Westside Program Critique

Okay so Ive been reading articles and after I finish the Waterbury Method in a couple weeks im wanting to do westside for a few months but being the very flexible system it is im pretty lost as to how to throw a program together so I tried but feel free to flame me for it and tear it apart… although if you could please offer what is good/bad about it and what to fix that would be great.

For first 3 weeks (Will switch up movements after)


ME Squat/DL

Work up to 3RM in squat
4 sets 6-8 reps dumbell stepups
5 sets 10 reps GHR
5 Sets 10 reps hyperextensions
Stomach work





Work up to 1RM on benchpress
6 sets 6-8 reps db ext (elbows out)
5 sets 6-8 reps BB rows
5 sets 6-8 reps DB overhead presses




DE squat/DL

8 sets 2 reps box squat (60,63,65,70% 1RM
5 sets 8 reps Romanian DL
4 sets 12 reps Leg Press
4 sets 12 reps Calf Raises
Stomach work




8 Sets 3 reps (3 Different Grips) BP 50% 1RM
4 sets 8 reps Close Grip incline BP
4 sets 6 reps DB overhead press
4 sets 6 reps DB Rows
4 sets 12 reps pullups

Thanks for the help guys

Right now my stats are

5’7" 175lbs around 12%bf

BP 1RM ~ 280
DL 1RM ~ last I went heavy it was around 320
Sq 1RM ~ 290

yes I realize my squat is absolutely pathetic but it is really getting better and should be up around 30lbs by the time I start the westside program.

You seem to have the basic idea regarding the Max effort and Dynamic effort days.
One of the reasons why the Conjugate system works so well is that you are able to switch it around to your individual requirements.So for the accessory exercises you do not need to stick to 5 sets 0f 10 or 3 sets of 12 find which sets and rep schemes work best for you.

As for the Max effort day I would start off with Good Mornings (any variation)this is the exercise that the guys at Westside use 70% of the time for Max effort day and it will most certainly help you build up a strong posterior chain.

Check out the eight keys article on this site Tate covers most of the questions that people ask.

Good luck with your training.