What is Dedication?

I dont know why but i have been thinking about this and want some other opinions.

Lets say that your goal is to get stronger so you workout 2x a week and are making progress on all your lifts. Is that any less dedicated than someone who works out every day and is making progress just as the first person?

Some would say that working out 2x a week is not dedicated at all, but if i am accomplishing my goals then why would i put even more gym time in?

Basically, what do you guys think dedication is? Is it progressing just as you wish, or is there more to it than that?

There’s a fine line between dedication and obsession. Walk it carefully. It is in my opinion that one err on the side of conservative. Leaving something in the tank creates a better drive for the long haul.

Well, you are doing more than most of the average population but here at T-Nation you are doing the bare min. Only newbs will really progress doing anything 2x a week and eventually this will stall.

WIth that said, I beleive dedication really is what you do outside of the weightroom. I feel that its easy and I enjoy lifting 4 days a week, is that dedication? Yes, atleast to the average person but, to me working out is the easiest part and I am sure others here would agree. Yea, workouts can be tough but they last, what, 2 hours tops. The other 22 hours of the day is where true dedication occurs, its preparing all of your meal’s ahead of time, packing each meal in tupperware, eating 6-7 times a day, going to bed early, getting up early, sacrficing some of your social life, eating clean, to me that is dedication

That is a great question. Some people training daily and consider themselves dedicated while others train 2 or 3 times per week and consider themselves dedicated. I personally think it begins with realistic goals, a commitmnet to reach those goals and dedication is the follow through. Can definetly be on your own terms.

I used to be on the border line of obsessed. I think you need to be to compete successfully to be honest. I still train 5 times a week but I don’t consider myself that dedicated anymore. I’m dedicated to the average gym goer, but in the realm of bodybuilding, I don’t think I’m considered very dedicated.

To me dedicated means never missing a meal, never cheating on a diet more than your scheduled cheat day, and never cutting corners on a workout including never missing the meat and potatoes of your workouts being squats, deadlifts, heavy pressing movements etc.

I think dedication in bodybuilding definitely goes furthur than hitting the gym consistantly. It’s a full-time job with some overtime hours.

setting a goal and accomplishing it, getting stuff done.

[quote]TomRocco wrote:
I dont know why but i have been thinking about this and want some other opinions.

Lets say that your goal is to get stronger so you workout 2x a week and are making progress on all your lifts. Is that any less dedicated than someone who works out every day and is making progress just as the first person?

Some would say that working out 2x a week is not dedicated at all, but if i am accomplishing my goals then why would i put even more gym time in?

Basically, what do you guys think dedication is? Is it progressing just as you wish, or is there more to it than that? [/quote]

Hell, I know dedication is NOT twice a week training.

Dedication is working out 6 days a week while taking board exams and still killing those board exams.

Dedication is not missing a meal (out of the 7 you have planned) even though you have a full day of classes (all of which you attend and actually pay attention) and have to carry a cooler the size of airplane luggage with you at all times.

As Flexb said, this is like a full time job…in addition to your full time job. It doesn’t sound like you have experienced anything like that.

Just because you are achieving your goals does not mean you are dedicated. I’ve achieved goals without really being dedicated to them. I put effort in, but that’s different.

In terms of bodybuilding, dedication is living your life in such a way that you maximise your gains. Pushing yourself to the limit each workout, breaking through the pain barrier and basically just revolving your lifestyle around lifting. Eating, Sleeping, managing time without sacrificing training/studies/relationships. Not putting off leg days or doing half ass workouts.

No, dedication doesn’t come from 2 days a week.

“The Intelligent and relentless Pursuit of Muscle”

[quote]hardgnr wrote:
Just because you are achieving your goals does not mean you are dedicated. I’ve achieved goals without really being dedicated to them. I put effort in, but that’s different.

In terms of bodybuilding, dedication is living your life in such a way that you maximise your gains. Pushing yourself to the limit each workout, breaking through the pain barrier and basically just revolving your lifestyle around lifting. Eating, Sleeping, managing time without sacrificing training/studies/relationships. Not putting off leg days or doing half ass workouts.

No, dedication doesn’t come from 2 days a week.[/quote]

well i suppose if you are setting goals which are not easy and require dedication then you are dedicated. there also has to be an element of consistency. like you cant just cant just do one hard set at the gym and say that you are dedicated but if you train hard for years straight then you are dedicated.

it doesnt have to be bodybuilding either it can be anything you have to spend a lot of time and energy on. so i guess to simplify; dedication is applied effort.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
hardgnr wrote:
Just because you are achieving your goals does not mean you are dedicated. I’ve achieved goals without really being dedicated to them. I put effort in, but that’s different.

In terms of bodybuilding, dedication is living your life in such a way that you maximise your gains. Pushing yourself to the limit each workout, breaking through the pain barrier and basically just revolving your lifestyle around lifting. Eating, Sleeping, managing time without sacrificing training/studies/relationships. Not putting off leg days or doing half ass workouts.

No, dedication doesn’t come from 2 days a week.

well i suppose if you are setting goals which are not easy and require dedication then you are dedicated. there also has to be an element of consistency. like you cant just cant just do one hard set at the gym and say that you are dedicated but if you train hard for years straight then you are dedicated.

it doesnt have to be bodybuilding either it can be anything you have to spend a lot of time and energy on. so i guess to simplify; dedication is applied effort.[/quote]

Dedication is applied effort in spite every other goal you have in life.

