What's Going On With Me?

My weight fluctuates, this is just from today. Tomorrow I could be like 173-174, depends. I don’t know why, though. Think it could be water weight or something like that?

Monday: Chest/Tri’s
Tuesday: Back/Bi’s
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday: Shoulders/Traps
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Legs
Sunday: Rest

I’ve started doing heavier weight and less reps (7-10). I try to do around 3-4 exercises per body part.

What steps have you taken to address this? in your last thread (just three months ago), you were eating “4-5 large/medium relatively healthy meals a day, 1-2 of them clean” and you already had “a bit of a spare tire.” Basically it sounds like you were eating like shit, with no trace of IBS flare-ups.[/quote]
Previously I was, but I’ve somewhat cleaned that up. I’m eating more vegetables and fruit and completely cut out sodas or any of that stuff. I started including roast beef and more poultry as well. And for a while there was no flare up…

Fix your nutrition:

Natural digestive aids like pineapple and papaya, probiotics (yogurt), fermented foods like sauerkraut and cottage cheese, and fibrous vegetables (like broccoli) should be part of your daily diet. I understand you’re in college, but it’s not that expensive to build a decent, healthy, productive diet with a little planning.[/quote]
I can try to do better. Never tried yogurt before, Greek yogurt?

Tons of guys have gotten large “only” eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Have you ever tried that?[ /quote]
There’s no way in hell I could pull that off, especially with my body type. That would be very nice if I could…