Discuss safer and more effective methods for using anabolics and other compounds, including managing post-cycle therapy (PCT).
January 12, 2016, 9:15pm
Place holder to add links to good reference threads/topics.
Please do not reply into this thread.
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If you want to discuss the content of this post, please do so here:
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Here are some other links [I do not necessarily agree with the content]:
Welcome Newbie,
First off please don’t email me asking for juice connections, I don’t have any to give out. I am happy to help people with cycle plans but won’t hook you up with a connection. I am not a medical professional, just a dude that knows a lot about juice so take my advice as just that.
So on to the guide…
you wanna learn about juice eh. Well the purpose of this thread is twofold:
There are way too many “this is my first cycle, does this look ok” threads junking up the steroid pa…
DISCLAIMER: I don’t personally recommend pro-hormone(PH) use. But it is clear to me that a lot of people don’t have access to proper AAS and will turn to pro-hormones. Hopefully this will help them use these drugs in a safe and effective manner.
The usual stuff:
You should be at least 21. No sense messing up your endocrine system, seeing as for all intents and purposes, PH’s are steroids.
You should have training and nutrition under your belt. Like AAS, these compounds are NOT a magi…
What is Gyno?
Gynecomastia, or gynaecomastia, is the development of abnormally large mammary glands in males resulting in breast enlargement, which can sometimes cause secretion of milk. The term comes from the Greek gyne (stem gynaik-) meaning “woman” and mastos meaning “breast”.
The condition can occur physiologically in neonates (due to female hormones from the mother), in adolescence, and in the elderly. In adolescent boys the condition is often a source of distress, but for the large majo…
Just starting a thread so the definitive test taper (a.k.a. stasis/taper) can be posted. Please do not debate the theory here. Keep this purely a repository of taper protocols.
Prisoner’s original protocol?
Prisoner later mentioned adding in AI or SERM use?
Prisoner mentioned being able to taper other AAS besides just test? (Something about masteron comes to mind).
Bushy mentioned adding peptides?
Anything outside of the above “standard” protocols?
With The Steroid Newbie thread already pretty big I decided to make one just about Syringes & Needles & Injection.
For many of you, this is common knowledge, but I’m sure that some of you still have a few questions about this subject. If you are new to steroids, this FAQ should answer your injection questions. We will start from the very beginning…
1cc = 1ml
Gauge: The smaller the gauge, the thicker the needle. An 18g is much thicker than a 22g.
Length: Generally 1.5" or 1" for our purposes. …
January 12, 2016, 9:26pm
Please do not reply into my post, it is meant to be an index to articles, not a discussion of them.
This is not a place to ask about sources, labs, websites, distributors, or brands.
Ok, where do I go for:This is not a place to ask about sources, labs, websites, distributors, or brands?
(Been away a long time)
January 14, 2017, 12:28am
There are now deep legal issues for sites that permit info exchange on sourcing gear. This is in part why PM’s are gone. You would have to had been seeing what was going on, across many sites, years ago to know the back stories.
If you want to talk about where to get lab work, that is not an issue.
[I do not have any affiliation with T-nation other than been a active forum member.]
Well thats disappointing.
This country is such a mess.