On high doses of tren you would need like half a tablet of Dostinex once every 3-4 weeks. I dont think the side effects could be worse than actually living with high prolactin. High prolactin on trt? Thats something rare imo, BUT then your doses of Dostinex would be even lower therefore - no side effects.
Also you can NOT take 19nors if you are sensitive to prolactin.
If prolactin is not steroid related then as far as i googled, high prolactin is a SYMPTHOM of some really serious problems and just killing it with vitamins, ritual dances, or real medicine does not solve the problem in any way.
So these guys who use boatloads of drugs are just right there, man on the street style, discussing B6 to control prolactin?
At their point in the game, B6 is inconsequential and irrelevant.
Virtually implausible that any of this would actually take place in the real world.
So what do they use? Caber and winny. They even tell you this and have pictures of the product on the screen. And it says right in the opening screen, fast fixed rate shipping, yadda yadda yadda.
I donāt see my observations of this as weird at all.