Viagra/Cialis to Combat Libido/Erection Issues on Cycle?

I’m planning on doing Test 500mg + Anavar 50mg/day in the future. Test makes me a sexual feign but my prior experience with Winstrol was it killed libido and erection quality. I’ve seen many folks talk about the same issues with Anavar. I have a very lucky sex life and don’t want that to be totally fucked.

I’m wondering if anyone has tried Cialis/Viagra to combat these issues and what your experience was?

I have libido problems now, not due to aas, but from SSRI’s I think. I have a script for Cialis and it doesn’t do much at all.

I used Cialis for a pump but it definitely does the trick for me, weirdly enough when I was natural around 18-19 I used legit Cialis and found it did nothing for me then?

Anywho now I find I take 20 mg, mixed with 250/test e for 3 days I can have sex 5-7 times a day its actually exhausting.