[quote]Nich wrote:
I think it was more of a sloppy filtering than an actual crash.
I had this problem my very frst batch too.
it wasnt enough binders to really cause an abcess but it was enough to cause a slightly cloudy sol. and a pretty bad itch
my butt had a lump in it for a almost a week scared the crap out of me.
how i fixed it was this
I stop being concerned with getting the little last bit of oil,I accepted the fact that I was going to loose about half a vial between all the filters,it never was that much loss but I was looking towards that amount.
I filtered with a paper coffee filter into a small jar,then I used a reusable mesh filter bought from walmart for 5 bux. used that filter and put the product into a second clean jar.
I then washed and dried the first jar as the filter was dripping.
when the first jar was dry I used a paper filter and filterd into the washed jar. and washed and dried the filter.
I repeated that a few times I dont remember how many times but I think 3 times.
I then cooked the tren how you did but it was in an unsealed vial.
I then passed the stuff through a .45 whatman with a little trouble into another unsealed vial.
washed the first vial and dried it and filtered again with a new .45 whatman this time was alot eaiser.
that is whenI mixed some BA then filtered thru a new .45 whatman into a new sealed sterial vial.
I let that sit over night and looked at it and it stayed clear so I then filtered into a new sterial vial with a .22 whatman.
no problems at all with very little product loss.
the first round of filtering I was doing was not to make it sterial I wanted to make sure all the binders were gone.
that why I didnt car if I used unsealed vials and they wernt new ones but washed and reused ones.
wasnt untill the final filtering after cooking it was I worried about steriality.
I actually did the same type of filtering for my test prop conversion.
which BTW if you want some help sorting out that I would be glad to help its much more straight foward than it first looks like.
I hope this helps a little bit and I hope I didnt just make a clusterfuck out of a good idea by posting too late.[/quote]
Completely, with the exception of washing and reuseing the vials. I always use new ones. But I do agree, with the extra filtering.
Hell, thee people who do “Trandermal” have been getting very bad sores by using ground up Fina pellets, and mixing it with dmso and applying it directly to their skin.
You have to mix it with oil and filter out the binders then or you are asking for serious burns and rashes lasting weeks.
Thanks to all, Great Feedback…