I’m on the hunt and looking for new webcomics to read. Things that I’ve read that I thought were pretty good:
XKCD: Classic. Nerd humor mixed with popular culture and a little bit of romance. Love it. http://xkcd.com/
Questionable Content: Just got current with this. At the intersection of drama, indy-rock, and sentient robots, there lies this comic. http://questionablecontent.net/
Daisy Owl: Something about the artistry drew me to this comic. Its cute and cuddly, with a family vibe and the classic witticisms that come from having childre more clever than the parents. http://www.daisyowl.com/
Honorable Mention- new work no longer being produced
Gone with the Blastwave: Dark, but humorous post-apocalyptic comic about what Red vs. Blue would look like if there were famine and pestilence along with war and death. http://www.blastwave-comic.com/
Sexy-Losers: Originators of the word ‘Fap’, it deals with… the numerous and varied hilarious ways to kill your soul with various forms of sex. Sexy Losers [NSFW] – an adult comic by Clay
This is some work I’ve enjoyed. What other webcomics should I be looking into?
I like to read XKCD, but find it to be sort of supercilious at times, like the guy writing it thinks he knows everything. It can be a little too emo for me as well. I’m definitely going to check out the other links!
I like to read XKCD, but find it to be sort of supercilious at times, like the guy writing it thinks he knows everything. It can be a little too emo for me as well. I’m definitely going to check out the other links![/quote]
Did you just use the word ‘supercilious’, and then the phrase ‘the guy writing [XKCD] thinks he knows everything’?
Right. The author of XKCD is supercilious. Pot, meet kettle.
I like to read XKCD, but find it to be sort of supercilious at times, like the guy writing it thinks he knows everything. It can be a little too emo for me as well. I’m definitely going to check out the other links![/quote]
Did you just use the word ‘supercilious’, and then the phrase ‘the guy writing [XKCD] thinks he knows everything’?
Right. The author of XKCD is supercilious. Pot, meet kettle.[/quote]
Haha I was waiting for this. I definitely wasn’t clear enough, I was referring to the artist’s philosophical points. I just think that some of his comics try to make statements about life that some random asshole in his mid to late twenties can’t really make with any sort of credibility. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the comic, I just find some of his views on love and life to be less than convincing.
Supercilious was also the perfect word to use to say what I wanted, so fuck off. God forbid someone try to be precise in their word choice.