Thanks to Vroom and his companions, I am starting this thread to gather your ideas to this one question. This question was asked by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate to Jesus Christ just before He was sent to the cross. It really is the question of the ages.
The question simply is: “What Is Truth?”
What is absolute truth? Is there any such thing as absolute truth? Where does truth come from? Who determines what is true? Is all truth just relative – what is true for you, is good for you, but not necessarily truth for me, etc?
To begin, as many of you probably know, I am a Bible-believing, born-again Christian. My faith is in the God of the Bible and His Word. God is the source of absolute truth and He has placed within us the ability to know moral truth through our consciences.
Is it any wonder that the English legal system (which is also the basis for our legal system) is based upon God’s moral law as given in the Hebrew Scriptures (The Old Testament)? Why would that be?
I want to emphazise that ALL opinions are welcome here. Unlike Vroom’s thread on his “four principles,” where they absolutely do not want to hear from people of faith – well at least not from Christians – I welcome all opinions for discussion.
I think we can learn much from each other, and I will admit my faith in God is strong, but I would appreciate your thoughts on this important question of What is truth?