What to do About Hit and Run Idiot?

I was parked by the driveway at a graduation party the other night.

A douche bag in a truck that was too big for him to handle, backed into my car and then drove off. My alarm paged my remote, I ran out, and saw him driving off. It was a dead end street, so there isn’t any through traffic on the street.

We called him, and he just acted like he didn’t do it and never came back. We found him on facebook, called the police, and they used facebook to get his DOB, phone number, address, and pictures of his truck.

I messaged him the next morning, and tried to tell me the officer came by and said nothing on his truck indicated an accident. We kept discussing things, and I realized there were holes in his story.

Through my elite investigation skills, I found out where he worked. I went to his work and got pictures of the truck where he hit me, his license plate, his registration, his inspection, and his VIN number.

He saw us as we got in my car to leave, called the girl I was with, and suddenly ‘remembered’ hitting me.

I took the pictures to the police, and they said they should have no problems proving it was him. They also said he already admitted to being at the party.

I sent him the Hit and Run laws in Texas, and now he is bitching and moaning trying to get me to settle it without the police. I would have never involved the police, if he wouldn’t have tried to lie, twice. He thought he was clever and would get away with it. Fuck him.

I think I’m going to make this as difficult as possible for him. I plan on pressing charges and doing anything else I can to cost him time and money.

If you can handle time off work for court dates and such please feel free too ruin this assholes day. Somehow, someway this dichead will think it’s your fault and think it’s you who is the dick. He’s probably trying to fix the evidence on his truck with some shit cover-up paint as we speak.

[quote]bond james bond wrote:
If you can handle time off work for court dates and such please feel free too ruin this assholes day. Somehow, someway this dichead will think it’s your fault and think it’s you who is the dick. He’s probably trying to fix the evidence on his truck with some shit cover-up paint as we speak. [/quote]

I think this is what he was planning to do, which is why I took it into my own hands to get pictures within 24 hours.

OP … get him. Hope all works out for you … Good luck

hahaha, kid looks like a douche in his profile picture. I agree with making it as difficult as possible for the guy

Take his Facebook account off of this post. You’ve got him dead to rights legally. No need to encourage vigilantism or leave yourself open to libel.

Good work DOH

Stop getting all estrogenic here. You caught him. Now tax him. If he wants to avoid prosecution, put a premium on it. Simple. I’d much rather have $$$ in pocket than bothering with the police, court and getting someone charged. Shut up and pay me. Those are the five words with which you should become familiar.

I had a similar situation when I was in high school. To this day, I wish I had ignored everyone telling me to be nice and put the screws to that s.o.b. I would urge you to make him pay for his lack of integrity, but let the police handle it. While BodyGuard makes a valid point and it would feel real nice extracting an extra pound of flesh from that asshole, I would not be willing to resort to extortion over a dented fender.

[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
Stop getting all estrogenic here. You caught him. Now tax him. If he wants to avoid prosecution, put a premium on it. Simple. I’d much rather have $$$ in pocket than bothering with the police, court and getting someone charged. Shut up and pay me. Those are the five words with which you should become familiar.[/quote]


i’m surprised you didn’t just rip his face off

I had someone do something similar to me last month. I am filing my lawsuit on Wednesday.

why are you asking us?

[quote]Airtruth wrote:
why are you asking us?[/quote]

It’s one of those questions where the answer isn’t going to affect the outcome, regardless of what the answer is.

[quote]HoratioSandoval wrote:
Take his Facebook account off of this post. You’ve got him dead to rights legally. No need to encourage vigilantism or leave yourself open to libel.[/quote]


[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
i’m surprised you didn’t just rip his face off[/quote]

I’m not really a fighter. I would try and talk my way out of any altercation unless my life was in danger.

Wanna be my body guard?

[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:
Wanna be my body guard?[/quote]

Translation: “Wanna MMF?”

[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:

[quote]Airtruth wrote:
why are you asking us?[/quote]

It’s one of those questions where the answer isn’t going to affect the outcome, regardless of what the answer is.[/quote]

In that case I would check and see if he has any hot family members, maybe a milf and a silf. then I would stick it in both they’re poopers, then have his girl give me head.

that’s just me.

“Shut up and pay me” is your best advice. Make him pay the asshole tax! Take it to a body shop to get an estimate and then double it and tell him that’s how much he owes you. I’m not 100% familiar with the law about blackmail, so I’d be careful with telling him that you are charging him extra to avoid prosecution. Just to be safe tell him exactly what the estimate is, and tell him the extra amount is for lost wages and emotional distress or something like that. If he doesn’t like it, then press charges if you haven’t already done so.

[quote]super saiyan wrote:

[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:
Wanna be my body guard?[/quote]

Translation: “Wanna MMF?”

Holy Mac already knows I want to MMM with him.

I mean, uh, MMF.
