Whatman 45 - Two Compounds Through It?

had some vial troubles, which cost me to fukin mix half a vial of tren a with half a vial of sustanon…not so bad.

i have 20ml of cyp on the way and was wondering if i could run all that through the same whatman? I have a couple rubber floaties in the sust/tren commbo so i figured i’d filter that too. The cyp came from amps that were emptied into a bottle so i am definatley filtering that.

so total, im looking to filter aroung 30ml’s of different kinds of gear throught the same whatman .45

this wouldnt pose a problem would it?

also, how much gear will i loose doing this?

[quote]gdaddypurp wrote:
had some vial troubles, which cost me to fukin mix half a vial of tren a with half a vial of sustanon…not so bad.

i have 20ml of cyp on the way and was wondering if i could run all that through the same whatman? I have a couple rubber floaties in the sust/tren commbo so i figured i’d filter that too. The cyp came from amps that were emptied into a bottle so i am definatley filtering that.

so total, im looking to filter aroung 30ml’s of different kinds of gear throught the same whatman .45

this wouldnt pose a problem would it?

also, how much gear will i loose doing this?[/quote]
some people will hate me for saying this.

for personal use I would have no problem doing this.
you are mixing compounds and it will be unreliable as far as dosing.
if you filter everything right away then the filter would not be compromised and it would be fine.
you are losing a little gear but nothing huge to cry over maybe like .5 ml of the last compound.

but why not get another filter I like using .22um filters over the .45s gives me a bit more piece of mind.

oo im not mixint everything, it will be going into a seperate vial.

i had to mix the sust and tren tho…but the cyp will be by itself…and the enan is fine as is.

tren Ace really? thats gonna suck. a little varience in that compound can casue nightmares IMO and especially cuz you have no idea how much tren your getting or sust your getting and just ya that just doesnt sound good

If you know exactly the doses of the tren A and sust, ie. 50mg tren to 100mg sust per 0.5ml or somesuch, then that is fine.

It sounds like you have 5ml of tren A and 5ml of Sust. TBH, there isnt much one can do with that. at 350mg a week, 5ml of tren A will last 10 days…
At 500mg/wk 5ml of sust will last 18 days.

Why do you need to filter the cyp? Why do you need to filter the tren and sust and why do they need filtering into the same container?

I filter alot of things and use a 0.22 filter as standard. It is the true sterility standard, although if your only worry is shards of glass and rubber pieces, then the 45 will be fine IME.

What also would be fine is opening an amp and using it there and then or opening up 20 of them and putting them direct into a sealed sterile container.
As would using the oils with rubber in, by just avoiding the rubber…!


[quote] Brook wrote:
If you know exactly the doses of the tren A and sust, ie. 50mg tren to 100mg sust per 0.5ml or somesuch, then that is fine.

It sounds like you have 5ml of tren A and 5ml of Sust. TBH, there isnt much one can do with that. at 350mg a week, 5ml of tren A will last 10 days…
At 500mg/wk 5ml of sust will last 18 days.

Why do you need to filter the cyp? Why do you need to filter the tren and sust and why do they need filtering into the same container?

I filter alot of things and use a 0.22 filter as standard. It is the true sterility standard, although if your only worry is shards of glass and rubber pieces, then the 45 will be fine IME.

What also would be fine is opening an amp and using it there and then or opening up 20 of them and putting them direct into a sealed sterile container.
As would using the oils with rubber in, by just avoiding the rubber…!


^^^What he said in addition to MaddyD^^^^^

i had to combine the sust and tren…im not combining the cyp with it or anything. Im just sterilizing it for good measure…the person i got it from busted open 20 amps and dumped it in a plastic bottle…

so i figured i’d filter it just for the fuk of it.

I have more tren a on the way so it doesnt really matter if mixing sust and tren in the same vial wasted it…atleast there is tren in there.

there was a little more sust than tren, im just pining 1ml EOD for now

Which gives you what dose of test to tren - do you even know?

