I’m not 100% sure this is the best place to ask this, but I figure you guys might know.
While I was at the doctor’s recently, I asked for a testosterone and estradiol (estrogen) test, kind of on a whim.
I got the results back today: my testosterone is 214 ng/dl, and my estradiol is 66 ng/dl. For those of you that don’t know, the normal range for T is 300-1000 ng/dl, and estradiol should be less than 56 ng/dl for men.
I’m a 21 year old male, and I lift 4 days a week. How the hell can my T be this low? I know how bad this is, and I’m curious to know what I should do about it.
[quote]whotookmyname wrote:
You should probably post this in the 35+ forum. Lots of experienced folks over there, particularly KSman.
Btw, why did you request the test? You say it was on a whim, but has your libido taken an obvious dive recently?[/quote]
No, just pure curiosity.
BBB, the E is only slightly outside normal, and even hen, I don think it would cause my T levels to be 20% of what they should be. I’m taking Rez-V, so I thought it would be blocking any extra E from doing anything.
[quote]Xab wrote:
whotookmyname wrote:
You should probably post this in the 35+ forum. Lots of experienced folks over there, particularly KSman.
Btw, why did you request the test? You say it was on a whim, but has your libido taken an obvious dive recently?
No, just pure curiosity.
BBB, the E is only slightly outside normal, and even hen, I don think it would cause my T levels to be 20% of what they should be. I’m taking Rez-V, so I thought it would be blocking any extra E from doing anything. [/quote]
Even though you’re just slightly out of ‘normal’, a healthy mail your age should have E2 levels more in the range of 5-25.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I would be more concerned about my high E. Once you control E, T will rise anyway , due to reduction of negative feedback.
Since conversion of T to E occurs in adipocytes, I have to ask “how fat are you?”
I officially qualify for lardass status. I’m 247, and I’m roughly at 25% bodyfat. Online lean mass calculators estimate me to be at 182 lbs lean. If it helps, I’m 6’2" and built really wide. When I get cut, I won’t look like a skinny bastard.
And yeah, I’m doing something about it. 1.5 months ago, I was 271. I figure my low T isn’t helping fat loss though.
honestly if your gonna listen to anyone on here bushido is very educated on these topics i have asked his advice many times and he is usually spot on…
so if you have any doubts…don’t
BBB is right…however i would STRONGLY suggest getting complete workups before embarking on a strategy…if you don’t baseline numbers will be unknown. you know t and e2 but there are other culprits that could be at work here. if your doctor is cool then have him or her run a full hormone panel, if they need to know what to run look at the list on LEF.org full the mens health lab tests.
Or go to allthingsmale.com and look at the labs that dr crisler runs…these will give you the full picture…that being said e2 at that level is VERY bad, most males feel at their best with e2 in the 20-22 range, regardless of what “normal” is suppose to be.
hi get your pituitary profile done along with prolactin … consists of lh fsh tsh acth and prolactin
… probably along with an mri of ur pituitary fossa (with contrast will be better) …
go to an endo
u wont have to tell him he will do all the investigations on u than after a diagnosis ask for advice.
( by the way i m a doc with huge pituitary problems of my own)
sorry for posting twice … BBB is very right , in most cases the usual prescription
is clomiphene along with metformin and sibutramine … patients respond beautifully.
… get a diagnosis first
doctors get a very bad name in bodybuilding circuit … u must understand tha training we
go thru is not aimed at obtaining max muscle but that the person has a healthy smooth life.
i know i did not mention GH in pituitary profile because testing it is very difficult
… usually IGF1 is checked but it has 50% false positive results,Best is to check
insulin induced hypoglycemia (for that u need a days stay at the hospital).
XAB i am posting only to get u a bit informed … go and visit an endo , honestly he would
get u good answers and do what is best for you. . . . (been there done that by the way)
XAB i am posting only to get u a bit informed … go and visit an endo , honestly he would
get u good answers and do what is best for you. . . . (been there done that by the way)