I’m looking for some gym/diet advice and I thought I’d throw this out to the forums. Thanks for your help!
I’ll try to keep this brief but informative.
I’m male, 5’6", 35 years old. I have a small frame. Small, weak joints.
It’s been very, very hard for me to gain lean mass.
This photo shows 1) my starting point, 2) my best shape, 3) my current shape, and 4) what I’d like to look like.
7 years ago I was the skinniest guy you’d ever meet. 129, about 11% bodyfat.
I started lifting heavy. I changed my diet to a very clean, high-calorie 40-40-30 diet. Egg whites, oatmeal, chicken breasts, spinach, brown rice. You know.
Over 7 years I grew - very slowly - from 129 pounds to 145.
3 months ago my bodyfat tested. Hydrostatic test - the ‘dunk tank’.
20.8 percent. Guess what I’ve been growing for 7 years? Fat.
So, I changed a few things, and I’ve started gaining some muscle.
I’m on testosterone replacement therapy now. I have a thread in the TRT Forum here on T-Nation:
I changed my workout: Light weights to failure. Short rests.
I changed my diet: It’s the Metabolic Typing Diet for Protein Types - lots of proteins and fats (butter, full-fat cheese, etc), no junk carbs.
I’m relying less on shakes and more on eggs, meat, fish for protein.
I went up to 150 lbs while my bodyfat dropped to 18.6 percent. About a month ago I was getting closer to my goal. Awesome.
I got really inspired, and I’ve been going to the gym 5 or 6 days a weekâ?¦ and it looks like I’m losing muscle and gaining fat.
I can’t tell you how I got here - a month ago I was right on track.
I know I need to switch things up. Please take a look at my body and my goal and tell me - what would you do?