I remember a guy living off of popcorn for a year. I’ve heard of people leaving off of milk and white potatoes for even longer.
Are there any studies on what we humans actually need? What is absolutely necessary? Just curious.
I remember a guy living off of popcorn for a year. I’ve heard of people leaving off of milk and white potatoes for even longer.
Are there any studies on what we humans actually need? What is absolutely necessary? Just curious.
There is no such thing as “perfect health”. From the moment you are born it is simply a count down until system failure decades later. “Health” is an arbitrary term unless using it to compare to the health of someone else. Health is simply the lack of disease. Since old age is even considered a disease state to some, you will eventually run out of it.
As a human, you need food, air, shelter and water. Science does not have the answers to everything, including your own biology. Much of what we even think we know now is based on theory and probabilities. We still haven’t figured out the specific sequences that instigate muscle growth. We simply know the things that contribute the most to it. To even believe that someone has worked out what we all need to be “perfect” is a little juvenile.
I heard of a guy who ate a jeep. Wait, maybe that was M.A.S.H
you can survive on very little food for an amazing amount of time because your body eats itself. As long as you have moisture ie water in some form. It is not pleasant. True starvation is a horrendous feeling and you end up wanting to eat ANYTHING including bark, insects, rats, people. the animal within takes over. some do it for a spiritual experience and it can be mind altering. it is one thing to do it out of choice and a completely different thing to have it forced upon you, however.
just keep in mind we are all designed to survive in prolongued starving times, which is why it is so damned hard to lose fat, sometimes.
quite possibly we are not only designed to survive, but need to experience, starving times. some speculate that starvation causes the body to scavenge all the crap out of your body, leftover dead cells etc…
you could also look at anorexics who really are starving themselves and study their diet to determine the limits of what humans need. If you look at how they are treated through feeding and look at the amounts they eat etc… you will good idea of the limits of what a human needs to maintain health. if you look at what they eat when NOT in rehab then you will see what to eat to be below the requirements of health.
We already have a perfect Heath…
Her name is Jen.
EDIT: Oh sure, fix your spelling and ruin my joke
[quote]Professor X wrote:
There is no such thing as “perfect health”. From the moment you are born it is simply a count down until system failure decades later. “Health” is an arbitrary term unless using it to compare to the health of someone else. Health is simply the lack of disease. Since old age is even considered a disease state to some, you will eventually run out of it.
As a human, you need food, air, shelter and water. Science does not have the answers to everything, including your own biology. Much of what we even think we know now is based on theory and probabilities. We still haven’t figured out the specific sequences that instigate muscle growth. We simply know the things that contribute the most to it. To even believe that someone has worked out what we all need to be “perfect” is a little juvenile.[/quote]
I think you’re getting at what I was going to post:
Lower standards.
Knowledge is what you need for good health.
Our bodies were designed to live off of any macronutrient we give it. Some tribes live off of a lot of fat and protein, some live off of a lot of plant foods. There are also essential nutrients, such as omega 3’s, vitamins, mineral, ect.
As long as you’re active, eat right - and that means not being too anal about your diet either-you’ll be ahead of the game. The native American indians used to say that anything you need to live off of and feed your family will always be within five miles of you.
[quote]powersavant wrote:
I remember a guy living off of popcorn for a year. I’ve heard of people leaving off of milk and white potatoes for even longer.
Are there any studies on what we humans actually need? What is absolutely necessary? Just curious.[/quote]
I think I should of titled it “What do we need to survive?” For instance, baby formula has everything (I’m guessing) for a human child to grow up all nice and healthy. So, I’m guessing there’s a lowest common denominator of what the human animal needs to survive and be healthy (and as the humble Professor pointed out, this is a rather arbitrary term, but I think everyone knows what I mean).
[quote]powersavant wrote:
I think I should of titled it “What do we need to survive?” For instance, baby formula has everything (I’m guessing) for a human child to grow up all nice and healthy. So, I’m guessing there’s a lowest common denominator of what the human animal needs to survive and be healthy (and as the humble Professor pointed out, this is a rather arbitrary term, but I think everyone knows what I mean).[/quote]
Baby Formula dosn’t have everything required to “grow up all nice and healthy”. It’s far off.
[quote]tv wrote:
Baby Formula dosn’t have everything required to “grow up all nice and healthy”. It’s far off.
Really? Do you have any links? That seems REALLY counter-intuitive (although possibly true).
[quote]powersavant wrote:
tv wrote:
Baby Formula dosn’t have everything required to “grow up all nice and healthy”. It’s far off.
Really? Do you have any links? That seems REALLY counter-intuitive (although possibly true).
Human babies are designed to drink human milk.
Scientists do not know all the chemicals contained in human milk and they can’t replicate it.
Plus the fact formuals do not even try to mimic human milk and contain things that human milk does not, example: soy protien!
This leads to things in formula fed babies such as lower IQs, 5 fold increase in SIDS, allergies, ect
“At least” countries like the US regulate formula. But in poorer countries, millions of babies die each year from formula.
You can learn for youself:
Type “baby formula study” into google.
[quote]tv wrote:
You can learn for youself:
Type “baby formula study” into google.[/quote]
It worked ok for Robocop, I seem to remember…
True, but Robocop would of got much better results from whey.
Squats and Milk.
Thats it.
[quote]powersavant wrote:
tv wrote:
Baby Formula dosn’t have everything required to “grow up all nice and healthy”. It’s far off.
Really? Do you have any links? That seems REALLY counter-intuitive (although possibly true).
If you’re a baby would you want to suck watered down powdered out a plastic bottle or a tit? I’ll take the tit.
See Vegg!
With Sea Vegg, you feed your cells with the most nutritionally potent and mineral rich family of plants on Earth.
Since humans cannot directly consume the rays of the sun and the nutrients of the Sea we rely on ocean plants that concentrate the energy from these two powerful sources through the miracle of photosynthesis. Sea Vegg delivers the nutrients of these powerfully potent plants in easy to take capsules.
#1 by far is a Physically Active Lifestyle
#2 great genetics
#3 live a healthy lifestyle
#4 keep exercising the Mind as well
By far, IMHO, the key to good health long term is being very physically active- hiking, running, training, weight bearing types of exercise, etc.
It not only is the best disease-prevention, but also has a myriad of other overall positive health maintenance benefits, including good blood and lymphatic flow, obesity prevention, mental health effects, etc…
porn and cheetos ?
There is no “superfood”. Many claim Spirulina is close. I think it is probably healthy, but hyped (I do not take it).
I think eating clean and natural with variety is as close as it gets.
Calorie restriction actually usually results in a longer life.
This is the dumbest post Ive seen in a while. Formula is one of the worst things to put in your body everything in it is prcessed shit, did you not read the article about soy just like a day ago?
You need to eat whatever a caveman could eat. Thats all you need. and Tits.