What is the best way of achieving high DHT?

dont just say inject test

So much info is missing, are you on TRT or are you natural?

The topical treatments and new oral testosterone formulations see the highest DHT levels. Injections see the least increase in DHT compared to these other two options.

not on trt just on aromasin

“The topical treatments and new oral testosterone formulations see the highest DHT”

ive only heard abt dht gel but this sounds interesting asf
elaborate please

To my knowledge, the only way to increase DHT levels is the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

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He wants to increase his testosterone and lower his estrogen unknowingly setting himself up for cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

In other words, he’s robbing Peter to pay Paul. The bill always comes due later!

u can inject dht

i had too much excess e2
lowered my t, gave me gyno, shrinked my scrotum, etc…
i take a low dosage

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use DHT gel, or some oral AAS products. or just inject test.

which orals?
i have some proviron at home

ive heard masteron is good for dht

is there anyway of increasing conversion?

Your body only makes so many 5-alpha reductase enzymes, that’s the limiting factor. These enzymes are made inside the body therefore it’s not something you can inject.

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