Vintage Video Games

Now that I’ve some free time on my hands, I somehow felt curious about how vintage video games might stack up against current titles - and they’re still delivering more than just sentimental value.

That’s how Larry Laffer came to mind, the ‘womanizer’ responsible for getting me hooked up with an english dictionary at the tender age of 11 :wink:

Took me some time to learn about the ALT + X adult check bypass at the beginning of the game, though.

Bwhahahahaa, such a great game:

What are your vintage video game favourites?

I don’t know if these qualify as vintage, but the Sonic the Hedgehog games on Genesis, Toejam and Earl 2, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Battle Toads and Double Dragon, Road Rash 2, and a bunch of others. On SNES, I would say Killer Instinct, Super Mario All-Star, and some others that I can’t remember. Only pc game I can think of is Doom. There were also some awesome Playstation games. The Playstation launch was probably the best console launch that I can remember. The newer consoles are cool and all, but they didn’t garner half the excitement that Playstation did.

On the PC, I really liked Syndicate and Battle of Britain.

On the NES, nothing could really beat Mike Tyson’s Punchout, Megaman 2, and the Legend of Zelda.

N64 was what was around when I was a kid, so my favorite classics are:

NFL Blitz

Wolfenstein 3d:

Duke Nukem 3d:

Many wasted hours (probably totallying weeks) of my life with these 2 games.

All the old Genesis Sonic games, and NES Castlevania games. Metroid and Battle of Olympus on NES are epic too.
Tomb Raider 1, 2, and 3 are awesome. As are Breath of Fire 3 and 4. And my all time favorite games are probably the original Half Life and Castlevania: Symphony of the night. And there’s tons of others.

[quote]Genocide_General wrote:
and Castlevania: Symphony of the night. [/quote]

This, in my opinion, is the best game ever made.

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:

[quote]Genocide_General wrote:
and Castlevania: Symphony of the night. [/quote]

This, in my opinion, is the best game ever made.[/quote]

Agree x 1,000,000. I play through it really often, go on speed runs and max my ranking on Xbox live. :slight_smile:

Old school:

I started playing Super Mario All Stars this weekend, and i’m hooked.

[quote]SSC wrote:

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:

[quote]Genocide_General wrote:
and Castlevania: Symphony of the night. [/quote]

This, in my opinion, is the best game ever made.[/quote]

Agree x 1,000,000. I play through it really often, go on speed runs and max my ranking on Xbox live. :slight_smile:


This game and FF7.

Pong FTW.

Nintendo-The original Super Mario Bros, Mario 3, Zelda, Excite Bike, RC Pro AM.
Atari- Pac Man, Kaboom (would still love to play this game)

Besides super mario, zelda, and mario carts, street fighter comes to mind for me.

[quote]Fezzik wrote:
On the PC, I really liked Syndicate and Battle of Britain.

Hell yeah, I loved Syndicate. Such a messed up game with the brain washing and kidnapping and assassinations etc.
Dynablaster and Snow Bros were awesome too.
Multiplayer Goldeneye on the N64, Doom, Quake, Magic carpet and SimCity on PC
Fallout might not be vintage, but that ranks right up there with my favourite games of all time.

Super Mario 3 is the best game ever.

The whole mega man series is awesome, but it peaks at #2.


And then any number of Madden’s on the PS1

Holy fuck, leisure suit larry! I didn’t have any of the cool gaming systems when I was a kid but my older brother had a commodore 128 and then upgraded to an Amiga 500 when I was in grammar school (late 80’s).

My favorite games back then were Bards Tale, Phantasie , Ultima, zork , Test Drive, and poker game where you’d see tits,ass and snatch if you won (ahhh my 1st encouter with computer porn).

super mario 1 & 3. 2 was alright but clearly misplaced.
duck hunt.
kirby’s dreamland.

twisted metal for ps1. all of them.

Lode Runner, Summer Olympics '84, Dig Dug for Commodore 64.

H.E.R.O., Pitfall for the Atari

Early PC Games F-16 Falcon - Combat sim of the F16 Falcon. I even bought the cool ass joystick to use with that simulator. Doom, Duke Nukem, Castle Wolfenstein

Arcade - Defender, Galaga, Spy Hunter, Pac-Man, Galaxian