Views post Sept 11th

Lion, of COURSE you’re “outta here” so that you can go argue with your TV, because (once again) you just LOST the debate. I refer you to my previous point, which is that you CLAIM to be FOR a military response by the U.S. to the 9/11 attacks, yet you continue to argue AGAINST virtually every single aspect of our war against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Yes, oh Educated One, I too am aware of the fact that Afghanistan is a country filled with a multitude of tribes and factions, and that people’s loyalties are usually more to their own tribe/faction than to the Afghan nation-state itself. I.E., if someone liked the Taliban’s style of rule and had therefore been a member of the Taliban for their whole life, but who didn’t necessarily want anything to do with killing civilians in America, you could make the claim that they “innocently” got caught up in all of this. (Although if you’re familiar with the Taliban’s style of rule – despicable treatment of women, public executions for minor infractions, beating people with reeds in the streets – I would argue that anyone who was FOR that and actively supported it is not really worthy of drawing another breath anyway. But that’s another discussion). The FACT is that the Taliban willingly, openly and undeniably harbored, supported and WELCOMED Osama Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda network into their country, and ALLLOWED them to set up shop (a very LARGE shop) there. Both the Clinton and G.W. Bush administrations HAD made numerous attempts, at the diplomatic level, to convince the Taliban to hand over Bin Laden and his thugs. THE TALIBAN REFUSED. THE TALIBAN LEADERSHIP SAID THAT HE WAS A “WELCOMED GUEST.” EVEN AFTER SEPTEMBER 11TH. THIS makes the Taliban, and all those who fight for them, INCREDIBLY worthy targets for the U.S. And, by the way, don’t think for a moment that those who are members of and fight for the Taliban don’t support their extremist, perversion-of-Islam, friends-with-Al-Qaeda views, because the vast, VAST majority of the Taliban ARE members of the Taliban for that very reason.

Now, on to another one of your glaring misunderstandings of world issues – the use of the U.S. military. The military IS intended SOLELY to KILL PEOPLE and BREAK THINGS. It is an unfortunate means to and end, whatever that end may be at the time. THANK YOU for bringing up the issue of “peacekeepers.” Clinton and Albright are DEPLORED in the military community for their love of the idea of using U.S. FIGHTING forces to stand on a fucking line between two sides who have hated one another for centuries, with rules of engagement so strict they’d have to ask permission to pee, just WAITING for some yahoo from either side to take a good shot at their heads (while often under the “leadership” of a foreign commander). BRILLIANT fucking use of a fighting force that is meant to DEFEND our country and our allies from attack and to ATTACK those who are our enemies. The U.S. Marines in Beirut learned in the early '80’s why this is sheer fucking stupidity. A few U.S. marines and about 23 Pakistani soldiers learned why this is sheer fucking stupidity in Somalia in '92 or '93 (and no, I’m not talking about the “Black Hawk Down” episode, which came later – THAT was not a peacekeeping operation). If no U.S. casualties have yet been taken in the Balkans, that is out of PURE luck, and I wouldn’t count my chickens before they’re hatched if I were you.

