So I’m not someone that has any interest in taking steroids or TRT, at least no TRT while I’m fairly young (I’m 35 soon to be 36).
But out of curiosity I did a private test level check back in Jan 2022 when I was 33. The result came out to be 21.3 nmol/L. It also gave a normal range of 7.6 - 31 nmol/L. However this range appears to change website to website so I just thought I’d ask on here and see what people thought.
As I said it’s purely curiosity, I don’t intend on taking anything at all.
The range you use is the range your lab provides. Each lab uses varying techniques and equipment for analysis so yes barring other info certain websites will give ranges that are not applicable to you. Also, TT solo isnt a great metric on its own but generally if you have higher end TT as you do you’re doing just fine.
Sort of. For example, they use different techniques and equipment. It would be like if you tested your fuel mileage by driving a car and calculating the gas used over the mileage driven vs reading what the car calculates on its computer read out. You would get similar results but could vary by measurable degree. So you stick with what the specific lab uses.
FWIW if you want proper data a minimum of TT, FT, SHBG, E2 (sensative) is needed and you would also want FSH/LH if you cared to determine if you’re primary or secondary.