[quote]Professor X wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
So sad…the man won. Whether you like it or not…voted for him or not: Stop fucking whining about it. Remember,whining doesn’t solve anything…right HH?
Right to bear arms…but not the right to vote. And people whine about Obama desecrating their constitutional rights…stop fucking crying and do something about it…IF AND WHEN IT IS ACTUALLY APPLICABLE.
The man hasn’t even served a term yet…good grief. PWI should be purged.
Exactly. [/quote]
Both right, we need to quit whining and if the time comes where antyhing is in danger, then actually do something about not talk.
But until that point, if it happens, just observe. And hope that everything goes well.
personally I think we need tests for more things in life.
too many idiots get to drive, have kids, buy guns, lots of different things, meanwhile the luxuries and lack of need for common sense in america have turned many people into mental mush
Have you ever looked at a map…Russia is not very far from Alaska…I never said Palin was the answer even though I think she has a great future in politics…What exactly do I need to get over?
LOL. My dad is from Anchorage, AK so yes, I am well aware of where it is geographically which is why so many people thought that comment was legit.
really, my mothers family owned a snitation company in fairbanks, so we lived up there when I was younger. not all that long though,
We aren’t going to start this crap again about suddenly everyone has changed since the election and no one cared when Bush was in office like in the thread about the patriot act and conservative just jumping ship since they are out of power.
Wow. So where were the posts from republicans in 2004 about how we need to have voters get tested before they vote AFTER Bush won? How does that affect people who are illiterate? They can’t vote now? Trust me, a shit load more illiterate voters were around over 100 years ago than there are right now.[/quote]
No one is saying they need to take a math test or economics test to vote. It isn’t hard to verify who is running and who their running mates are. I hadn’t seen this forum in 2004 so I don’t know who was or wasn’t saying the same stuff. What I can say is people were probably saying is about Bush voters and everyone for him was probably against it. Opposite of what is happening now. That’s life.
I wish they forced people to take a test 100 years ago to vote. Hell I wish they made people take a test to have kids. Maybe our planet wouldn’t be completed fucked if the gene pool was a bit less polluted.
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Professor X wrote:
usmccds423 wrote:
We aren’t going to start this crap again about suddenly everyone has changed since the election and no one cared when Bush was in office like in the thread about the patriot act and conservative just jumping ship since they are out of power.
Wow. So where were the posts from republicans in 2004 about how we need to have voters get tested before they vote AFTER Bush won? How does that affect people who are illiterate? They can’t vote now? Trust me, a shit load more illiterate voters were around over 100 years ago than there are right now.
No one is saying they need to take a math test or economics test to vote. It isn’t hard to verify who is running and who their running mates are. I hadn’t seen this forum in 2004 so I don’t know who was or wasn’t saying the same stuff. What I can say is people were probably saying is about Bush voters and everyone for him was probably against it. Opposite of what is happening now. That’s life.
I wish they forced people to take a test 100 years ago to vote. Hell I wish they made people take a test to have kids. Maybe our planet wouldn’t be completed fucked if the gene pool was a bit less polluted. [/quote]
100 years ago they were too busy trying to make it very hard for blacks to vote. They had their hands tied.
I wish they forced people to take a test 100 years ago to vote. Hell I wish they made people take a test to have kids. Maybe our planet wouldn’t be completed fucked if the gene pool was a bit less polluted. [/quote]
Then we’d really have a reason to wave red flags…see how easy that was?
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Race had to be brought up didn’t it? We couldn’t have one discussion without the terrible racist past of America becoming the issue.
News flash their are people that have been persecuted against longer and worse then blacks in America.
Hell if slavery had never happened how many blacks would be in America? Not saying slavery was a good thing, but 200+ years later a black man is now president. If slavery never happened we probably wouldn’t have many black people even in this country. I don’t see too many moving here these days.
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Race had to be brought up didn’t it? We couldn’t have one discussion without the terrible racist past of America becoming the issue.
News flash their are people that have been persecuted against longer and worse then blacks in America.
Hell if slavery had never happened how many blacks would be in America? Not saying slavery was a good thing, but 200+ years later a black man is now president. If slavery never happened we probably wouldn’t have many black people even in this country. I don’t see too many moving here these days.
[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
usmccds423 wrote:
Race had to be brought up didn’t it? We couldn’t have one discussion without the terrible racist past of America becoming the issue.
News flash their are people that have been persecuted against longer and worse then blacks in America.
Hell if slavery had never happened how many blacks would be in America? Not saying slavery was a good thing, but 200+ years later a black man is now president. If slavery never happened we probably wouldn’t have many black people even in this country. I don’t see too many moving here these days.
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
usmccds423 wrote:
Race had to be brought up didn’t it? We couldn’t have one discussion without the terrible racist past of America becoming the issue.
News flash their are people that have been persecuted against longer and worse then blacks in America.
Hell if slavery had never happened how many blacks would be in America? Not saying slavery was a good thing, but 200+ years later a black man is now president. If slavery never happened we probably wouldn’t have many black people even in this country. I don’t see too many moving here these days.
