What Brand of Green Tea?

I’ve been reading a lot about green tea. Is any brand good, like what you would find in the grocery store, or should I get it off the net somewhere? Thanks!


I wouldn’t think that brand matters. If you’re looking for decaf, get naturally decaffed.


Best in my opinion. Best tasting. Best quality. Most convenient since you can get it in single serving packs.

From the site:

TeaTech’s? proprietary extraction method uses only cold water and fresh green tea leaves thereby providing an extract that is devoid of chemical compounds and/or solvents commonly used in other extraction methods. By using only cold water and fresh green tea leaves (not dry green tea leaves) all of the natural elements inherently present in green tea are preserved creating an extract that is so pure that a single serving contains as many polyphenols (antioxidants) as that contained in up to 8 cups of tradtionally brewed green tea.

as far as specific brands go, check Cy Wilson’s review:

i would add the following tip: forget the little teacup, drink your green tea by the pint…

Some of the better ‘tasting’ green-teas I have found(and I have tried a lot):

-Celestial Seasoning Decaf Mint Green Tea
-Touch Organic’s Sweet Green Tea
-Yogi’s Super Green Tea

If you have one near by I suggest going to an oriental market. Thier you should find Hunderds of teas in Bulk. for cheap. My favorite being Gunpowder Green Tea. I buy the stuff by the pound.

Hope that helps,

[quote]Phill wrote:
If you have one near by I suggest going to an oriental market. Thier you should find Hunderds of teas in Bulk. for cheap. My favorite being Gunpowder Green Tea. I buy the stuff by the pound.

Hope that helps,

That stuff is great! I drink that all the time. Have you ever made ice tea with it. Fill a large tumbler with it and let it steep for about three hours, until its really dark and gross. Mix this in a 1/2 gallon jar full of water toss in the fridge for awhile. Makes kick-ass ice tea.

Road warrior,

Yup I do this daily. Have it iced that is. I make a VERY concentrated batch by boiling it and and then letting it steep in the pot. I strain it and make a gallon jug of the concentrated version and keep it in the fridge.

Then I can simply take this very DARK tea and add a cup or so to a large quart glass or Nalgene bottle and have green tea.

Damn good and makes it handy. I also put a shot in my shakes and Surge as well.

[quote]Phill wrote:
Road warrior,

Yup I do this daily. Have it iced that is. I make a VERY concentrated batch by boiling it and and then letting it steep in the pot. I strain it and make a gallon jug of the concentrated version and keep it in the fridge.

Then I can simply take this very DARK tea and add a cup or so to a large quart glass or Nalgene bottle and have green tea.

Damn good and makes it handy. I also put a shot in my shakes and Surge as well.[/quote]

Try mixing the un-concentrated version with Surge or Low-Carb Grow! It gives Surge a new and interesting taste. With Vanilla it makes Green Tea Grow!

Yup the Green Tea Grow! and Surge is GOOD stuff.

I get a brand called Hei-Mae at a little chinese place. That stuff is awesome. I’ll look for the gunpowder though and give it a shot if they have it.

[quote]mindeffer01 wrote:
I get a brand called Hei-Mae at a little chinese place. That stuff is awesome. I’ll look for the gunpowder though and give it a shot if they have it.[/quote]

Gunpowder tea, which called Zhucha in Pinyin, also known as pearl tea in China. Gunpowder tea is so-called because it is rolled into small balls resembling gunpowder pellets. Gunpowder tea is one of the main Chinese green teas for export.
The main China producing area of gunpowder tea is Zhejiang province.

The above is taken from www.fmltea.com website.

Gunpowder is a type of tea not a brand. There ar eover 30 types of green tea. Also, Green Tea from China is different from Green Tea from Japan. If you ever make it to Boulder, Colorado there is a Tea-House that was built and shipped from Kazastan (sic?). Their menu has 10 pages of Green Tea.

Be careful consuming to much Green Tea!

I know that Green Tea is being pushed at us from every conceivable direction. Every company is desparately trying to hop on the Green Tea bandwagon.

But, just like every single health food fad that I have seen there is a dark side to to much Green Tea consumption.

The dark side with to much Green Tea consumption: KIDNEY STONES!

Increasing dietary oxalate found in Green Tea can lead to an increase in urinary oxalate excretion. Increased urinary oxalate increases the risk of stone formation. As a result, most doctors agree that kidney stone formers should reduce their intake of oxalate from food as a way to reduce urinary oxalate. Many foods contain oxalate; however, only a few?including tea?appear to significantly increase urinary oxalate levels.

Kidney stones are painful hard masses, most often made out of calcium oxalate, that grow from crystals forming in the kidneys. They often cause severe back pain that may radiate to the groin area, coupled with gastrointestinal symptoms, chills, fever, and blood in the urine. Try to eliminate your risk of kidney stones by avoiding consumption of tea (among other foods).

The bad part about this is that diets high in animal protein (as in good muscle building meat) as well as Tea give you a much larger chance of getting kidney stones!

I knew a woman once who was the mother of four children. Four times she gave birth, and stated that nothing was as painful as the kidney stone she had to pass.

Like everything else guys…MODERATION!

Thanks RW. The stuff I get is rolled into tight little rods,but I’ll look for the pellets. It is hard to ask though because the storekeeper and I don’t have a language in common, but I’ll look for the description you gave, and write down the words.
I do save the tea for pre-workout blastoff. Something about the tea seems much better than a coffee or espresso. I had heard of the corelation of animal protiens and large quantities of tea, but my consumption is relatively low, although the concentration is high. I like it strong enough to make you sweat and make your eyeballs twitch.

One thing that has been bugging me lately. Does anybody have anything on over consumption of caffine and problems with neural fatigue and recovery?

Update to my earlider post. The Teahouse is from Tajikistan not Kazistan. It is called The Boulder Dushnbe Teahouse and can be found at BoulderTeahouse.com