All of which brings us back to an issue which was tons of fun to educate you about in a thread we were involved in a few months back – EVIL. That nice, nebulous, controversial term which you seem never to be willing to use to label ANYONE. If I recall correctly, I think you even argued that the 9/11 HIJACKERS weren’t evil!!? (And that, by the way, is where you LOST THAT argument and the rest of the forum pretty much laughed/sneered at you like one would a bee buzzing around one’s head). The Taliban, who took part in public executions in SOCCER stadiums (by hanging, by gunshot, by mutilation), as well as public amputation and horrendous oppression of women; Al-Qaeda, who INTENTIONALLY massacre innocent CIVILIANS in order to try to change U.S. foreign policy (short-term goal), destroy the U.S. and spread fundamentalist, Wahhabi-ist Islam throughout the world (long-term goal); and the similar group of terrorists spearheaded by Omar Saed in Pakistan, who kidnapped Daniel Pearl because he was a Jew and an American, then BEHEADED him on video for all the world to see, are all PERFECT examples of EVIL. Pure and simple. I KNOW you don’t like it when things are pure and simple, and you’d like to argue that it’s all much more complicated than that, and that everyone else is too small-minded to see the fine nuances which only someone of your substantial intellect can truly grasp, but whatever side issues or back-stories may surround these groups, it DOESN’T CHANGE the FACT – THEY’RE EVIL!!! Just like people who have never been in combat don’t understand how terrible and gory and painful and awful it is, people who have only heard about, but have never personally WITNESSED, things as awful as people JUMPING from the high floors of the WTC so as to avoid being burned alive (a good friend of mine witnessed it firsthand, and it shook him up pretty good) or an innocent guy being BEHEADED by some fucking scumbags in Pakistan, perhaps it WOULD educate the American public and the world, in an unpleasant if productive way, to just WHAT these people are really all about. I’m not exactly sure I’m willing to go so far as to advocate broadcasting it on TV, but the idea does have its merits. You want to talk about critical thought? Sure, I think the Bush administration (and this country historically) have done some bad/wrong/dumb things, and I think that naming a bill the “Patriot Act” is downright cheesy. Does this government (or any other, for that matter) go on a “propaganda” campaign to convince the public that it’s actions are justified when it’s going to war? Sure. Only in this case, they didn’t need to try very hard – it’s obvious. Anything “propaganda” beyond just looking at what happened on 9/11 is just reinforcing the fucking point. You, however, claim to be all for our military actions in Afghanistan – RIGHT!!! :wink:

heh, yeah :slight_smile: i ws born in belfast, but ive spent most of my life in durham - totally gotta agree about the italians, they dont seem to have evolved a society with sportsmanship, so much as gamesmanship. I guess thats one of the nice things about UK and US - ive never studied the devpment of sport through US history, but ive got a vauge knowledge of how it happened in the UK, and the ‘fairplay’ ethic (as such) doesnt seem to exist in a significant amount of countries. (Obviously, many countries have honour ethics, which i think are pretty cool too…)

“The irish have many words equivalent to the spanish ‘mañana’ - but none convey the same sense of urgency…”

Last night on to different PBS channels WLIW and WNEW where two good shows. One about Sadam and the other about bio-terrorism. I hope you all got to watch them.

You fucking little pieces of shit complaining about those fuckers in gitmo, cuba, fuck them, let me tell you fuckers something, these pieces of shit have it better there in cuba than back in their own country. FUCK THEM! anybody who wants to attack america and kill americans deserve to die, I can’t tolerate you pieces of shit crying over them, talk shit about human right, het fucker I was there when the towers came down, i saw people jumping for their lives, I did 12 years in sog, and you fucking whinning motherfuckers crying about them fuckers in cuba!How about trading places with you, piece of shit, you go to cuba and get ass fucked by one of these Mfuckers and they go to your home and fuck your wife,gf, maybe your father or brother, You stupid fucker worried about some fuck tha still lives in the fucking stone age, You need to get your fucking face smacked off your head, you are a piece of shit, come over here to NYC and rally for those fuckers in cuba, not only will the family tried to kick your ass, the FD and PD will have their say too, TO ALL THOSE FUCKERS THAT CARE ABOUT THOSE PIECES OF SHIT IN CUBA LEAVE THIS COUNTRY AND HANG OUT WITH THEM AND IN A MATTER OF DAYS YOU WILL SUKING MY COCK TO COME BACK TO AMERICA>>>>PEACE!!

I am tired of all the Sept. 11th bullshit, our government knew it was going to happen and didn’t do anything to stop it…Just like Pearl Harbor, hmm…
Sept. 11th is over, what is the War on Terrorism anyways? Just fucking bombing of civilians of Afganistan who didn’t do anything…Later

dear me, that seemed like a rather biased opinion… tell me mako, what makes you say that?

and i agree, the war on terrorism really has been [ab]used as a PR stunt.

9/11 did not change me, mainly because I always knew who I was, whether I liked it or not. I was shocked and out raged but I refused to chage anything, mainly because I was not going to let some camel-jockey with a bad vibe change who I am.

My dealing with the situation is a bit different, however. I would cut all ties with the middle east, get our oil locally and supplemtent with russian oil and level the fucking middle east and end thier fucking crisis.

