my bodyfat every day and taking weekly averages to rule out the day to day fluctuations but paint a reliable picture.
3.More BCAA’s
4.Letting toxic people screw up my training and nutrition.

A few of my bigger ones =][/quote]

Just a helpful hint: stop taking daily measurements. You’ll drive yourself nuts with the data. Take measurements every week or even better every two weeks for a solid trend. Body weight and fat % numbers will fluctuate daily and easily stress you out if you think about the numbers too much.

haha azzurri I’m with you on that one bro

  1. Not doing deadlift for the first 2 1/2 years of training
  1. afraid to eat b/c I didnt want to add any BF which made bulking really hard
  1. not keeping a workout and nutrition log.
  2. not pushing myself and upping the weights because I forgot what I used last time (see #1)
  3. not eating enough (see #1)

[quote]Azzurri wrote:
learning that i can be socially functional without binge drinking. [/quote]

I’m going through this right now. Still learning…

My biggest mistake is that I stopped training for a year and a half. I had accomplished so much in such a short amount of time that I ignorantly thought I’d always be strong. After spring football was over, I completely neglected the gym, even during the fall season and the spring track+field season.

Additionally, my next biggest mistake is not securing enough money to fund my dietary needs.

  1. Not using a food scale.

These are your biggest mistakes?

Mine are:
a. Quitting when I finally start making progress
b. Picking gym partners that eventually quit on me
c. Wasting time training people that blow it off after a week or two (or don’t even start)
d. Not doing compound lifts
e. Not keeping a workout log
f. Eating an XLarge pizza because “I ran that day, and I deserve it.”

Not finding T-Nation sooner

not using micronzed creatine

not getting a proper weights / nutrition plan written for me that was specific to my goal of getting bigger

[quote]Azzurri wrote:
learning that i can be socially functional without binge drinking. [/quote]

  1. Same. I have some funny stories/memories from the times I went out partying, but somewhat wish I never would have gotten started.

  2. Simply paying attention to my diet. During high school I always just ate whatever mom made, first bit of college I just ate a ton of crap, now I finally pay attention to what, and how much, is going into my body.

  3. This list could go on for awhile…

not knowing the importance of healthy fats and good carbs

like some, not finding t-nat earlier

not sticking to training when i was a teenager

having bad eating habits in high school and a few years after

not doing compound and olympic lifts

  1. forgetting about my short term condition in terms of body fat and not looking at the long term BIGGER picture

  2. Switching goals to frequently (linked with #1