This is a very good, and interesting question, one which I do not think there is a one size fits all answer. Using AAS years ago, our drug cycles were pretty much dictated by what we could get our hands on, and what we could afford. The “more is better” mindset was something that we discovered was not correct. Besides, my sport was “Olympic style” weightlifting, so strength was only part of it, not all of it. I out lifted stronger guys because I was more skilled, and I was beaten by guys not as strong as me who were simply better athletes, faster, etc., more skilled.
Many of us found out that there is not only a point of diminishing returns, no returns, but even damaging returns. However, I do think this was more a factor of the length of time we were “on” than the particular dose. I reached a point where at the end of the cycle I always felt I was ready to get off and take a break. Of course, after a couple of months with my strength dropping, my work capacity diminishing, I was ready to crank it up again. Also, we were using supraphysiological doses, stacks, etc. and for me, testosterone was usually at 400mg a week but sometimes I went to 600-800mg, though briefly. Yeah, do that long enough and you will get sick. We had no aromatase inhibitors or SERMs and we did just fine, though there were a few that had side effects that could be related to estrogen.
To your question, look for fluid retention, nausea, hypertension, insomnia, fatigue, an overall sense of feeling ill, but you can’t really describe it. Other side effects such a acne, sexual dysfunction (in either direction) are reported. I also think there is a mindset where if you look for something hard enough, you’ll find it, so try not to overthink it.
At 200mg a week, you’re at the most commonly used dose. Some feel better with more, and some with less.