Hey guys. I have been reading this site for about 6 months since I first found out that I had low T. I have done a bunch of research here and elsewhere but I am still confused about things. Hope you all can give some insight.
My symptoms have been:
Major lack of libido. Difficult time keeping erections for more than a few minutes. I have been very lethargic and have been bordering on depressed. I have never had depression issues in the past so this has all been new to me. No real drive for anything. More and more I am being described as very apathetic. I have no desire to go out and do social things; I had rather just stay home and take a nap. I have a difficult time concentrating and remembering things lately.
I also have real hard time losing weight but I put it on extremely fast.
-29 Years old
-6 foot 1 inch
-34-36 waist
-215lbs. 25% body fat (Hydrostatic dunk test)
-Thick head of hair. Decently hairy chest, arms, legs. I can grow a decent beard. Almost no hair on the back of my body.
-I tend to carry fat all over but especially my love handles, gut, lower back, and thighs.
-Had digestive issues my whole life. Turns out that it is almost all due to egg allergies. I was on GERD medication for 10 years (Prilosec, etc). Quit that all last year when I found out about the allergies. GERD issues are mostly under control.
-No RX drugs except for the GERD medication. Never any hair loss or prostate drugs.
-Diet isn’t the best but it is better than it used to be. Hardly any fast food. Mostly organic stuff unless I eat out. I would say that a typical day is 1700-2300 calories with the occasional binge.
Diet was horrible while growing up. I was always pretty overweight until I was 19. I went from 225lbs to 165lbs in 2-3 months by basically starving myself. I started eating again after being accused of anorexia by my family. My digestion was completely screwed up for years afterwards. I would get sick to my stomach after almost every meal. That led to other digestive tract issues.
I started working out in college and went from 165 to 185. Stayed there at about 13-15% body fat until I got married at 22. Over the next 8 years I got up to 230 by overeating, drinking, and not working out hard enough.
- Working out. For about 15 months I’ve been working out again. I’ve dropped 15 pounds and put on a bit of muscle. I am nearly back to my college strength levels but still need to lose about 35 pounds of fat. I have been lifting weights a couple days a week and boxing about 4-6 hours per week. I am definitely not overtraining.
-My testes have never ached that I am aware of, with fever or without.
-No major injuries except cracking the base of my head pretty good when I was 5 years old. Needed 6 or 7 stitches.
-I almost never have morning wood. Libido has dropped significantly in the last few years and I have a hard time keeping it up. I will typically only want to have sex about once per week which is a definite decrease, although I have never had a “healthy” libido. Even in my early 20’s I would only want sex every couple of days and definitely not more than once per day.
-Lab results
I go to a Naturalpathic doctor who first suggested testing my T about 8 months ago because of the above symptoms. The only pertinent tests she ran were:
Total T - 417 Range (241-827)
Free T - .96 Range (.95-4.30)
Vit D - 33.3 Range (33-100)
TSH - 1.29 Range (.30-2.50)
Lipid panels and other typical tests which were all ok, other than the Lipids not being stellar.
She was ready to put me on a compound T cream but I wanted to do a bit of research and got overwhelmed. I decided to just keep working out, researching, and trying things like Alpha Male.
I decided to get tested again at the beginning of December. Test results were:
Total T - 280 Range (241-827)
Free T - .71 Range (.95-4.30)
Vit D - 26.5 Range (33-100)
Ferritin - 143 Range (16-323)
Lipid panel and other typical things. Lipid ratios were much better, I think due to better eating.
I brought in a bunch of research that I’d done along with some of the stickies from this forum. After reading everything, she seems totally onboard for HCG use and Aromatase inhibitor use, if we do decide to do TRT. She’s also willing to go with injections although I haven’t talked with her about the details yet.
I wasn’t ready to jump into TRT so I decided to start supplementing Vitamin D (15,000 per day) and Iodine (1.5mg a day) and then retesting in January. I also knew that I needed a bunch more tests to be ran before trying TRT.
My lab results from last week:
Total T - 500 Range (241-827)
Free T - 1.21 Range (.95-4.30)
Vit D - 66.4 Range (33-100)
LH - 3.00 Range (2.00-12.00)
FSH - 2.50 Range (1.0-18.0)
Prolactin - 6.1 Range (1.6-18.7)
TSH - 1.512 Range (.300-2.50)
T4, Free - 1.22 Range (.75-1.76)
T4, Total - 9.0 Range (5.0-12.0)
T3, Free - 3.3 Range (2.3-4.2)
(I asked her to test rT3 and rT4 but I think she was confused)
DHEA-S - 246 Range (80-560)
Pregnenolone - 62 Range (13-208)
E2 - 20.0 Range (11.6-41.2)
(edited to add in E2 results) She told them to test for E2 but they screwed up so we have to re-do that one, I should know in about 5 days.
She also gave me a 24 hour Cortisol test to do so we should have that back in about 2 weeks.
I’d really appreciate some help in deciphering these test results. According to her hormone references (not sure what she was using), she thinks my DHEA and Pregnenolone are a bit low so she gave me some supplements of those. I don’t want to start taking them until I hear what you guys think, though.
My T of 500 is better than it’s ever been before so I’m happy about that but the Free T is still quite low. I thought it was interesting that such a big jump happened from only increasing Vit D and taking some Iodine, although I’m not sure if the Iodine helped at all. I want to get my Vit D up to about 80 stay there for awhile to see if my T keeps rising.
Summary and concerns:
T has gone up from just taking Vit D and Iodine. I was on no other supplements for that whole month.
I definitely don’t want to jump into TRT but it looks like I’m with a good doctor if we decide to do it.
Anything stand out about my test results to you guys?
Do you think supplementing DHEA and Pregnenolone is a good idea?
Thanks very much, everyone.