What Topics Do We Want to Make Available?

Now that we do not have stickies; please suggest topics that should be made easily available.

So far: - can’t find them all by myself

This is KSman’s opinion about PCT with high dose SERMs and/or hCG:

Here are some other links [I do not necessarily agree with the content]:

Steroid Newbie Cycle Planning
There has been a suggestion that the above has questionable value or technical correctness.

New addition:

I didn’t see this topic when it was first created. Glad it’s been resurrected.

I think the ‘steroid newbie cycle planning’ thread should die. I don’t think it’s very good at all. Current thinking, and the advice given on this forum to most people, doesn’t necessarily agree with a lot of the things that were said in that thread. It’s outdated. I haven’t read through the other threads, but I imagine they have similar problems if they’re 5+ years old.

I added a note to that sticky re its value.