[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
jlesk68 wrote:
Fill you car’s tank with coke and it’ll give you 80 miles per gallon…
Shhh Bush doesn’t want anyone to know this.[/quote]
Zap put some pants on for chirssakes.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
jlesk68 wrote:
Fill you car’s tank with coke and it’ll give you 80 miles per gallon…
Shhh Bush doesn’t want anyone to know this.[/quote]
Zap put some pants on for chirssakes.
[quote]BorisTheSpider wrote:
Here’s more info on the water facts as well:
“The notion that there is widespread dehydration has no basis in medical fact,” says Dr. Robert Alpern, dean of the medical school at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
"Kidney specialists do agree on one thing, however: that the 8-by-8 rule is a gross overestimate of any required minimum. To replace daily losses of water, an average-sized adult with healthy kidneys sitting in a temperate climate needs no more than one liter of fluid, according to Jurgen Schnermann, a kidney physiologist at the National Institutes of Health.
One liter is the equivalent of about four 8-ounce glasses. According to most estimates, that’s roughly the amount of water most Americans get in solid food. In short, though doctors don’t recommend it, many of us could cover our bare-minimum daily water needs without drinking anything during the day."[/quote]
The stupidest thing I’ve heard so far today. I hope my tax dollars go to pay this jackass.
Chuck Norris pisses Coke, let’s it sit for an hour, then roundhouse kicks the toilet bowl clean.
[quote]btm62 wrote:
BorisTheSpider wrote:
Here’s more info on the water facts as well:
“The notion that there is widespread dehydration has no basis in medical fact,” says Dr. Robert Alpern, dean of the medical school at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
"Kidney specialists do agree on one thing, however: that the 8-by-8 rule is a gross overestimate of any required minimum. To replace daily losses of water, an average-sized adult with healthy kidneys sitting in a temperate climate needs no more than one liter of fluid, according to Jurgen Schnermann, a kidney physiologist at the National Institutes of Health.
One liter is the equivalent of about four 8-ounce glasses. According to most estimates, that’s roughly the amount of water most Americans get in solid food. In short, though doctors don’t recommend it, many of us could cover our bare-minimum daily water needs without drinking anything during the day."
The stupidest thing I’ve heard so far today. I hope my tax dollars go to pay this jackass.[/quote]
Why do you think it is stupid? Do you have some evidence that 8 glasses a day are needed?
[quote]pushharder wrote:
I’ve tried the dissolve-the-nail-in-the-Coke experiment. It doesn’t happen…even after two - three weeks.[/quote]
You and me both.
The tidbits about Coke are a mixture of truth and falsehood.
In any case, I’d rather drink a natural juice instead of Coke. Lots of minerals and vitamins in the natural stuff that Coke cannot even dream of.
Or drink green tea. Heck, drink plain water.
Coke is very low on my list. If I drink it, it means there’s no non-alcoholic drinkable stuff nearby and I’m thirsty.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
jlesk68 wrote:
Fill you car’s tank with coke and it’ll give you 80 miles per gallon…
Shhh Bush doesn’t want anyone to know this.[/quote]
Yeah, the ‘wean yourself off your addiction to oil’ thing was a big fib.
[quote]spaceking wrote:
Chuck Norris pisses Coke, let’s it sit for an hour, then roundhouse kicks the toilet bowl clean.[/quote]
This is the single funniest thing I have read on this site in the last 2 years.
[quote]doogie wrote:
Why do you think it is stupid? Do you have some evidence that 8 glasses a day are needed?[/quote]
you’re kidding me right?
actually, to determine how much is needed per day take your bodyweight in lbs x .55= the # of ounces the individual wants, up that if you’re active
To say we can get buy with our water needs just based on food alone is insane. In fact, add in all the diuretic drinks Americans consume and you can see that’s an absurd statement.
Geez and I had a guy do that to my car when the battery was acting up (turned out to be dead). Scary.
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
doogie wrote:
Why do you think it is stupid? Do you have some evidence that 8 glasses a day are needed?
you’re kidding me right?
actually, to determine how much is needed per day take your bodyweight in lbs x .55= the # of ounces the individual wants, up that if you’re active
I’m gonna need a reference for this crap.
Who cares. It make Crown Royal taste better!
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
actually, to determine how much is needed per day take your bodyweight in lbs x .55= the # of ounces the individual wants, up that if you’re active[/quote]
That’s just silly. Water needs vary tremendously with weather, salt consumption, activity level, and physiology. I can easily lose two gallons of water by playing a couple hours of tennis on a hot day. My wife, who barely sweats, might lose a quart of water doing the same thing.
If you’re active, you can just drink enough to stay non-thirsty throughout the day. If you’re inactive, thirst may be a less reliable indicator.
I’m just giving the scientific formula here, and even stated needs will change with activity. geesh, didn’t realize it was that hard to comprehend.
really though, just go by your pee, if it’s a slight yellow color you’re ok, the darker the worse it is.
btw- my source is Phil Kaplan here, I’m sure many of the authors on this site are familiar with his work. To most of the posters, probably not so much so.
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
I’m just giving the scientific formula here, and even stated needs will change with activity. geesh, didn’t realize it was that hard to comprehend.
really though, just go by your pee, if it’s a slight yellow color you’re ok, the darker the worse it is.
btw- my source is Phil Kaplan here, I’m sure many of the authors on this site are familiar with his work. To most of the posters, probably not so much so.[/quote]
Hey did you just call us dumb and not well-read, guy?
Crossfitter!!! Crossfitter!!!
-Only playin
What? Are we discussing this again?
Millions of people drink Coke, or Pepsi, and other than getting fat, they don’t really seem to suffer any ill effects.
Anyway, on the color of your pee thing, this depends greatly on what you eat. If you eat foods rich in certain vitamins you’ll piss yellow or orange dehydrated or not.
Most importantly, the body is able to adapt to a wide range of situations. Unless you are doing something really stupid, like people in rubber suits on an exercise bike in the sauna, or not hydrating yourself during hours of physical exertion, you should be fine.
If you are that stupid, then you could die. It happens.
[quote]elevationgain wrote:
Hey did you just call us dumb and not well-read, guy?
Crossfitter!!! Crossfitter!!!
-Only playin
Lol, sorry for the misunderstanding, that wasn’t my intention at all. I was saying that because Phil Kaplan is big in the fitness industry and figured many of the authors here have either done work with him or are familiar with him.
Wasn’t trying to say anyone here is dumb.
never drink a gallon of water before bed. just dont do it.
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
doogie wrote:
Why do you think it is stupid? Do you have some evidence that 8 glasses a day are needed?
you’re kidding me right?
actually, to determine how much is needed per day take your bodyweight in lbs x .55= the # of ounces the individual wants, up that if you’re active
To say we can get buy with our water needs just based on food alone is insane. In fact, add in all the diuretic drinks Americans consume and you can see that’s an absurd statement.[/quote]
I don’t buy the 8 glasses of water per day bull either.
Show me.