Currently on ~600 T E/600 Tren A.
Been on cycle for a bit and I’m nearing the end of a vial of test. (I use Test E400mg/ml)
Something happened and my remaining two vials of TE400 are shattered. I’ve had another order on the way since Mar 10th, but it could be two or even three weeks before it arrives.
-Only other gear I have is EQ and Dianabol.
-I donated blood a 1-1.5 weeks ago.
-I’ve been getting a lot of nosebleeds over the last week due to dry air and Accutane. Daily nosebleeds so I’m losing a bit more blood daily.
-I’ve got plenty of ancillaries (anastrazole/nolvadex/cabergoline)
Can I use the EQ or Dianabol temporarily as a replacement for the testosterone until it gets here? I do know the EQ takes a long time and it’s got a long half life. I DID ask about using EQ in my cycle thread previously but opted out of using it. I’m only considering it as a temporary substitute. Perhaps a single big frontload?
Perhaps just use the Dianabol at a higher amount daily?
Also, there’s the option of just coming off cycle until it arrives. I’ll be honest, I’d rather not but it’s of course an option.
Thanks, all.