?? scratches head
Did that go to far above your head?
His response was because you reacted to my previous response as if it was some issue strictly about race. What I was pointing out is that they could not have formed any legislation then about average people being uninformed because they were too busy demoralizing a segment of the population. Race was not the main issue and I am sure many understood that.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
usmccds423 wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
usmccds423 wrote:
Race had to be brought up didn’t it? We couldn’t have one discussion without the terrible racist past of America becoming the issue.
News flash their are people that have been persecuted against longer and worse then blacks in America.
Hell if slavery had never happened how many blacks would be in America? Not saying slavery was a good thing, but 200+ years later a black man is now president. If slavery never happened we probably wouldn’t have many black people even in this country. I don’t see too many moving here these days.
?? scratches head
Did that go to far above your head?
His response was because you reacted to my previous response as if it was some issue strictly about race. What I was pointing out is that they could not have formed any legislation then about average people being uninformed because they were too busy demoralizing a segment of the population. Race was not the main issue and I am sure many understood that.[/quote]
You read minds now too? That?s pretty amazing.
I didn’t say it was the main issue. I said “Race had to be brought up didn’t it? We couldn’t have one discussion without the terrible racist past of America becoming the issue.”
This whole thread is about people?s ignorance, but you had to bring up race true or false?
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
usmccds423 wrote:
Race had to be brought up didn’t it? We couldn’t have one discussion without the terrible racist past of America becoming the issue.
News flash their are people that have been persecuted against longer and worse then blacks in America.
Hell if slavery had never happened how many blacks would be in America? Not saying slavery was a good thing, but 200+ years later a black man is now president. If slavery never happened we probably wouldn’t have many black people even in this country. I don’t see too many moving here these days.
?? scratches head
Did that go to far above your head?
Sure it did.
People move here all the time…and its a 50/50 chance that a larger portion of “black” people don’t move here because of our reputation to the world as having a big issue with racism.
In fact,if you look at other countries that are just now receiving a influx of “black” or African immigrants…they too are having major issues with racism(more so with crime)…I’m sure Orion can expand on this…he gave a small view of this issue in Austria.
And if slavery never happened…what kind of United States would there be…what things would not exist that are…or WERE detrimental to very existence of millions of Americans of European descent.
Lets take it further and look at another hypothetical view of slavery never existing. Lets say “black” people didn’t start moving here until…hmm…the 70’s? How do YOU believe things would be different?
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Professor X wrote:
usmccds423 wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
usmccds423 wrote:
Race had to be brought up didn’t it? We couldn’t have one discussion without the terrible racist past of America becoming the issue.
News flash their are people that have been persecuted against longer and worse then blacks in America.
Hell if slavery had never happened how many blacks would be in America? Not saying slavery was a good thing, but 200+ years later a black man is now president. If slavery never happened we probably wouldn’t have many black people even in this country. I don’t see too many moving here these days.
?? scratches head
Did that go to far above your head?
His response was because you reacted to my previous response as if it was some issue strictly about race. What I was pointing out is that they could not have formed any legislation then about average people being uninformed because they were too busy demoralizing a segment of the population. Race was not the main issue and I am sure many understood that.
You read minds now too? That?s pretty amazing.
I didn’t say it was the main issue. I said “Race had to be brought up didn’t it? We couldn’t have one discussion without the terrible racist past of America becoming the issue.”
This whole thread is about people?s ignorance, but you had to bring up race true or false?
Well…he did a pretty good job…lol. He is right…not to mention women as well. I guess if he had just mentioned just women’s rights in general 100 years ago,there was no way black people’s rights 100 years ago would be mentioned. Yeah right.
I thought your response was jumping the gun…and has touched more on “America’s racist past” more than the FACT he mentioned. It wasn’t their MAIN focus,but it was a huge chunk of it.
People move here all the time…and its a 50/50 chance that a larger portion of “black” people don’t move here because of our reputation to the world as having a big issue with racism.
In fact,if you look at other countries that are just now receiving a influx of “black” or African immigrants…they too are having major issues with racism(more so with crime)…I’m sure Orion can expand on this…he gave a small view of this issue in Austria.
And if slavery never happened…what kind of United States would there be…what things would not exist that are…or WERE detrimental to very existence of millions of Americans of European descent.
Lets take it further and look at another hypothetical view of slavery never existing. Lets say “black” people didn’t start moving here until…hmm…the 70’s? How do YOU believe things would be different?
Now did all of that go over your head??
My someone is getting awful touchy…
In 2007 there were 660,652 people to become U.S. citizens. 41, 652 were from Africa or 6.3%. Wow that is a huge % of new citizens.
Our country does not have reputation for a “huge race issue” maybe 40 years ago, but not now. However, people do come here because we have a reputation or “American dream” were hard work can pay off for anyone no matter what color.
I said there is a 50/50 chance that other “black” people don’t move here because of racism and discrimination. That goes for non black immigrants as well. Hell,you’re the one who pointed out in your own post that you don’t see too many “black” people moving here…remember?
