I’ve been a reader from Testosterone since 1999 I beleive and never posted anything, but I needed to post this.
Last monday (25 Sep) I survived a car accident.
When I was driving, I opened my window and a friggin’ mosquito (that’s right)was flying around my face. I tried to scare the mosquito away with my right hand out of the car. I lost my concentration on the front and suddenly I crashed against four metallic tubes that were lying on the side of the avenue. The impact was so hard that the car flew through the air, twisted two times and ended knocked over. Inside the car, in desesperation, with my left foot, I broke the window and escaped successfully. The car was 100% lost.
Injuries? just a tiny scrape on my left hand and a bruise on my left biceps amid the security bag. I didn’t had the belt on.
I couldn`t beleived I didn’t had any injuries or broken bones. According to an orthopedic surgeon who checked me out, my well “developed” body and strength from weightling saved me from any accident. I grasped the handle with all my strength and locked my arms during the accident (my only chance to survive).
Well, I guess that aside from any goal to impress the chicks or look good nekid’, the primary goal of weigthlifting is to have a better and healthy body, thus increasing your odds of survival if any accident occurs.
Of course, 99.99999% was God’s mercy.
(I will try to attach the photo later, as I have problems on how to atachh it)