[quote] Brook wrote:
Which gives you what dose of test to tren - do you even know?[/quote]

a good point, which is what I was saying.
he has no idea with any accuracy how much of which compound he is using.

but if its personal use and he knows what hes doing its not a problem he can adjust the dose as sides appear.

but to be honest I really dont have that much faith in him really knowing what hes doing,not a knock on the guy just saying he is not that experienced.

I would say hes going to screw something up and it will be a lesson learned.

look yall.

i HAD to mix the two compunds, i did not have any vials present at the time…i have some now tho.

the tren dose is irelevant as i have another vial of tren a that im using with the sust. I am treating the sust as if it were just sust.

there was about 8ml of sust and 5ml of tren a…so im pinning .75 of sust and .75 of tren a EOD.

im not seeing a problem with this at all.

now i got 20ml of free Cyp and will filter it into a 20ml vial to use after the sust. Should i not even bother filtering the sust/tren mix?

[quote]gdaddypurp wrote:

the tren dose is irelevant [/quote]

This is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on this site.

[quote]Cortes wrote:
gdaddypurp wrote:

the tren dose is irelevant

This is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on this site.

ya doses of drugs dont matter, that is why there is no such thing as Over Dosing…

[quote]gdaddypurp wrote:
look yall.

i HAD to mix the two compunds, i did not have any vials present at the time…i have some now tho.

the tren dose is irelevant as i have another vial of tren a that im using with the sust. I am treating the sust as if it were just sust.

there was about 8ml of sust and 5ml of tren a…so im pinning .75 of sust and .75 of tren a EOD.

im not seeing a problem with this at all.

now i got 20ml of free Cyp and will filter it into a 20ml vial to use after the sust. Should i not even bother filtering the sust/tren mix?[/quote]

I dont know how many more times this needs to be said, but pin the tren ace ED not EOD. Preferrably in the mornings for that matter. The sides are much less evident this way and the gains tend to be better as well.

[quote]soontobeIFBB wrote:
Cortes wrote:
gdaddypurp wrote:

the tren dose is irelevant

This is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on this site.

ya doses of drugs dont matter, that is why there is no such thing as Over Dosing…[/quote]

not really that, the fact that he thinks just a little tren will not affect anything.

the tren can and will mess you up.
but thats why I was saying personal use, he dosent know for sure what hes putting into himself but he can adjust it based on sides

the more he posts though the less faith I have in him.

i will start pinning the tren ED.

yall really need to calm the fuk down. talkin about verdosing and whatnot…i can assure you that im not exceeding 100mg EOD of tren, that is why i do not see the problem.

the tren dose IS IRRELEVANT in the vial where it has been mixed with the test. The way i see it, its just an extra 30-50mg tren EOD, along with the 50mg ive been taking from another vial…seriously, why get sand in the vagina over that? NOT A BIG DEAL.

I am very well aware of what tren can do, with that said…my dose is moderate compared to what i have seen alot of people using.

i am keeping an eye out for sides…of course…knock on wood, i have not experienced one negative side as of yet and it has been almost 3 weeks. All i have noticed so far is some wild dreams( nothing terrifying like what i have read) thats it, no sweats, no cough, nothing…so far

other than that, libido is ridiculously high, i am up 10 lbs on fairly low calories, and im eager to let this test kick in.


Filters are cheap, why not just buy more than one?

the sust tren is gone now…somewhere up inside me doing its thing ( no homo)

i ran 20ml of cyp through a whatman 45.

someone reassure me that i did not lose gear doing this…it can be filtered multiple times correct?

im just worried that i have a 20ml vial of oil, i know thats not the case but you know how small things like that can be a mental burden.


No, the only loss is the amount of oil that remains trapped in the filter. Which, as MaddyD said, might be around 1/2 mL, depending on the filter.

The filter does not remove steroid from the oil, which seems to be what you were concerned about.

yep, thanks for the reassurance.