What do you think about using egg white powder as a protein powder substitute?

I was looking into making my own protein powder at home, and after some extensive research, I realized that just roasting chickpeas, lentils, almonds, peanuts, or cashews, or even using spirulina, isn’t enough to get a good protein concentration.

Then I thought about egg white powder—it’s cheaper and contains more protein. If I add some artificial sweetener and cocoa powder, it could be a great mix. But I’m wondering if egg white powder is safe to consume for a month, even if stored in the refrigerator.



Albumin. I don’t know if its still in common use, but it used to be.



so we have a 12 year old who lurks and thinks on how others live their lives… good thing to know that my life style lives rent free in your head lol. now if you dont have an answer for my post, feel free to snoop on someone else…and srsly brah… do something with your life :slight_smile:

“Lurk” is a strong term.

If you don’t want people poking fun at your illogical decisions, you can either stop making illogical decisions, or stop posting about them on the internet.
But you can’t have both.

Or you can be a big boy and put your hurt feelings away :smiley:

Back to your question… I’m very doubtful that rehydrated powdered egg whites will last a month in the fridge.

I’m still pretty curious as to the cost savings you’re expecting from making your own protein shake vs buying one, tbh.

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Wait, no. I’m backing up @waelkd



lol, a wall of text … i do live in your head kid :slight_smile:

lol still lurks hahahahahah … jeez :—)

I guess 6 sentences would seem like a wall of text to me too, if i had to mouth out the words while i read them.

I remembered your handle because you have a history of asking odd and misguided questions. So, I mean, you are memorable to me, just not in the way you hope.

I answered your question, not that you acknowledged it, but i hope you save enough money to have made this mental anguish worthwhile for you.
Powdered egg whites are definitely cheaper than filet minon.

After you have rehydrated it?
No. It will not stay good for a month. 5 days tops. And that is only if your fridge is the proper temperature.

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Alright, good to know. I’m planning to mix it with ground roasted chickpeas, almonds, and a sweetener. I guess it should be fine as long as i keep them dried up and in the fridge or at room tempreture. I’ll give it a try this week.

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Rather than egg white powder as a protein powder substitute, I just drank the egg whites.


I can’t eat eggs on their own, but I’m fine with them as an ingredient in things like cake,pancake etc . That’s why I’m considering egg powder with a sweetener, cocoa powder, and roasted almonds—it should mask the taste.

Ah, I’m not eating them: I’m drinking them.

Oh god, doesn’t that strong, eggy sulfur smell bother you? It’s way too pungent for me.

I feel that your egg whites may be past expiration if they have that odor.

Just buy some flavored muscle egg and mix it up.



Or just eat balanced meals with all three macros and he will be fine

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