Maybe I should have expanded on my comment better. Of course other countries have had “black” immigrants and such. But how many countries had significant numbers as compared to North/South America until 20 years ago? Hell some of them 10 years ago. Look at Europe.
The point is that the history of “black people” in other countries is just a tad different and more recent than ours…wouldn’t you say?
I don’t care what you think of Orion…but I value what he says is going on in his own country. And I was actually making the distinction that the issue of “black” immigrants in some countries is more in relation to their countries/areas crime rates more so than just the fact of their skin color. I never mentioned hate crimes…you did. Racism is still prevalent issue…and fairly new because of recent immigration of Africans.
How do I act as if “black” people were the only people that suffered?? You’re the one who mentioned “black” people and slavery…so I addressed it specifically. I know Native Americans suffered as well…I know Irish suffered as well…but you didn’t mention that.
Suffering is suffering,but what other groups of people other than Native Americans suffered on a level compared to “black” slaves?? Hell…even Native Americans had black slaves.
Finally if Black people had moved here starting in the 70’s everything would be great. No one would cry about equal right and affirmative action of course wouldn’t exist. Everyone would have to work hard, get an education, and take some chance to get anything out of life.
Would racism exist. sure it would it always will, but black people wouldn’t be able to fall back on slavery as the crutch a lot of 20 years olds use it as when they haven’t lived it.
I think I got it. [/quote]
So you honestly believe that if black people didn’t move here until the 70’s that everything would be all paradise?
So how far fetched is it to think that the time line for civil rights…equality…KKK…all things related to racism against blacks would not be moved closer to the present??
The biggest thing you forgot to take into account(again) all the things that slavery brought about that was detrimental to the history of the United States.
Think about ALL things that directly correlate to the history and existence of slavery and black people in this country.
So,no,you didn’t quite get it…there’s too much hypothetical to simply “get it.”
[quote]Rockscar wrote:
Professor X wrote:
skaz05 wrote:
Revealing. But not surprising.
This only reinforces my stance on a nationwide “voter exam”, where voters would be tested on their knowledge of current events, government, the candidates stance on certain issues, and who their representatives in Congress are.
LOL. People want there to be NO restrictions on guns but want American citizens to have advanced degrees in politics just to vote. Yep, that makes perfect sense.
We need to pass a test to drive a car. Would it not benefit the system to actually have a test on how our government works. Basic tests about how the system works BEFORE voting in it?
I do see benefits. MOST people don’t even know an assemblyman from a state senator or governor. Or that state government is different that federal.
The problem is we only have a 75% high school graduation rate today and people are either uninformed or misinformed.
There was a comedian who went out and did interviews and asked uninformed inner city voters if they were ok with Obama’s selection of Sarah Palin as the VP…if they were comfortable with a woman as a running mate…most all went with it and said they supported her and his decision.
Now if the group who needs the most help is unwilling to educate themselves, we are in for a consistant downward spiral where isues are not the real things people vote on.[/quote]
Yup. There’ll come a day when each candidate is handed a sword and told the winner gets to be POTUS.
An uneducated electorate is a sure recipe for disaster. That’s one reason that long ago only property holders could vote — the assumption was that you had to have a smattering of intellect in order to own a farm or business. Now all you need do is list a park bench as your home address.
[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
So sad…the man won. Whether you like it or not…voted for him or not: Stop fucking whining about it. Remember,whining doesn’t solve anything…right HH?
Right to bear arms…but not the right to vote. And people whine about Obama desecrating their constitutional rights…stop fucking crying and do something about it…IF AND WHEN IT IS ACTUALLY APPLICABLE.
The man hasn’t even served a term yet…good grief. PWI should be purged.[/quote]
Will you and the Prof volunteer to do the purging? We need to have a version of the KGB or Gestapo around here, right?
Note: it wasn’t the KGB in Russia that did this, but the CHEKA (if I remember). But I figured neither of you would know wtf those were. :>
My question is this…when responses were made stating that many voters were uninformed when they voted for Bush in 2000 or 2004, we heard NONE of this. Why?
Actually, truth told you would likely get this type of response in any election. I guess nobody ever thought of it before.
Also, I figure a website called “www.howobamagotelected.com” might have a tiny axe to grind with him…So they probably wouldn’t display anyone who gave the correct answers.
Now, I haven’t heard an Obama supporter who voted for him because of his actual views. They just like him.
The only person I know, like in a face to face capacity, voted for him is because she is a democrat from Boston and that’s just what they do.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
So sad…the man won. Whether you like it or not…voted for him or not: Stop fucking whining about it. Remember,whining doesn’t solve anything…right HH?
Right to bear arms…but not the right to vote. And people whine about Obama desecrating their constitutional rights…stop fucking crying and do something about it…IF AND WHEN IT IS ACTUALLY APPLICABLE.
The man hasn’t even served a term yet…good grief. PWI should be purged.
Will you and the Prof volunteer to do the purging? We need to have a version of the KGB or Gestapo around here, right?
Note: it wasn’t the KGB in Russia that did this, but the CHEKA (if I remember). But I figured neither of you would know wtf those were. :>