What to Always Buy Organic?

Hey OG,

I guess its better to be safe than sorry, so if you can afford it I’d buy organic beef and dairy (or organic everything if that tickles your fancy).

I’m a college student though, so I cant afford to pay the rediculous organic premium, especially for protein sources ($12/lb for grass fed beef, $9 for chiken thighs where I’m at).

What I buy organic:

What I’m going to start buying organic:

What I wish I could AFFORD to buy organic:
Bell Peppers

Other stuff I’m not thinking of…

I don’t buy the statement made that the’re no differece btw the two. Look at the size differenc of non-organic strawberries vs. organic strawberries…I don’t want whatever that is that made it so friggin huge, going into my body.

my wife and i grow stuff out of 2 and 5 gallon buckets. right now we have 4 different types of mellons, a couple different tomato plants, peppers, cucumbers, squash, etc. Bucket method works pretty well, easy and efficient to water, no weed issues, easy to contain aggressive plants, and lets you take stuff inside when it gets too cold. Also lets you start them early. this year we are trying an upside down garden so we will see how that goes.

as for buying organic stuff, if i had the money i would buy grass fed beef. As for fruits and vegetables, the organic stuff just does not last long enough to justify the increase in expense.

i am not sure what organic wine is exactly, but sulfide-free refers to the use of sulfide to help control microbe and oxidation issues. sulfide is a natural by product of the wine making process, so ultimately “sulfide free” is a bit of a lie.

I buy freerange chicken and eggs with extra omega 3s, as well as organic beef.

My taste buds don’t lie that it tastes better.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
I don’t buy anything organic. I just don’t buy into the marketing scams.


I was at the store and laughed out loud when I read on the label “organic corn syrup”

Don’t remember the product any more but it
Still makes me chuckle…

[quote]sumgai wrote:
OctoberGirl wrote:
If you were in Southern Calif, specifically San Diego, I bet you were in Julian. They are famous for their pies.

I don’t care if it makes me naive, but I want to believe the USDA.

What are we to do?

I have the little vegetable and herb garden but really, how do you know?

Yes, Julian! That’s the place.

I’d love to believe the USDA too, but they are beyond corrupt. I’m not some paranoid hippie tree hugger but money/special interests/industry runs the USDA. Like rainjack said, in America “organic” is just a marketing term. There are loopholes that allow growers to label their produce as organic when in fact they are not 100% organic. Who wants to spend money on 50% organic foods? Isn’t the point that it’s 100% organic? It’s like a woman saying she’s kinda pregnant. Either you are or you aren’t. There’s no “kinda organic”.

Sadly, money rules our country and corrupts even once straight government officials and politicians. The system is much bigger than any individual we put in office.

Anyhow, I love buying strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries from local farmers markets even if they’re not advertised as “organic”.

Here is just one example of USDA’s flawed labeling practices for “organic” foods:

Its just not the USDA that has been corrupted to the Nth degree. Nearly every governmental organization has serious conflicts of interests with many of the industries its supposed to be acting as the publics advocate in. FDA? Pretty much Big Pharmas bitch.
USDA?Corporate agriculture’s bitch. And the list goes on and on…

As far as speaking on the benefits of organic, I read a study awhile back that showed that organic produce in the truest sense of the word actually contained more nutrients and phytochemical content than its conventionally grown alternative.

Something I did convince my family to grow on their own accord is the legendary “goji berries”. It truly is a superfood (and its in Biotest Superfood if ya didnt know!)in every sense of the word but the hype about it on the net is somewhat exaggerated. Nonethelesss, it is a very powerful health promoting food that just happens to be able to be grown in the right zone where I live. Viva La Goji Berries!


Did you read the “always buy coffee and butter organic” comment from the Poliquin QoS article a while back, or did you hear it elsewhere?

His comment about it got me thinking, but I never really know how to take a lot of that man’s claims.

If you want to buy grassfed animal products, go here:

Grass fed animal products have more omega-3’s so by that measure alone, they are better. Anyway, livestock don’t naturally eat grains (corn). So grass-fed livestock will be healthier, and we reap the benefits.

Anything from grass-fed livestock will be better than the alternatives (corn-fed cows, etc…)

[quote]rainjack wrote:
I don’t buy anything organic. I just don’t buy into the marketing scams.

The only possible way to get real organic food is to grow it yourself. Highly marketed organic stuff has to be processed somewhere some how.

That means the food has to be picked before it is really ripe so it can handle processing without getting beat up.

I have been eating the produce in the grocery store for as long as I can remember - and I am still alive and kicking.

