I was hoping that someone on here could lead me in the right direction. Well I have become very interested in Vince Gironda’s views on nutrition and am wanting some more information. I have viewed all the free stuff that I can, and want to buy some of his materials that concentrate on nutrition mostly.
What do you guys recommend buying? I’m thinking about the Blueprint for the Bodybuilder, The Max Defifiniton book, and The Wild Physique. If any of you have any comments on which of these are better, or have a recommendation on a different source then please let me know. Thanks for any help.
I read the wild phsique and if i remember rightly it was more about exercise movement variations gironad recommended, than diet. Good book for BB, just not so much nutrition. I think he generally preferred pro/fat type of diet (and lots of it), i read that he called arnold fat when he was young
The Wild Physique was one of the first books I purchased when I began training. Great info in there, mostly about training but there are several specific meal plan examples. I haven’t read his other books.
Christian Thibaudeau had a fantastic article dissecting Vince Gironda’s work:
[quote]matt_t2004 wrote:
I was hoping that someone on here could lead me in the right direction. Well I have become very interested in Vince Gironda’s views on nutrition and am wanting some more information. I have viewed all the free stuff that I can, and want to buy some of his materials that concentrate on nutrition mostly.
Your interest in this subject coincides with mine. If you want to know more about Vince Gironda, contact Ron Kosloff. He’s a good guy, studied with Vince and is a nutritionist. You can PM me for his email addess.
As far as books go, he suggests the two you are looking at right now: “The Wild Physique” and “Blueprint of a Body Builder”. He also suggested the “Gironda Bulletin”. He has a website (can’t find the URL at the moment) where he sells all the books and some supplements (which, by the way, are quite reasonably priced).
I am not a bodybuilder (I do combos of powerlifting and Oly lifting), but I am interested in Gironda’s ideas on nutrition which seem similar to (in some way) to those of Faigin and Di Pasquale but anticipate them by 60 years.
I think those old time bodybuilders, i.e. Jack Lalane, Gironda, etc, were more holistic than we are. They wanted SUPER health and that extended beyond just muscles and appearance to the whole body/health.
[quote]entheogens wrote:
He has a website (can’t find the URL at the moment) where he sells all the books and some supplements (which, by the way, are quite reasonably priced).
Ok, the website is www.vincegironda-nsp.com