Warning! Sell Stocks Now!

Screaming sell, not at 1999-2000 levels but close.

all of the fair value estimates Ive seen put the SP500 between 850 on the high side and 350 on the low.

Although, ask Bak of Americas strategist and his target is 1300, but anyone in that position is basically a shill.

Wasn’t somebody here talking about some dreadful stock indicator that signaled certain doom a while back? “The double death cross” or “the Carpathian scimitar of blood” or something equally ominous-sounding? Is this it?

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
Wasn’t somebody here talking about some dreadful stock indicator that signaled certain doom a while back? “The double death cross” or “the Carpathian scimitar of blood” or something equally ominous-sounding? Is this it?[/quote]

You talking about the hindenburg omen?

[quote]John S. wrote:

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
Wasn’t somebody here talking about some dreadful stock indicator that signaled certain doom a while back? “The double death cross” or “the Carpathian scimitar of blood” or something equally ominous-sounding? Is this it?[/quote]

You talking about the hindenburg omen?[/quote]

I am pretty sure it was the anvil of avarice.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Screaming sell, not at 1999-2000 levels but close.[/quote]

I poured a good deal of my funds into stocks a couple of years ago when the market was hoovering around 7000. It went further down, but then back to about the level that it’s at now. I see a great buying opportunity once it hits 9000 or so. I know that doesn’t play into the “the world is coming to and end” mythology that this thread is trying to foster. But, it is how we make money in the real world.

Look at the q-ratio. Everytime it went to .4 above, what happened? A bear market ensued.

Consider yourselves warned.

I went 200% short the S&P 500 two weeks ago with SDS. Bought a thousand shares. If we get any kind of bounce at the first of the week I will double my position.

Honestly, I may not wait for a bounce. The charts look to me as though we could have a really big sell off in the making. If I still feel as confident of this as I do now by Monday morning, I will probably leverage in more strongly with puts on the SPY.

Also, I feel very confident that we are in the beginning stages of a strong dollar rally.

Short the markets, short gold, short the Euro. Go long the dollar.

For what it is worth…

[quote]JEATON wrote:
I went 200% short the S&P 500 two weeks ago with SDS. Bought a thousand shares. If we get any kind of bounce at the first of the week I will double my position.

Honestly, I may not wait for a bounce. The charts look to me as though we could have a really big sell off in the making. If I still feel as confident of this as I do now by Monday morning, I will probably leverage in more strongly with puts on the SPY.

Also, I feel very confident that we are in the beginning stages of a strong dollar rally.

Short the markets, short gold, short the Euro. Go long the dollar.

For what it is worth…[/quote]

The way I see it, is that when the general market is selling at 140% of actual value (q-ratio), I’m out. When its at 60% (-.4 on the chart) I’ll SLOWLY move back in. Following that, this market should be sold.

Gold’s another matter. I’m not going to try and outguess a thug with a printing press. (I am NOT calling you a thug. I have great respect for you.) Buying gold and especially silver is my way of removing myself from their game. As much as possible, I don’t want to perpetuate a system that tells me I am diabolical because I am rich and don’t want to give away all my money to what criminals call ‘worthwhile causes’.

Might re-read Bernanke’s book Depression this weekend…

With all the MA activity, the decline in productivity, focus on building cash in balance sheets, foreclosures. Differential price changes: food (and other immediate needs) up, manufactured goods (particularly discretionary items) down, massive de-leveraging of unprecedented debt, Governments laying off, Far right loosing it’s freaking mind, 10 million Hoovers running around, long term interest rates below increase in Monetary supply after MASSIVE contraction (guess the question of derivatives as part of Money supply has been answered by a cruel natural experiment)…

Demographic transition of Boomers from peak earning years to selling off assets (whoops, most have more liabilities then assets).

All we need is a huge natural disaster, like a dust storm, massive fires, or floods…

We live in interesting times.

“History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme.”

