Don’t know if this has been posted here but anyway, this kid knows it all.
Hey, it’s Calvin Achbad.
so the poor s.o.b. gets pissed on for doing his damn job? and the humor is???
"so the poor s.o.b. gets pissed on for doing his damn job? and the humor is??? "
Humor?? What do you mean? It’s just a picture charged with meaning and intention, and coming from me it gets something extra attached to it. Guess what?
The kid is right. We should have just let Saddam stay in power, kill more people (they found another mass grave today), and continue to develop wmds. Heres a hint:You dont need chemical suits, mobile chemical labs, scientists that hide shit in their garden, or missiles with chemical capabilities if you arent doing something wrong.
" Heres a hint:You dont need chemical suits, mobile chemical labs, scientists that hide shit in their garden, or missiles with chemical capabilities if you arent doing something wrong. "
This is so hilarious when you take in consideration that the USA possess shitloads of all of these. Of course you don’t really need to make your labs mobile but still. LOL…
That was great, Goldberg, just great…
I’m with Goldberg, especially after the phonebook tearing.
My question is why would someone doctor a photo to look like that?
Talk about an insult to soldiers…
Did you loan your penis out?
Talk about a photoshop job.
Restless ,this is on lines of child porn you should be ashamed of this post. This was distrubing and fowl at the same time.
i may be wrong here, but I don’t believe that the picture is real. And if it is, that’s not a U.S. soldier. Look at the weapon and the rest of his equipment, non-U.S. issue, I believe.
Since when do they have cinder brick houses in Iraq?
Also, that kid would probably be shot if he was truly living in Iraq and his hair got that long.
Also, think about it. The kid isn’t aiming. It would require perfect and I mean immortally perfect accuracy to be able to piss like that without aiming directly on the soldier’s head. And since the soldier is in a state of alertness (gun out, aiming somewhere) the slightest thing, especially something pouring on his head would cause him to turn around to find out what the fuck was going on. Since the kid isn’t aiming, he would have to piss a bit to find his “bearings” or zoom in on where he wants to piss. This would probably include the kid pissing on the soldier’s shoulder or the general vicinity, again causing the soldier to say “what the fuck is that?” and turn around.
Damn Liberals. Just goes to show that their whole cause is so worthless and weak that any kind of information, no matter how obviously fake and even offensive, is usable because face it, they got no ammo.
American soldiers in Iraq are also wearing desert fatigues. His are green.
Looks like photoshop to me.
Did you timewarp or something? Both threads have been done to death…months ago. Yes this pic has been posted before - back when it had some impact.
That is a funny pic you guys shouldn’t take it so seriously. Goddamn.
Hey Goldberg,
Where are these WMD you speak of? Just curious, maybe their buried in the desert? HA! More likely they don’t exist. Oh well, there won’t be an inquiry thanks to the GOP controlled Congress. But thats most likely for the best, since its okay for Republican Presidents to lie but not for Democratic ones.
Humm, what would John Wayne do? I wonder.