I don’t consider the guy who has no job and who ONLY works out to be as dedicated as the guy who holds down a full time job AND ALSO makes it to the gym 5-6 days a week.

Dedication is working hard at being the most you can be in spite of everything life throws at you.

Most of the guys here are NOT doing that. They are doing this twice a week bullshit so they can avoid having to disrupt their personal life at all.

That is all fine and well if that is how you want to live your life, but don’t act like that equals the dedication of those who rearrange their entire lives to make this work on an elite level.

I am proud of the fact that I put more into this than most. Twice a fucking week doesn’t even come close.

making that which you are dedicated to a priority.
binding yourself (intellectually, physically or emotionally) to a course of action.

then consistently hurdling the obstacles that will plague your efforts at every turn.

sometimes dedication is reigning in the desire to train on a rest day, or waiting until an injury is completely healed to resume certain lifts.

dedication is rare.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
hardgnr wrote:
Just because you are achieving your goals does not mean you are dedicated. I’ve achieved goals without really being dedicated to them. I put effort in, but that’s different.

In terms of bodybuilding, dedication is living your life in such a way that you maximise your gains. Pushing yourself to the limit each workout, breaking through the pain barrier and basically just revolving your lifestyle around lifting. Eating, Sleeping, managing time without sacrificing training/studies/relationships. Not putting off leg days or doing half ass workouts.

No, dedication doesn’t come from 2 days a week.

well i suppose if you are setting goals which are not easy and require dedication then you are dedicated. there also has to be an element of consistency. like you cant just cant just do one hard set at the gym and say that you are dedicated but if you train hard for years straight then you are dedicated.

it doesnt have to be bodybuilding either it can be anything you have to spend a lot of time and energy on. so i guess to simplify; dedication is applied effort.

Dedication is applied effort in spite every other goal you have in life.

I don’t consider the guy who has no job and who ONLY works out to be as dedicated as the guy who holds down a full time job AND ALSO makes it to the gym 5-6 days a week.

Dedication is working hard at being the most you can be in spite of everything life throws at you.

Most of the guys here are NOT doing that. They are doing this twice a week bullshit so they can avoid having to disrupt their personal life at all.

That is all fine and well if that is how you want to live your life, but don’t act like that equals the dedication of those who rearrange their entire lives to make this work on an elite level.

I am proud of the fact that I put more into this than most. Twice a fucking week doesn’t even come close.[/quote]

i agree with most of this. its one thing to lift twice a week and one thing to workout when you dont have any other priorities. its definately a challenge to apply the effort needed to be able to live a bodybuilding lifestyle and still fit in a typical lifestyle. bodybuilding doesnt end when you leave the gym, you need to have the self control to avoid certain things like drinking too much or making the wrong food choices but you have to find that balance so you arent locked away from society in terms of all you do is eat and lift. its a very tricky thing to do which is why im a little more thankful of my age as to where i can get away with drinking a little easier than some poeple but at the same time its very hard doing this at the ripe age of 21 where theres a lot more social pressure to pound shots til 4 am.

[quote]miroku333 wrote:
making that which you are dedicated to a priority.
binding yourself (intellectually, physically or emotionally) to a course of action.

then consistently hurdling the obstacles that will plague your efforts at every turn.

sometimes dedication is reigning in the desire to train on a rest day, or waiting until an injury is completely healed to resume certain lifts.

dedication is rare.[/quote]

I think that may be bordering on obsession

[quote]Flexb wrote:
miroku333 wrote:
making that which you are dedicated to a priority.
binding yourself (intellectually, physically or emotionally) to a course of action.

then consistently hurdling the obstacles that will plague your efforts at every turn.

sometimes dedication is reigning in the desire to train on a rest day, or waiting until an injury is completely healed to resume certain lifts.

dedication is rare.

I think that may be bordering on obsession[/quote]

it’s a fine line.

[quote]Flexb wrote:
miroku333 wrote:
making that which you are dedicated to a priority.
binding yourself (intellectually, physically or emotionally) to a course of action.

then consistently hurdling the obstacles that will plague your efforts at every turn.

sometimes dedication is reigning in the desire to train on a rest day, or waiting until an injury is completely healed to resume certain lifts.

dedication is rare.

I think that may be bordering on obsession[/quote]

I would think it would take some level of obsession to do well.

That goes for most high level pursuits in life.

Is there really much difference between true dedication and obsession?

Depending on the subject, I guess, but for bodybuilding, not really.

Dedication is unwrapping a present from your Grandma on Christmas, and upon finding out that it’s chocolate macedamia fudge, walking to the garbage and dumping it out right in front of her.

[quote]Thomas Gabriel wrote:
Dedication is unwrapping a present from your Grandma on Christmas, and upon finding out that it’s chocolate macedamia fudge, walking to the garbage and dumping it out right in front of her. [/quote]

Then punching her in the face and calling her a stupid old bitch for thinking that is an acceptable gift.

[quote]ScrotuBus wrote:
Thomas Gabriel wrote:
Dedication is unwrapping a present from your Grandma on Christmas, and upon finding out that it’s chocolate macedamia fudge, walking to the garbage and dumping it out right in front of her.

Then punching her in the face and calling her a stupid old bitch for thinking that is an acceptable gift.[/quote]

Exactly. If she wanted to get my chocolate, she could have gotten me some chocolate protein powder. But she’s too stupid for that!!!