Warrior Diet

can anyone tell me if they thought the warior diet is worth a shot if u had results please let me know

My brother was on it for a while. He stayed very lean but did not gain much mass as that was not his goal.

This is really dependent on you and your body make up. CT has written a lot about how with a slower metabolism, he can get away with aggresivel dietary protocols like the warrior diet. I have tried the warrior diet, and found that it was helpful but psychologically gave me to many opportunities to binge eat.

No matter your goals, to get big or lean, the real challenge is always the same: consistency of action.

What I recommend to most people is to start with the basics. Find out what your BMR is, split it over multiple meals from foods that provide the maximum array of nutrients, add or subtract calories as needed. Then, begin to experiment AFTER you have maintanied some consistency.

A bit of topic from the warrior diet question. Here is the short answer: the only way you will know if it works for you is to try it! Good luck.

[quote]elecjet wrote:
can anyone tell me if they thought the warior diet is worth a shot if u had results please let me know


We just did a thread on this. Do a search and read it, very interesting.

As far as I am concerned the warrior diet is not up par for meeting the proper nutritional standards that are needed to gain a large muscular body.

Furthermore, I don’t like the video that backs it up either.

Take a look at Ori and tell me you want to look like him…not good!