Ive not been feeling great for over a year. Run down, lack of interest in socializing, weak erections or cant sustain erections, cant get enough sleep even at more than 9 hours sometimes, poor recovery from training. I recently got two sets of lab results with very low testosterone. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist in 2.5 weeks but would love to get some help on what might be going on. Im pretty worried. I had one test on 12/28/2011 that came back at 415 ng/dL, and one on 2/12/2012 that was at 255 ng/dL. Obviously those are more like a man in his 60s or older, and Im sufficiently freaked out about it.
Im 62, 188lbs, 30 years old. My waist is 32. Substantial body hair. Full coverage in chest and stomach that requires monthly maintenance to not get out of control. Hairy legs, no change there. Started developing hair on upper arms and lower/mid back in the last year and a half or so. Hairs on upper arms are thick and black, rest of body hair is less thick but also black. Facial hair is full and substantial as well; I have a beard and it is not patchy AT ALL. Requires weekly trimming to stay groomed, as it gets scruffy looking fast. I used to carry more fat in my hips/thighs/ass, but Ive gotten leaner. I used to never see separation in my quads but I can now. I also used to have a fat pad on my lower abdomen, but that has mostly disappeared with diet and training. I now have a visible four-pack when I flex my abs.
I have struggled with anxiety/depression for a few years. I took Zoloft for 26 months, from 10/2007-12/2009. I had weight gain, fatigue, and low libido on Zoloft. After the Zoloft, my erections never really returned to normal. I currently take Wellbutrin, 150mg/2x day for anxiety/depression. I have been on it since January 1. I lost some weight when I started. I use minoxidil topically 1x/day for hair loss. No other Rx meds. I take Vitamin D, B12, and fish oil for supplements.
In Dec 09 I injured my back, 2-3mm bulged discs at L3-L4 and L4-L5, small annular tear at L5-S1. Since then Ive had persistent SI joint dysfunction and occasional spasm in QL, paraspinals, etc. Completed 4 months of PT in 2010, trained throughout, resumed more intense training afterward. Stooping, bending for long periods of time, etc irritate back. Can squat, jump rope most of the time w/out trouble. Starting a new round of PT to sort out some thoracic mobility issues. Also dislocated right shoulder 7/2003, repeated dislocations followed. MRI showed posterior labral tear. Havent had it repaired, can train around it.
My blood pressure has been relatively high-normal, sometimes quite high. I average around 135/70, but last fall it was considerably higher. I could always bring it down with relaxation/breathing, but it tends to run a bit above what you’d expect given my other factors.
Diet is Paleo with 85-90% compliance. Average intake of betwee 2300-2700 kCals/day depending on training. Focus on protein, lots of vegetables, healthy fats (homemade nut butters, coconut oil, dark chocolate). No refined sugar, gluten, soy, and dairy free, carbs come from fruit/yams/raw honey. Protein sources are boneless/skinless chicken breasts and thighs, tuna, eggs (whole and whites). Fat sources are raw nuts, coconut oil, olive oil, eggs. According to LiveStrong MyPlate, which Ive been using since 1/31/2012, I average 266g carb, 101g fat, 146g protein. I drink 1 big cup of coffee every morning with coconut milk in it, drink moderately (1-3 glasses of wine or hard cider 1-3x/week), and dont use drugs of any kind. I drink between 80-150 oz of water a day and dont drink sugary beverages.
Training-wise, I lift 3x/week on a variation of the Building the Supersoldier program from here. I cycle through heavy/medium/light variations of those workouts, so I repeat (and aim to improve) every 4th workout. I still strive to improve every training session and have done so consistently since last October when a buddy who is a CSCS recommended waving the load/intensity/volume but keeping movements the same. I do 2x/week conditioning (jump rope, running stairs, some HIIT on one of those days) and 1x/week of longer slower cardio (cycling or walking), doing this since 3/2011 overall and had success. I do feel like training takes a fair amount out of me, but I am motivated to improve and so I push to make gains in volume or intensity all the time.
Morning wood has been nonexistent for over a year. Spontaneous erections the same. Normal erections are weak, go away easily, and take a while to occur even with stimulation from my recent ex-girlfriend. Sucks!
Sleep and Stress: 7.5-9hrs/night, consistently. Id say Im highly stressed. I work 45-50 hrs/week as a teacher with lots of extra projects (China trip for 105 people, running a service program, etc), am in graduate school one night a week and working on writing my masters thesis, and just got out of a really stressful relationship at the very beginning of this year. On an average day I leave the house at 7am, work, gym. errands, get home around 6:30-7, cook dinner, clean house, read, get ready for bed. Getting everything done at this point means living this way, but I definitely feel like I dont have much room for play/relaxation/error. Sticking to the plan/schedule is essential.
Lab Data: I tried to format this so it looked better, but the forum kept rejecting the changes. Other than the low Test, my DHEAS is above range.
Test Result Units Reference Range
WBC 5.6 K/mcl 3.8-11.0
RBC 4.66 M/mcl 4.5-5.9
HGB 14 g/dL 13.5-17.0
HCT 41.2 % 41-53
MCV 88.5 fl 80-100
MCH 30.1 pg 26-34
MCHC 34.1 g/dL 31-36
RDW 11.3 % 10.5-13.5
Platelet 200 K/mcL 150-450
Neutrophils 48.3 % 44-70
Lymphocytes 39.7 % 25-46
Monocytes 7.5 % 1-12
Eosinophils 3.7 % 0-8
Basophils 0.7 % 0-2
Abs Neut Ct 2.7 K/mcL 1.8-7.7
Abs Lymphs 2.2 K/mcL 1.0-5.0
Abs monos 0.4 K/mcL 0.-0.8
Absolute eos 0.2 K/mcL 0-0.5
Absolute baso 0 K/mcL 0-0.2
NRBC 0 /100 0
Cholesterol 190 mg/dL <200
Triglycerides 116 mg/dL <150
HDL 58 mg/dL 30-70
LDL 109 mg/dL <130
Sodium 140 mmol/L 136-146
Potassium 5 mmol/L 3.5-5.1
Chloride 103 mmol/L 98-107
Glucose 92 mg/dL 70-99
C02 29 mmol/L 22-32
BUN 18 mg/dL 7/21/2012
Creatinine 1.1 mg/dL 0.7-1.3
Calcium 9.1 mg/dL 8.4-10.3
Albumin 4.1 g/dL 3.3-5.0
AST 23 Units/L 15-37
Protein, Total 7 g/dL 6.0-8.0
Bilirubin, Total 0.3 mg/dL 0.1-1.2
ALT 33 Units/L 12-78
Alk phos 43 Units/L 38-126
GFR Calc,n-A 84 mL/mn/1.73 greater than 60
GFR Calc, A 101 mL/mn/1.73 greater than 60
Osmo calc 292 mOs/Kg H20 280-305
Hormone panel, 12/28/2011
Test 415 ng/dL 241-827
TSH, 3rd Gen 1.46 mcIU/mL 0.358-3.8
B12 462 pg/mL 254-1320
Vit D 50.2 ng/mL 30-80
Hormone panel, 2/12/2012
Estradiol 27 pg/mL 11.6-41.2
FSH 5.6 mIU/mL 1.4-18.1
LH 4.7 mIU/mL 1.5-9.3
Test 255 ng/dL 241-827
DHEAS 463 mcg/dL 76-334