I’m planning to take the dive soon. I’m still second-guessing my decision a bit. I don’t have low T, but I have many of the symptoms from previous antidepressant use (PSSD).
A few questions I’d like to understand to further inform my decision:
A number of people have reported doing well on TRT for a while, but then after a while they say any benefits they received fizzled out over time (1+ years, sometime sooner). Any theories on what causes such to happen in these individuals (aside from regimen changes)?
Are there any concerns regarding long-term decreases in neurosteroid production? Sure, the adrenals will still produce DHEA, and some of this will be converted to neurosteroids, but the production will likely be lower than with natural preg production. I don’t see many mention supplementing preg here either, interestingly.
Does anyone have any concerns with having constant levels of T. It sounds super nice, in theory – you don’t have to worry about shitty sleep, phytoestrogens, stress, etc. affecting your hormones. But there must be some “reason” your body evolved to have diurnal fluctuations in T and cortisol levels (high in the AM; low in the afternoon). It seems that most people here share the opinion that having a stable protocol is actually necessary to the success of the regimen. I find this interesting.
Do any of you regret starting TRT? Why?
Thanks for reading!
I am on trt 1 year. I have had nothing but benefits from it. My body refuses to gain fat… my strength sky rockets in a caloric surplus, I can gain strength and muscle in a slight deficit and even in a large deficit retain much more mass.
My sex drive has returned to my teenage levels. My mood is awesome 90 percent of the time and my outlook on life has become much better.
Not everyone has such great results but I think once you take the time to find your dosage you will experience a lot of these benefits.
No regrets yet, but I am only in about 1.5 years. Similar to smash in the muscle retention and gain and lower body fat.
I was really hoping to get some relief from ADD/ADHD symptoms which did not happen. Still distracted almost all the time.
I do worry about fathering children in the future (I am 32, and me and my wife are unsure about having them). I am confident I can become fertile if needed, it is just a matter of what I will have to do to regain it. Plan is to start out with HCG for 6 months with TRT before trying if we do try. Further actions could be required though. Some seem to need to cease TRT to regain fertility (usually adding one or combo of clomid, HCG, HMG, FSH).
I had T values in range when I started. Low 400s, and I have all the benefits @smash10033 listed. Except I sure as hell can still gain fat, but I am very successfully recomping right now at about 3000 calories per day.
Thanks for the thorough response.
It seems most here like the idea of starting without hCG and adding it in later, if necessary, as it can add another complicating variable to the mix when dialing in.
Unfortunately, I’m not the average TRT candidate (post-drug dysfunction with mid-range T levels). I’m not even sure if TRT will solve the current sexual problems I have. I’m extremely lucky my doc is willing to try this, even.
How much HCG do you take weekly? I read a couple studies, and it appears that about 300-500 mg / wk (iirc) is enough to retain most intra-testicular T production abd testicle size. I’ll probably shoot around or a bit below this
I take 100 ui daily and I think such dose and frequency causes minimal side effects with sufficient positives in many people but everyone is unique
I also had midrange total t values. The ranges today are pathetically low so being midrange means nothing.
You should better consider if you have the majority of low t symptoms and get the necessary readings to have the calculated free testosterone