In addition, those fuckhead in gitmo are better treated than those fuckers outside the fence, and do we care about them? NO, This whole thing is a PR event, the President is trying to avenge his father, I remember when I was ready to go to Iraq, we where just about to fly over when it all ended…The look on peoples faces, I mean they where disappointed as for me, I wasn’t I’ve been in a few conflicts and situations before, so it made Bush look like a chump! Then we took it up the ass when we try to do inspection and wheren’t allow, fuck like the surrender of Japan, unconditional, shit we took it up the ass there too…We let too much shit slide and that has to stop! Yes fuck the middle east , let them live the way they want to, fuck their oil, hook up with Russia, so what if ot needs to be process more than middle east oil, who cares, has anybody notice the price of fucking gas, it up again, why don’t they just finish fucking us in the ass…We let too much shit fall through the cracks, let the whole shit fall and let them fuck themselves and we should, 1. Fuck all those in 9-11, 2. Fuck the middle east, get the oil somewhere else and move on,…pull out every little thing we done for them, or destory it,.let them live the way they want to, in the stone age…I see america taking it up the ass too many times and we need to stop it, STOP THE BULLSHIT NOW…we need to take care of our own shit. And any mother fucker who want to burn the flag and states it’s their freedom of speech, don’t whine when a few american freedom fighter pays a visit and throws you out of America, I’m so sick and tired of all these protests, look it’s not perfect but it’s the best deal out there. Just like the other wh wrote in ,I’m tired of 9-11, we took it up the ass, waited too long, they hide like roaches when you turn on the lights. What the fuck are we waiting for…Also what the fuck is Israel waiting for , I’m tired of hearing about peace talks, they took it up the ass in desert storm, fuck it, let the chips fall where they fall winner takes all…PEACE

“Our government is STILL holding people in Guatanemo bay, which even if they are guilty have NO right to be treated like dog shit.”

Sorry tim, but they aren’t being treated like dog shit. According to the Geneva convention, prisoners must be treated at least as well as their own military would. Shall we lock them up in caves and starve them? Didn’t think so. They have it pretty damn good compared to where they came from.

“We have (at least I thought we did) a bill of rights in this country, I understand it is nearly impossible to ‘do the right thing’ all the time, but damn, I feel that this is out of control.”

The Bill of Rights does not extend to non-citizens. And what’s “out of control” here? We took POWs. They aren’t being beaten, starved, or abused. They’re being treated in accordance with international treaty that even THEIR people don’t observe. Perhaps you would prefer that we detain them in a “white collar” prison with tennis courts and swimming pools? Give me a break.

Lion, your inability to understand even the fundamentals of international politics astounds me (more so when you actually spout your intellectual feces for the “benefit” of others). Yes, the U.S. has done some pretty terrible things, as has EVERY first world government. I defy you to name ONE government that has not sufficiently pissed off splinter groups so as to incite violence. Even if you can, what have they achieved?

This is WAR, regardless of whether a formal declaration has been issued. Those of you in denial about the extent to which we must root out the bad guys don’t have the slightest idea what that means, and I for one am glad that you aren’t members of the U.S. Military.

Am I changed by 9/11? Not really. Some would (and have) called me paranoid, but I said for years that a large-scale catastrophic terrorist attack was going to happen sooner or later. I also said that America didn’t have it in her to respond appropriately, and as our war effort fizzles and we get caught up in partisan infighting, I see that my past statements are being proven correct. We are, because of our own inability to put politics aside for a greater goal, dividing ourselves. A divided country cannot stand against a strong wind, let alone a group of religious zealots.


Funny to see this post just now. I just received a letter from the property manager where I live. It refers to possible terrorist bombings that may occur in apartment buildings. A part of the warning urges residents to be on the look out for suspicious activities in the neighborhood. They say terrorists could potentially move into an apartment to plant bombs. That’s just beautiful, isn’t it.
Mr. Bush, please continue with your efforts to rid the world of these “hellish rats”. In the meantime, I’ll be keeping my eyes and ears open. USA~Freedom rules!!!

