Hey guys… google searches related to my current condition led me to this page, and figured I’d take a shot here since my primary doctor, urologist, endocrinologist all have put their hands in the air and wished me good luck…
I’ll start by saying that I have always responded with the worst side effects a medication can have. And I know that there’s no silver bullet that even could answer all that’s happening here, but any direction would be a help.
This time last year, January 17, I experimented for the first time with any illegal gym supplements, Anavar. Anavar probably seems like a joke to most steroid users, but I took it at a low does (50mg/day) for 8 weeks. Light dose, but from what I’ve read maybe going beyond 6 weeks was a mistake. I stopped because erectile issues set in towards the very end of me taking Anavar, which led me to stop. I was unable to have a full erection and/or one that would last. Unfortunately, I did not have any PCT handy, not thinking I would need it for 50mg of Anavar, but I was able to get Proviron a couple of weeks later. That fixed me up almost immediately. I continued with the proviron for about 3 weeks and thought I was out of the woods (now into early May).
ED set back in, and then I was using Viagra thinking I was just waiting for my body/hormones to normalize. Viagra worked great. I was experiencing ED issues though still, and in September I went to the Urologist, finally. First draw of my testosterone was 450. I am a very healthy, active, 34 yr old male. He put me on once daily Cialis (5mg) and Chlomid (50mg daily) for a month, and then increased it to 75mg for a few weeks. At some point in here, whether related or not, depression/lethargy/etc… all set in, hard… as well Viagra stopped working for me all together.
My testosterone levels were tested a month or so later by an endocrinologist, where it was 995 (back to my normal state).
Urologist says there is nothing structurally wrong with my penis, but to identify if it is a psychological issue I should consider visiting an ED clinic like Boston Medial Group, that does the direct injections to your penis, ICP. I went there, and this is where it really gets strange. They had 4 levels of increasing potency with their shots. They were hesitant to give me the shot to begin with given my age, health, testosterone and the fact that I was on once daily Cialis. Shot 1 had zero effect. Went back the next day, shot 2 had zero effect. Went back the next day, shot 3 worked… somewhat. I don’t think this even got the desired effects that they would have liked to have seen, but what’s scary is they said that does is what they’d have to escalate to in severe diabetic patients with poor circulation (which is not an issue for me).
Lastly, and a big one… I had been on daily Finesteride for years, which I only recently stopped.
So… In April immediate onset ED occurred after 8 weeks on Anavar. A couple of months later, everything got worse with viagra no longer working. Currently, as it’s been for months, the once daily Cialis helps me to achieve maybe a 70% erection that doesn’t last. Without the once daily, it would be dead downstairs. Shot’s don’t really work, and even still highlight what seems to be a larger issue in the severity of the shot it takes to get ANY response.
Only timeline that makes sense to me, is that I’m the most unlucky person in the world. Anavar caused something to shut down which led to my ED, and regardless of that, my years of finesteride caught up to me and hit me over the summer to prolong/extend my mental deterioration as well as complete ED. That doesn’t seem likely to me, but I can’t even identify another option as possible.
Anyways… long, depressing, first post. Any thoughts of ideas or anything at all would be appreciated.
Currently seeing a psychiatrist due to these symptoms (started in November).
Currently seeing a Urologist, who at this point says you need to see an Endocrinologist
Currently seeing an Endocrinologist, who says I’m the healthiest 34 year old she’s ever seen, nothing in my extensive work ups explain any of my symptoms, and… “good luck”
Also had a brain MRI on my pituitary to rule out some abnormal tumor that didn’t effect prolactin levels (?) which came back healthy and normal too…