Doom and gloom I tell you. Nothing but doom and gloom. I want all you folks to make sure that you have your shelters built, your gold coins in your coffee cans and your freeze dried food at the ready. Soon there will be bands of roving marauders so make sure you have your rifles all loaded up too.

LOL, I’m going to make a fortune in the markets while some of you nut cakes are hiding in your basement.

On a slight tangent to all the recent gloom-mongering (not targeting the author of this thread), I think this economic situation we’re in has brought a whole slew of defeatist pussies out of the woodwork.

It’s not uncommon for me to hear people saying “we’re done! This is the end!” or “America is finished” these days.

In just over the past 100 years, you Americans have been through 2 economic depressions, several prolonged recessions, two world wars, a 2 year bought of influenza which killed off nearly 100 MILLION PEOPLE worldwide, the immediate threat of nuclear annihilation via Cuba, a prolonged threat of nuclear annihilation via Russia, and a bunch of dickheads flying planes into your shit. You’re a resilient bunch.

But no, these mortgage-backed securities will do you in.

My grandfather was a gravelly old bastard who smelled of linament and sawdust. He used to tell me that men were built tougher “in his day”. I used to dismiss it as BS, but if what I’m seeing these days is any indication I think he was dead right.

[quote]ZEB wrote:
Doom and gloom I tell you. Nothing but doom and gloom. I want all you folks to make sure that you have your shelters built, your gold coins in your coffee cans and your freeze dried food at the ready. Soon there will be bands of roving marauders so make sure you have your rifles all loaded up too.

LOL, I’m going to make a fortune in the markets while some of you nut cakes are hiding in your basement.[/quote]

Yeah, what’s history and all those numbers anyway! Who cares if every time in the past 100 years markets went into bear market tailspins when the q-ratio hit .4. And those decades of study? Blah!!! Professor Tobin’s a jackass!!

I say the sky is falling

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]ZEB wrote:
Doom and gloom I tell you. Nothing but doom and gloom. I want all you folks to make sure that you have your shelters built, your gold coins in your coffee cans and your freeze dried food at the ready. Soon there will be bands of roving marauders so make sure you have your rifles all loaded up too.

LOL, I’m going to make a fortune in the markets while some of you nut cakes are hiding in your basement.[/quote]

Yeah, what’s history and all those numbers anyway! Who cares if every time in the past 100 years markets went into bear market tailspins when the q-ratio hit .4. And those decades of study? Blah!!! Professor Tobin’s a jackass!![/quote]

No, you are the jackass. It’s called an economic cycle. Are ready for this? They come, then they go, then they come back again.

Now let’see what happened after the great depression? Oh yes, we came back.

You need to get a grip.

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
On a slight tangent to all the recent gloom-mongering (not targeting the author of this thread), I think this economic situation we’re in has brought a whole slew of defeatist pussies out of the woodwork.

It’s not uncommon for me to hear people saying “we’re done! This is the end!” or “America is finished” these days.

In just over the past 100 years, you Americans have been through 2 economic depressions, several prolonged recessions, two world wars, a 2 year bought of influenza which killed off nearly 100 MILLION PEOPLE worldwide, the immediate threat of nuclear annihilation via Cuba, a prolonged threat of nuclear annihilation via Russia, and a bunch of dickheads flying planes into your shit. You’re a resilient bunch.

But no, these mortgage-backed securities will do you in.

My grandfather was a gravelly old bastard who smelled of linament and sawdust. He used to tell me that men were built tougher “in his day”. I used to dismiss it as BS, but if what I’m seeing these days is any indication I think he was dead right.[/quote]

There is literally no comparison between the generation that went through the great depression and WW II to these Susy Q’s that pass for men today.

[quote]ZEB wrote:

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]ZEB wrote:
Doom and gloom I tell you. Nothing but doom and gloom. I want all you folks to make sure that you have your shelters built, your gold coins in your coffee cans and your freeze dried food at the ready. Soon there will be bands of roving marauders so make sure you have your rifles all loaded up too.

