What is TRT and What is NOT TRT

Ok, I modified these graphs a little bit to help people understand why the 200 mg/week Test ester protocol right off the bat is seldomly the correct place to start if you want to target even high end of the reference range for TRT/TRT+ :+1:

The reference I adapted this from used 20-39 year olds:


200 mg/week of Test ester is going to put majority of these young guys above range:


Thereā€™s another few references I will eventually use to show plots for the older guys who will run even higher serum TT levels on the same dose as the younger guys (in general). In conclusion as I debated on here endlessly with you know who, you can use this plot above to see why large majority of the TRT universe will be dosing somewhere in the 50 to 125 mg/week test ester range (includes both in-network PCPs and what should be happening at cash pay clinics for those who donā€™t really want TOT but instead true TRT).

EDIT: yes the shape of the Bell curves on the log plot should get skewed more the higher you get on the chart but this is free and you get the idea and I havenā€™t corrected that issue yet. Hence I left the bell curve off the 500 mg/week vertical operating line.