[quote]Professor X wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Professor X wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Proving stereotypes wrong should be entertaining for you. Show people an intelligent and eloquent black man, and break the stereotypes people have. It won’t eradicate racism but isn’t that a step in the right direction?
They seem to figure that out within the first 5 seconds of speaking to me. It won’t stop me from wearing my earrings, my leather wrist cuffs, riding my motorcycle, lifting really heavy weights or shaving my head. I haven’t had to compromise my personal style much at all (aside from the earrings and leather while active duty and on the job) once in my life. I don’t plan to now.
People can think what they want of me from a distance.
Unless I am on the job, my style is my own and I value it.
I think that maintaining my individuality goes far enough at breaking stereotypes. Anyone who won’t take the time to find that out and judges me negatively because of it is clearly the one with the problem.
I used to care. I even used to care a lot. I quit caring once I found out that no matter how I dress, bigots and those with limited perspectives will still think the same things even if they don’t say it out loud. I would simply be compromising myself by trying to “fit in”.
The last generation was forced to do that in order to succeed at all. I honestly think it is time for society to change a little.
You have overcome stereotypes through hard work, intellect, and dedication. All I’m suggesting is that you broadcast this accomplishment somewhat more. Of course, its no one’s job to try and change the world and how you dress is your choice, of course.
Dr. King always made a point of dressing nicely to belie the white peoples’ stereotypes of black men, as did Malcolm X.
It would be great if we judged each other by the content of our character. But that’s an optimistic hope.
Dr. King dressed the way he had to to have the greatest effect on a mass of people. The fact that you still talk about him proves he did that well. However, if you think that he was ACCEPTED by the ones he was speaking against during his time, you are one exceptionally deluded individual.
It is not necessary for me to “broadcast” anything about my accomplishments to others. Obviously not doing so hasn’t held me back…so why do you think I need to now? So that stuffy old people will feel more comfortable around me in the grocery store?
No offense, but fuck them, and fuck you too for thinking I should have to endure the loss of self for their (or your) benefit.
I have helped “change” enough by not compromising and STILL making it through.
In fact, being under-estimated is often the greatest advantage. You haven’t figured that out about me yet?[/quote]
Well, Prof, its my hope that ASAP we can get rid of any and all excuses for racism. I think that a black man being clean cut and upright, dressing nicely, would help to undermine the stereotypes that many white people have of black people. And sure, I understand that you don’t want to dress or act a certain way for others. Your life belongs to you and the good is to live it.