Damici, good and evil are human concepts, they are not “fact”. As for being aware of global events, I find this was a wake up call to most in North America who viewed themselves as pretty much immune to threats. What happened 9/11 was just another example of power struggles between rival powers. Because of globalization and technology, these “powers” are forever becoming more diversified and increasing in number. The coming years will bring more unrest and turmoil, and there will not be anyone that is not affected. As to who is “right” and who is “wrong”, as always throughout history, that will be determined by who most effectively wields their power to gain advantage over others. By the way, propaganda is not something that is used only by the “other side”. The U.S. is one of the most effective at using propaganda, especially on it’s own people. A retired KGB official now living and working in the U.S. was quoted as saying that he was jealous of our propoganda system because it used advertising and subtle messages through “journalism” rather than Russia’s rather crude national media system.

One can argue about different value systems in different cultures and how one’s upbringing and education affects them, etc. And of course all of that plays a part in what one views as “evil.” I, however, have no hesitation in stating, as FACT, that those who INTENTIONALLY slaughter innocent civilians who were merely going about there business, as a means to an end, are EVIL. My views are further enforced by the fact that those who commit said acts go so far as to completely disregard practically ALL the basic tenets of the religion that they CLAIM to hold dear! We know that the hijackers drank alcohol (against Islam), went to strip clubs in Vegas (probably way, way against Islam) and more importantly, MURDERED people and COMMITTED SUICIDE - BOTH of these things COMPLETELY violate the teachings of Islam - PERIOD!!! Most people have always agreed that the basic tenets of all the major religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) are fundamentally the same: no killing, no stealing, no adultery, do unto you neighbor as you would have done to you, be peaceful, yada yada. But these fuckers, in the “name” of Islam, used a COMPLETELY despicable means to achieve a POLITICAL end, namely to get us to stop supporting Israel in the Mideast conflict (short-term goal), and to destroy the U.S. and spread “fundamentalist” Islam around the world (long-term goal). If you’d like to argue further that those who did what was done on Sept. 11th aren’t “evil,” then step right up. Yeah, it’s a subjective term. But once you reach the far end of either spectrum, there’s no subjectivity left with which to view it. As for the issue of propagada, I think you misread my earlier post. I said I KNOW the U.S. uses propaganda when it goes to war, as does every other country in the world. This is not news to me, nor do I necessarily see it as a negative thing, although the word “propaganda” has come to take on a somewhat negative connotation. I think every country, political party, company, person, etc. has the right to try to “advertise” their point.

SORRY, I meant to address that last post TO Ghostface. I (DAMICI) am the one who wrote it. My bad.

Damici:I agree with ghostface that evil is not a fact but lets not argue semantics. Let me ask you this… Do you think that they are waging this crazy war against us BECAUSE they are evil? Or, do you agree that there are other reasons/historical context that may explain why they are “angry” at us? (This by the way was my initial point: I didn’t buy the argument that all of this was taking place simply because the terrorists were evil)