LOL, I’m going to make a fortune in the markets while some of you nut cakes are hiding in your basement.[/quote]

Yeah, what’s history and all those numbers anyway! Who cares if every time in the past 100 years markets went into bear market tailspins when the q-ratio hit .4. And those decades of study? Blah!!! Professor Tobin’s a jackass!![/quote]

No, you are the jackass. It’s called an economic cycle. Are ready for this? They come, then they go, then they come back again.

Now let’see what happened after the great depression? Oh yes, we came back.

You need to get a grip.

Did you suffer a head injury recently? Look at the chart. In 1929, market goes above.4 – crash. Late 1940s and 50s, market is very undervalued – market soars and economy booms. In 1966, market goes above .4 – market flatlines for 16 years. 1994, above .4, hits the peak of the bubble in 2000. Market has gone nowhere for 11 years.

Do you know how to read a chart? I thought you were intelligent. But I guess morons who won’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

[quote]ZEB wrote:

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
On a slight tangent to all the recent gloom-mongering (not targeting the author of this thread), I think this economic situation we’re in has brought a whole slew of defeatist pussies out of the woodwork.

It’s not uncommon for me to hear people saying “we’re done! This is the end!” or “America is finished” these days.

In just over the past 100 years, you Americans have been through 2 economic depressions, several prolonged recessions, two world wars, a 2 year bought of influenza which killed off nearly 100 MILLION PEOPLE worldwide, the immediate threat of nuclear annihilation via Cuba, a prolonged threat of nuclear annihilation via Russia, and a bunch of dickheads flying planes into your shit. You’re a resilient bunch.

But no, these mortgage-backed securities will do you in.

My grandfather was a gravelly old bastard who smelled of linament and sawdust. He used to tell me that men were built tougher “in his day”. I used to dismiss it as BS, but if what I’m seeing these days is any indication I think he was dead right.[/quote]

There is literally no comparison between the generation that went through the great depression and WW II to these Susy Q’s that pass for men today.

Yeah. They gave us the Great Society program, SS, Medicare – basically created a society by which one part hires government to vampire off the productive part. But yeah, thugs are tough.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]ZEB wrote:

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]ZEB wrote:
Doom and gloom I tell you. Nothing but doom and gloom. I want all you folks to make sure that you have your shelters built, your gold coins in your coffee cans and your freeze dried food at the ready. Soon there will be bands of roving marauders so make sure you have your rifles all loaded up too.

LOL, I’m going to make a fortune in the markets while some of you nut cakes are hiding in your basement.[/quote]

Yeah, what’s history and all those numbers anyway! Who cares if every time in the past 100 years markets went into bear market tailspins when the q-ratio hit .4. And those decades of study? Blah!!! Professor Tobin’s a jackass!![/quote]

No, you are the jackass. It’s called an economic cycle. Are ready for this? They come, then they go, then they come back again.

Now let’see what happened after the great depression? Oh yes, we came back.

You need to get a grip.

Did you suffer a head injury recently? Look at the chart. In 1929, market goes above.4 – crash. Late 1940s and 50s, market is very undervalued – market soars and economy booms. In 1966, market goes above .4 – market flatlines for 16 years. 1994, above .4, hits the peak of the bubble in 2000. Market has gone nowhere for 11 years.

Do you know how to read a chart? I thought you were intelligent. But I guess morons who won’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

The only time I feel concussive is when I read your inane dribble. I don’t want to debate how the stock market moves – with you. Suffice it to say that there are a multitude of factors which drive the market either up or down. I realize that the Q ratio shows weakness, however other things need to be factored in prior to making such sweeping statements.

Would it help if I explained the many reasons why the market will not crash? Would you then take your song and dance elsewhere? No.

I’d much rather recite the first rule of any Internet message board: No one is ever wrong.

Let’s just do this, I will place about 75% of my money in stocks, very soon, and you keep yours in that coffee can, or in gold and we’ll see who wins in 5-10 years time.

Now isn’t that best way to settle this?