I’ve been lifting for about one year now, started with a PPLx2 (Reddit PPL) for 6 months followed by 6 months of 5/3/1 BBB.
During quarantaine (that lasted 2months here in France) I was doing mainly weighted bodyweight stuff in order to maintain in terms of strength and mass.
Now that the quarantaine is over I want to start training again. I bought a small homegym (barbell, Dumbbell, bench and a rack) as it is more convenient for me now.
My main issue is that I don’t know what program to choose now. I pursue an hypertrophy goal only and can train almost everyday if needed.
I was thinking about going for the Best Damn Workout for Natural Lifters but found mixed opinion online.
What would you suggest me? I now that adherence being very important I should choose a program that I like but nothing really appeal to me.
I got my eyes on this one when searching for the program on liftvault.
It looks really good but a bit similar to Reddit PPL but with less volume.
I was looking to shake things up a little bit and doing something so much similar to what I was doing is not really appealing right now. But this will totally be my next routine!
I downloaded the ebook from his website and it is actually really different.
The 10x10 on squats looked so painful that I immediately knew that was what I wanted to run.
If I were looking to start a new program and was interested solely in just weight training, I would have to go with 5/3/1. It just fits best with my philosophy.
I guess whatever you decide to do, it should be in accordance with your goals. I look forward to hearing about what you decide to pursue.