This sounds like a lot of work to make a terrible tasting sub-par product.
Far easier to balance 2 on a scale than 3!
Thats fine too
Agree. Can’t imagine the time wasted and the price if these ingredients beats just finding a protien powder that you like.
Yeah it dosen’t make sense.
It looks more like an ingredient list for a knock-off Kind bar than a powder.
Mmmm… I love this flavor… lol
I do the same. Though I do cheat and add them to my protein shake.
I’ve done that too. Good way to flavor them. Also helpful to “stretch” protein powder.
Stretching the protein powder was my main reasoning too.
We do that. Mostly both my wife and I find that most protein powders give us gastric issues. Now remember that it is raw egg whites (that are treated with UV light and 100% germ free), so hiding it in shakes and such is the order of the day. If you get it hot, it cooks so be aware. It keep for-effing-ever and it one of those foods that is included by nutty survivalists as a necessity. It is very sensitive to getting wet, so I would not keep it in the fridge. We buy 5 lb. bags of it that are resealable and have those little packs that suck up extra moisture. Never had a problem with them and they sit in the pantry.
And a final thought, egg white is 100% usable (a lot of protein powders come with a percentage of how available it is). Egg whites are, in fact, a perfect match to human protein, so don’t really overdo it.
Egg protein should seriously be more popular but with whey and casein being sold at a certain price point, and plant protein taking over the market for slow digesting proteins at places like Walmart, its just hard to come buy. God, I wish that back in highschool, i could just go to weight training and take a few scoops of egg to last till lunch, although whey stays in you for an hour anyway…
Used to use Optimum Nutritions egg protein waaaaay back… tasted awesome
Just eat the actual eggs bro
Its not always fun pulling out yolks at key moments lol. Part of me doesnt like the concept of animal cruelty in favor of a yolk free powder but us bodybuilders pick em out anyway…