Hey guys, thanks for your views. But how about we look at the situation for a different persepective.
Let me begin by saying that I’m not Anti- American, I agree that a country has the right to defend itself and it’s people from attack, invasion and all forms of hostile intent. I don’t think the “War against Terror” is being conducted in the best way, but then I’m not general or military expert so I haven’t a real idea of it.
I don’t think it will be effective though. It certainly won’t prevent the spread of these terrorist groups or stop the rising of them
I also think that regardless of the info the Goverment had, if someone is willing to die in order to kill there is nothing that could be done. For all we know, maybe ten similar attacks have been stopped, but the public will never know.
Know as I’m sure most on this site will be aware there is a wave of Anti-US sentiment sweeping across the world, particulary strong in poverty ridden countries. I think in Europe is mostly based upon petty rivalry, cause Europe is rich enough to enjoy a good standard of living. However Africa and the Middle East is a different story. And mostly it seems to be increasing.
In the past the methods of dealing with this has been finanical alliances keeping different fractions sweet and that. But that doesn’t seem to be working anymore, both Saddam and Osama were bankrolled by the US in fights against Iran and the Soviets respectively.
Technology has increased so much in recent years that military might is no longer sufficent to ensure security and stability. If the current global situation is not addressed, the next big attack, wherever it is, may be much more lethal. No matter how many security checks, screens and intelligence you have, someone will be able to get through.
A chemical weapon released in a subway or building ventilation system. One man, a “suicide bomber”, exposed to a contagious biological agent, on a stroll around DC.
Who knows, I’d prefer not to find out though.
Some food for thought.
This isn’t a religious thing. Whoever said about the towelheads is wrong. The first Palestinian suicide bomber was a Christian. This is a bleak, hopeless, no chance of a future, absolute utter hatred thing. Religion is just the only immaterial thing left to hang onto. It fills the void.
The cult that release the Sarin attack in Tokyo, they hooked up a container of it to a ceiling or something and then pierced it with a steel tipped umbrella and ran. That’s how technically advanced they were. Didn’t even get it near a ventilation device. Imagine a proper chemical attack.
It is shit easy to make toxic bio agents if you have a background in biochemistry.
Whilst the US helping out in WW2 was very much appreciated, there was also a self serving position to it. Having the Nazi’s consolidating power on all of Europe with it’s resources, wouldn’t take long to put the US up next. But that’s in the past, we’re thankful enough said.
Finally I’m not trying to piss anyone off with all this, just stating that the rules of the game have changed and that we’d all better
wise up to it. Primitive retaliation and aggression aren’t going to resolve this.