Until someone can prove to me that organic is better for you - I’m not going to waste my money paying extra for a buzzword. [/quote]

Well said mate.

[quote]anonym wrote:

Did you read the “always buy coffee and butter organic” comment from the Poliquin QoS article a while back, or did you hear it elsewhere?

His comment about it got me thinking, but I never really know how to take a lot of that man’s claims.[/quote]

I don’t think it was that article, I hate to say it but I think it was one of those headline news articles that pop up on my desktop.

With all the chemical junk, I actually don’t mind being on a pretty boring diet. I grow a lot of vegetables, I don’t eat pork, I do like butter though, and have a serious coffee addiction.

I don’t want to buy too much into the hype of stuff, like Rainjack said, how can you really guarantee what you are getting? But I figure I will do better with what I can.

[quote]darsemnos wrote:
If you want to buy grassfed animal products, go here:

Grass fed animal products have more omega-3’s so by that measure alone, they are better. Anyway, livestock don’t naturally eat grains (corn). So grass-fed livestock will be healthier, and we reap the benefits. [/quote]

Do you own livestock? Where is your source for saying livestock don’t naturally eat grain?

It is statements like yours that make my head hurt.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
darsemnos wrote:
If you want to buy grassfed animal products, go here:

Grass fed animal products have more omega-3’s so by that measure alone, they are better. Anyway, livestock don’t naturally eat grains (corn). So grass-fed livestock will be healthier, and we reap the benefits.

Do you own livestock? Where is your source for saying livestock don’t naturally eat grain?

It is statements like yours that make my head hurt. [/quote]

Cows if left to there own do not eat corn they eat grass…
They eat (corn) because it is shucked and feed to them.

I live by several ranches and dairy…
I am not 4H but many of my friends growing up were…

Livestock will eat grain(and just about anything). Just as people will eat cheesecake(and just about anything). It doesn’t mean either should.

Put a cow in a pasture, and it will eat grass, and probably whatever else is growing.

Since I live in rural Sweden, for the milk, butter and meat I go to a farm. For potatoes, veggies I go to another farm.
(In the winter that other farm is called the supermarket) For nuts, raisins and stuff like that I go to the Morrocan guy who sells those import-products.

It’s cheap and quite organic. But when I am in Stockholm
I don’t go looking for the organic-labeled foods.

[quote]inthego wrote:
rainjack wrote:
darsemnos wrote:
If you want to buy grassfed animal products, go here:

Grass fed animal products have more omega-3’s so by that measure alone, they are better. Anyway, livestock don’t naturally eat grains (corn). So grass-fed livestock will be healthier, and we reap the benefits.

Do you own livestock? Where is your source for saying livestock don’t naturally eat grain?

It is statements like yours that make my head hurt.

Cows if left to there own do not eat corn they eat grass…
They eat (corn) because it is shucked and feed to them.

I live by several ranches and dairy…
I am not 4H but many of my friends growing up were…[/quote]

Corn is not the only grain. Cattle will naturally pick the food containing the higher nutritional value, given the chance. Hell - they eat just about anything they can get in their mouths. You’d be shocked what you will find in a dead cow’s stomach.

All grains are more nutrient dense than grass. All ranchers worth a damn supplement with some sort of high energy foodstuff during the winter months. Very rarely is it corn. Most often it is either cubes containing soybean meal, or cotton seed meal.

And in an attempt to not derail this thread - just do a search on here for “grass fed beef”. It would be easier for you to read what I have said 99 times than for me to have to retype the same thing for a 100th.

But suffice it to say that knowing a bunch of 4-H kids, and living near ranches is not qualification to start lecturing someone who has been in and around the cattle business for over 20 years.

Everyone should try to eat organic, not eating organic has long lasting detrimental effects on your health.

I like to make sure whatever meat I’m eating has been fed on organic foods, vegetables etc are all important also.

[quote]BruceLeeFan wrote:
Everyone should try to eat organic, not eating organic has long lasting detrimental effects on your health.

I like to make sure whatever meat I’m eating has been fed on organic foods, vegetables etc are all important also.[/quote]

Name the long lasting detrimental effects on health caused by eating regular food. And show some proof of these supposed effects.

We are living longer now than at any time in our history.

If you guys want to eat organic - knock yourself out. But exercise a little intellectual honesty in your support of eating organic.

Until you guys can support your wild claims with some facts - you are doing nothing more than regurgitating the marketing hype you have been fed.

rj you’re the man, but don’t get into it with this brucelee guy. he said he eats mcdonald’s and then says he won’t buy protein powder because it has synthetic ingredients. and good call on the regurgitation.