Personally I eat them.
But if you are looking for a creative place to send them. Call your local Art Institute. Egg yolk mixed with tempra powder is an Art medium that some paint with.
Personally I eat them.
But if you are looking for a creative place to send them. Call your local Art Institute. Egg yolk mixed with tempra powder is an Art medium that some paint with.
In college when I would drive home I would make a game out of throwing them at the speed limit signs while i drove by. My best was 4 out of 10 on my usual 30 mile drive.
I eat about 8 hard boileds a day… I use maybe 2 or 3 yolks though. I guess I don’t need all the fat from them. They are fun to throw out into the courtyard and watch the squirells go after them; or sometimes I would feed them to the dog (when I had one).
Whites are easier to eat in the morning with cereal or oatmeal too. I just can’t set myself up in the morning to eat some harsh meal just for the protien nutrition it gives.
I personally, do eat the egg yolks but, my mother and father does not they use the yolks and shells outside as fertilizer. For, her small garden she has.
In Health,
Silas C.
I dont see why anyone would throw out the yolks. I personally think there was, and still is too much bad publicity on consuming eggs (egg yolks).
Il Cazzo:
When I say I eat 12 eggs, I say I eat 12 eggs for BREAKFAST, with turkey bacon, 16oz. of OJ, and a bowl of oatmeal. That’s just meal #1 (approx 850 calories). I also said that 12 yolks in one sitting equalled 84g of fat, which in my opinion, is ALOT to consume in one sitting.
And eggs are not my only source of protein. I include 2 steaks a day (10oz. each), chicken breasts, cottage cheese, protein shakes, with over 600g of carbs a day to support that protein intake (spread over 7 meals).
Now, before you question my handle or my eating habits again, get your fucking facts first.
Thank you.
No you don’t. You eat 3 eggs + 9 whites, which is roughly 4.5 eggs. So you’re at around 7.5 eggs (obviously with a different protein/fat ratio)
Why so scared of eggs anyway?
Surely if Dr Goodale et al could manage 24 even you could stomach 12?
thx a lot guys. thats a lot of info, ill eat the yolk now!
Eat the whole egg.
There are so many nutrients in that yolk.
Try using the search tool bar and do an “egg” search. You’ll come up with plenty of great info. as to why (in addition to the answers provided in this thread).