Don’t get me wrong, TXTing and taking calls is just plain wrong, but I usually have my cellphone with me in the gym, especially when I’m starting a new routine.
I can not only store the name of the exercise, but I usually have a nifty animation showing me proper form. And it makes a good stopwatch. Just something I noticed. People seem to assume EVERYONE with a phone is some metro-sissy-just-outta-high-school twat.
Well, not all of us phone carriers are like that!
I just had to get that out, I keep getting told by the ‘hardcore’ member of my gym to leave my phone in the locker.
Yes, because you should leave your phone in the locker.
It’s not an Etcher Sketch, put that shit away. If you honestly have to look up “nifty animations” to know how to do things, you just need to walk over to the treadmills and butt blasters.
I doubt Arnold had some ghey phone with him in the gym, and look, he achieved results!
Sorry, I just hate how much people rely on their phones for the stupidest shit. I swear there are some people who can’t wipe their own ass without consulting a cell phone- either for instructions or so that they can have a meaningless conversation to make them feel important while shitting.
I guess my main reason to hate on people with their cell phones (AND fucking IPODS) is the fact that literally EVERY person I’ve seen working out with their phone isn’t really doing anything and is taking up a machine/set of weights/floor space that I could use. I can be patient, but if they’re not working hard, making an honest effort, and are texting or playing with their stupid IPOD, then they’ve just lost my respect.
[quote]gatesoftanhauser wrote:
I guess my main reason to hate on people with their cell phones (AND fucking IPODS) is the fact that literally EVERY person I’ve seen working out with their phone isn’t really doing anything and is taking up a machine/set of weights/floor space that I could use. I can be patient, but if they’re not working hard, making an honest effort, and are texting or playing with their stupid IPOD, then they’ve just lost my respect.[/quote]
lol. I’m not a big IPOD fan either. I don’t know why…I like technology when it’s useful, but there is something …what’s the word…‘trend follower’…about using them that pisses me off.
As for cell phones, there is just a gayness about getting the latest shiny model just to show off and look cool and important.
Being self employed if I miss a call I might miss out on business and income
I still leave my phone in the locker! I potentially miss out on earning money to feed my family out of respect for other gym users, its a shame other people are not so polite.
worst cases are when they take a call whilst on a bench/machine you are waiting for, then they sit there talking because they have 1 set left, fuck that get off talk to your mummy in the corner and come back when im finished asshole
im totally against cell phones… but IPODS? why not? The only halfway decent gym around where i live has great equipment but plays shit like avril lavigne and kelly clarkson. i guess my point is if i didnt get my dose of slayer while lifting my balls might fall off from the atrocity of the gym music
[quote]Makavali wrote:
Don’t get me wrong, TXTing and taking calls is just plain wrong, but I usually have my cellphone with me in the gym, especially when I’m starting a new routine.
I can not only store the name of the exercise, but I usually have a nifty animation showing me proper form. And it makes a good stopwatch. Just something I noticed. People seem to assume EVERYONE with a phone is some metro-sissy-just-outta-high-school twat.
Well, not all of us phone carriers are like that!
I just had to get that out, I keep getting told by the ‘hardcore’ member of my gym to leave my phone in the locker.
Rant. Over.[/quote]
Well most people that use their phones that often are metro-sissy-just-outta-high-school twats. Theres always a chance you can forget to put it on silent and I swear if it starts going off when I’m at the bottom of my 1RM squat your gonna catch an ear full from me. They don’t belong in the gym, ppl are there to get away from all the other BS in life.
[quote]masonator wrote:
im totally against cell phones… but IPODS? why not? The only halfway decent gym around where i live has great equipment but plays shit like avril lavigne and kelly clarkson. i guess my point is if i didnt get my dose of slayer while lifting my balls might fall off from the atrocity of the gym music[/quote]
That’s fine. My gym plays popular music too, and let me tell you - songs like that “Hey there Delilah” aren’t exactly motivational when you’re trying to max out on some heavy fucking reps! lol. Hearing some of those whiny songs makes me want to throw the weights across the room because I can feel the testosterone being sucked out of my balls and my drive going down as it invades my ears. But you block it out, focus, and deal with it.
I’m only against IPODS as gay tech-trend fashion accessories, but when they are useful for a purpose such as motivation, that is fine.
When I’m walking the street, I prefer not to be listening to music or have both my ears blocked because I like to be aware of everything going on in my surroundings - to hear and see what’s around me. You do hear stories of morons who have walked into oncoming traffic or gotten mugged because they’ve been listening to their IPOD and haven’t been able to hear what’s approaching.
[quote]JohnnyBlaze wrote:
That’s fine. My gym plays popular music too, and let me tell you - songs like that “Hey there Delilah” aren’t exactly motivational when you’re trying to max out on some heavy fucking reps! lol.[/quote]
Mine seems to work fine in the gym when I’m trying to do a dumbell curl, whilst chatting up a broad, and balancing on a a bosu ball. My trainer does it so it must be ok.
I never take it in the gym mainly as if I’m doing chest press with dumbells I might crack/break it and I generally wear baggy shorts, so it would become a mightly flail. People should leave them in the locker. But I could nto live without having music in the gym thats ti my ‘taste’, I don’t want to hear JZ when doing dips, I’d rather listen to Simple Minds. Double lol.
I dont care if people have thier phone with them, but when they are useing something I want to use “wich they NEVER are” and the phone is makeing thier rest periods longer than they should be its annoying.
We had to ban them at our club do to member irritation and freaky dudes snapping pics in the locker rooms. It’s one of those rules that we didn’t really enforce unless another person was annoyed by it (like talking on the stationary bike). If someone took a call and was walking toward an empty area of the gym we really didn’t say anything.
When we opened a new club in a nearby town we didn’t have any problems. A serendipitous choice in locations put the club smack in the middle of a cell-tower depression. You couldn’t get any service anywhere in the club…I knew exactly which parking space you had to walk beyond in order to get a signal.
The reason for not allowing cell phones is because they all have cameras on them. It isn’t acceptable to allow cameras in locker rooms for obvious reasons.
Unless you are a doctor and someone will actually die unless you answer your phone, leave that shit in the locker.
Or I can just break it into a thousand little pieces for you when it rings during a PR attempt and I lose my concentration as your gay ass ring tone plays over and over again…