No, I don’t think they’re waging war against us BECAUSE they’re evil. So I’ll first list the reasons why they’re waging their war against us, and then proceed to explain why I don’t give two shits what their reasons are.
(1.) They don’t like the fact the we always have and still do support Israel by way of funding/arming them, voting for them almost without fail on all issues pertaining to them in the UN, and backed them almost regardless of what they’ve done over time, and regardless of who has more “rights” to the land that is Israel/Palestine. (Personally, I believe the Palestinians probably have more of a right to most of that territory, and that they got shafted for the most part, but by the same token, they have acted like savage, uncivilized, barbaric animals for at least the last 20 or 30 years, using terrorism and INTENTIONALLY target civilians as a method of “freedom fighting,” which makes me no longer give a damn what happens to them. They would probably have their state by now if they hadn’t gone the route they did. I realize not all Palestinians support the use of terrorism, and that those who don’t are pretty much stuck with Arafat as their “leader,” but it appears that a large, large majority of them do).
(2.) They resent us for who we are, what we’ve accomplished, how well-off we are, how dominant our economy is, and how pervasive our culture is, while most of the Middle Eastern countries (apart from their wealthy, often despotic rulers) live in relative squalor, and they therefore blame us for their squalor, seeing that we are the biggest and most influential dog on the block. A very typical case of class envy/resentment. Tie it in with reason number 1, and that’s enough to incite many of them to violence.
(3.) SOME of them want to, or at least CLAIM to want to, spread “fundamentalist,” Wahabbi-ist Islam until it dominates the world. This is what Bin Laden wants. Retribution for the Crusades, seeing the world through an Islam vs. Christianity prism, being OFFENDED by the fact that we have (about 3 or 4) U.S. troops stationed in the “Holy Land” of Saudi Arabia (even though they were originally put there to DEFEND that fucking country from invasion by Iraq). This, however, although perhaps partially rooted in “Islamic” thinking (although very perverted Islamic thinking at best) is merely a rouse. It is an attempt by the higher-ups (i.e. Bin Laden, Al-Zawahiri, et al) to obtain power. The guise of being staunch believers in Islam is pure bullshit. These guys not only twist and contort the words of Islam so as to justify the slaughter of innocents and the act of suicide, but they traffic drugs, laugh when talking about the hijackers who WEREN’T aware of the fact that they were on a mission to their deaths, etc. It’s all a crock of shit. They just want to rule the world.
NOW, why do I not care what their reasons are, although some of them might be partially valid? Imagine that you were in a bar with your girlfriend or wife, and perhaps she gave some other guy in the bar a bad look, or bumped into him and didn’t apologize. Not a mortal sin, but not the most amiable actions in the world. Now imagine that the guy went over to her and punched her as hard as he could in the mouth, knocking her teeth out. Would you say, “Well, honey, you shouldn’t have given him that dirty look . . . ?” I think (hope) that your reaction would be far more brutal. Not only because it’s MORE than RIGHT that he now get the living shit stomped out of him, but because you don’t want others to get the idea that they can violently attack your woman (or ANY woman) and get away with it. Actions like that WILL NOT be tolerated.

Let me interrupt, if I may. Our enemies here are evil, but not by their nature. They are evil because of their beliefs (no, NOT the belief in Islam). Lets put it this way: radical Islamic fundamentalists teach their children that the U.S.A. is run by Jews, who are in turn the children of Satan himself. This is the mentality of the enemy. Their children “play dress up” as suicide bombers for crying out loud! Thus, there is no rationalizing, no negotiating, and sadly, no peaceful solution. They will not rest until every American and Israeli man, woman, and child is dead. Further, they relish the idea of dying for their cause. Doubt it? Take a good look at their literature. It’s spelled out pretty clearly.

“…do you agree that there are other reasons/historical context that may explain why they are ‘angry’ at us?”

Yes, but these reasons are irrelevant. When a man threatens to kill you and pulls a gun (when you yourself are armed), you don’t sit there and try to figure out how and why you pissed him off; you ACT decisively, or you die. It really is that simple.

Trying to argue that something in U.S. foreign policy triggered this attack is futile. Yes, they are extremely jealous of America. They HATE that we don’t bind our women in veils and social constraints. They HATE that we don’t practice their version of religion. And they’ll kill us given a chance. This is the enemy folks. These are not rational minds that we are dealing with; they are the most dangerous enemy of them all: religious fanatics.

I understand your point of view, but i think you failed to understand mine. “Good” and “evil”, “right” and “wrong”, “just” and “unjust”, these are all human concepts. They are not present in nature itself. They have been created by man. While I and most others might find the actions of the hijackers deplorable, others might not. There really is no “spectrum”, everyone has their own opinion as to what is acceptable. As far as the basic tenents of the major religions, I agree with you. They all have the same basic fundamental concepts and theologies. In my opinion, one cannot conduct an effective foreign policy or lead a terrorist group if subscribing to these tenents. While Islamic extremists distort Islam to justify their actions, America does the same by invoking “God Bless America”, as if this so-called God has anything to do with America. Each side believes that they are inspired or guided by a divine hand. The fact that Bush can go to church one day and order the bombing of Afghans the next is just as ludicrous as Osama Bin Laden invoking Islamic Jihad law as justification for 9/11. My point is the issue isn’t who is right and who is wrong, as most in power would have the average person believe. The issue is security and power. It always has been. Unfortunately, America’s Wilsonian ideals have been drilled into the public’s psyche, and now our foreign policy struggles constantly between realpolitik and humanitarian ideals. But, that’s a subject for another day (or lifetime).

Damici you stated that if the palestinianshad acted differently they would probably have had their state by now. I disagree. Israel has constantly been building new settlements and expanding their borders. It is happening right now. This isn’t the desire of most of the Israeli population but certain parts of the govt are just as opposed to Palestinian statehood as the Palestinian fanatics are to the existence of Israel. As repugnant as suicide bombing is it has served to keep the focus of the world on the region and the whole conflict in the forefront of peoples minds. Why does so much of the Palestinian population agree with suicide bombings? Because Israel in its head for an eye strategy inflect damage on so many innocents, by now everyone is touched by some kind of loss. Do they have any alternatives? Maybe if they had 3billion dollars of support they could afford to surgically pick of just military targets but the same way you lump all Palestinians in to the evil and barbaric group, they see all israels as their opressors as ludicrous as that may be. This is why many groups within Israel are calling for new approaches to the conflict, give in to some of the requests, loosen the hold on some of the refugee camps, give them some kind of hope and maybe they will have something to look forward to and be less willing to piss away their lived in a suicide bombing. If the Israeli govt were to loosen up and things didn’t get better, couldn’t they then retighten the grip? Ghostface said it. Its about power and the current Israeli govt is not willing to blink first.

You also pointed out that we have troop in the “holy land” that were put there originally to defend them. Makes sense right? Well this weekend I saw a video called the hunt for bin laden that was produced before the attack. And as it turns out…the Saudi Monarchy is just as corrupt if not worse than many in the region and is squandering the oil reserves and ladening the country with debt. Many of the Saudi citizens would rather have fought iraq by themselves but because the Saudi regime is an ally of the US and requested help(against the wishes of most of the population) we went over there. Given the fact that many people resent what they view as US imperialism our being in the “holy land” has turned much of the population against us and in the absense of another high profile leader, they have adopted binladen. In the sudan where the embassy bombings occurred. Clinton, retaliated by sending in cruise missiles to bomb what were though to be chemical weapons facilities. But you know what the sudan is a country that we had diplomatic relations with. We didn’t warn or even extend non military options. We ineffect simply bombed one of our allies in retaliation for what a fanatic in the country did and that turned most of that population against us. Binladen, as the voice speaking out against the us, was once again adopted.

I have never purported to know everything. But I see what most of the rest of the world outside the us sees, throwing around military might is not always the answer and that we have to have long range plans that must include things like peacekeeping, and humanitarian missions and sometimes not pursueing only our interests if we are going to ensure the safety of our nation in the future.

Your analogy is interesting: of course if someone punched my wife I would retaliate harshly but you know what lets change this a bit. Lets say he had big guns and was with a big group of scary looking motherfuckers who supported whatever the fuck he did. You know what I’d do. Sneak up behind him when he went to take a piss and crack his fucking skull. Poor sportsman ship? Sure. Against the rules? Most definitely. Now if one of his un thought out actions killed my wife and forced me to live in a fucking refugee camp with no fucking future would I give a fuck about him and his innocent children? Would I strap a bomb to me and blow up his friends and family? How the fuck would I know? I’ve never been in that situation and neither have you. But I try can imagine the desperation that would cause people to do something so horrendous…can you?

If you would really like to see into the mindset of that side of the world, check out this site:

That is the site for the Middle East Media Research Institute, which is dedicated to translating and making available the articles and speeches that leaders in Muslim nations put out to their populations – in Arabic. What you’ll find is a stark contrast to the nice, feel-good rhetoric those leaders put out in English.

Especially interesting is the stuff Arafat put out in Arabic in contrast with his statements in English. Ever wonder why there was that big deal made a little while ago about Arafat actually renouncing Jihad in Arabic? It was because he was constantly saying nice, peaceful things in English and then broadcasting speeches in Arabic denying the right of the state of Israel to exist and calling for jihad to destroy it.

Very interesting stuff. If you want to understand why those surveys said the average citizen over there hates the U.S., just look at the information the average citizen over there is fed. Out.