On my last labs my E was 7 very low. I am on 200mg T cyp take 100mg twice a week and 2000iu a week taken EOD. I had been taking Anastrazole 1/2 tab EOD so I stopped taking it for 6 days and started back at 1/4 tab EOD howlong should it take for my E to rise some. I seam to be having some issues this week not much in the morning wood area and less desire, kinda get irritated easy. This is what you get with high E right? Could stopping for the 6 days and dropping my dose cause this?
Low E2 can have the same symptoms as high E2.E2 at 22 range is deemed to be optimal.
When is your next lab? Dropping down 1/4 tab EOD is smart. You may be an over-responder. Some people are much more sensitive to arimidex then others.
Why do you need an AI at all? My labs were 32 and starting taking milk thistle and got my vit-d up to par, cut the junk from my diet and now sits at 20. Just drop the AI for a while and retest in a month. My T is out of range and and E2 has normalized. We are all different and can’t expect the same results as others.
[quote]iw84aces wrote:
Why do you need an AI at all? My labs were 32 and starting taking milk thistle and got my vit-d up to par, cut the junk from my diet and now sits at 20. Just drop the AI for a while and retest in a month. My T is out of range and and E2 has normalized. We are all different and can’t expect the same results as others.[/quote]
I am taking AI because my Doc gave it to me when he put me on TRT. This was weekly:
labs Feb 12 before TRT T 240 range 348-1197, FT 5.1 range 6.8-11.9, E 29.1 range 7.6-42.6
labs Aug 12 on 150mg T cyp, AI 1/2 tab EOD. T 1194, FT 31.4, E 11.2 (ranges almost same)
labs May 13 on 200mg T, HCG 500iu, AI 1/2 tab EOD. T=549 day before next shot, FT 17.4, E=7.7
I was just doing what the DR told me to do… until I started reading on this forum I thought everyone on T took a AI. With my last labs my E 7.7 I was not feeling as good as I had and after reading here I thought it was to low so I stopped the AI then cut back the dose. Please share your thoughts.
The rule of thumb of 1mg per 100mg T would indicate 2mg/week, you were taking 0.5*3.5=1.75, so that was close. As an anastrozole over-responder, you need 1/4th of 2.0, which is 1/2 mg/week in EOD divided doses. That is impossible with tablets. This where a liquid product is needed. You can dissolve tablets in vodka and dispense by the drop or get a [research chemical anastrozole] liquid [goole that].
How fast will you find a new balance and then mentally adjust to that. Should not take long, go with the flow.
If you are going to stay injecting twice a week, you can take 1/4 mg at the time of the injection.
2000iu hCG is more than required to maintain your testes and also is more that twice the expense of the suggested 250iu EOD. We have discussed this before? You are creating too many threads!!!
How old are you? If younger with low body fat and good liver function and the right foods u may not need an AI. Drop it for a bit and see how you feel and retests periodically to see where u stand
IW: With E2=29 before TRT, there is no place for E2 to go but up. David’s doctor was probably thinking the same thing.
Please explain to me then… Why my E2 was 34 and dropped to 32 and now sits at 20 after trt??? Ksman every body is different.
[quote]KSman wrote:
The rule of thumb of 1mg per 100mg T would indicate 2mg/week, you were taking 0.5*3.5=1.75, so that was close. As an anastrozole over-responder, you need 1/4th of 2.0, which is 1/2 mg/week in EOD divided doses. That is impossible with tablets. This where a liquid product is needed. You can dissolve tablets in vodka and dispense by the drop or get a [research chemical anastrozole] liquid [goole that].
How fast will you find a new balance and then mentally adjust to that. Should not take long, go with the flow.
If you are going to stay injecting twice a week, you can take 1/4 mg at the time of the injection.
2000iu hCG is more than required to maintain your testes and also is more that twice the expense of the suggested 250iu EOD. We have discussed this before? You are creating too many threads!!!
Thanks for the reply I will give the 1/4 with injections a shot. As for discussing this before, you gave me the math to figure out my AI need but this thread was asking how long it should be to notice changes. I can understand wanting to keep the thread count down but how would I get responses from the board if I just added this question to my one older thread? I would be happy to keep everything in one thread if I can get people to respond.
Thanks again
[quote]iw84aces wrote:
How old are you? If younger with low body fat and good liver function and the right foods u may not need an AI. Drop it for a bit and see how you feel and retests periodically to see where u stand[/quote]
Thanks for the reply’ I am 50 yrs, apx 43% body fat I am 6ft 5in 335 lb. I know I had low T for many years before I started TRT. I feel I have had lower T most of my life, almost no body hair carried fat like a woman ie. belly, hips and ass never very strong very hard gainer in the gym, weak hard-ons…so on… I think I need AI but I am going to try the lower dose and see when I test next time. So you are at E 20 is that a good place for you? I agree we are all different and I have to go by feeling and I have not liked being at E 7. I was good in Aug of 12 when I was
T 1194 these were two days after injection 200mg T 2000iu hgc taking 1/2 AI EOD
FT 31.4
E 11.2
But my E kept going down and I lost some of the zest I had at that time so I am looking to get back to that point or better.
Thanks again
Well if you feel you need it then maybe you do.
I feel zero difference between E2-32 and E2-20. I am coming off trt to fix my problems naturally if possible. My experience has not been that positive that I want to inject for the rest of my life. I’m only 34 years
Here’s the thing about T. I wish someone could explain to me why I haven’t had a shot in17 days so I’m prolly at close to zero for T levels and I can still get it up… Why everyone blames erections on T is beyond me. I think many has other issues contributing to this problem. Not saying low T helps the issue I just don’t think it’s the only player in the game.
[quote]iw84aces wrote:
Well if you feel you need it then maybe you do.
I feel zero difference between E2-32 and E2-20. I am coming off trt to fix my problems naturally if possible. My experience has not been that positive that I want to inject for the rest of my life. I’m only 34 years
I here you. If you can fix it naturally it would be good. I have had good results mostly just some ups and downs but the downs are way above where I was before I started so I am still happy. I just want to try and get up and stay there… if that can be done.
[quote]iw84aces wrote:
Well if you feel you need it then maybe you do.
I feel zero difference between E2-32 and E2-20. I am coming off trt to fix my problems naturally if possible. My experience has not been that positive that I want to inject for the rest of my life. I’m only 34 years
Here’s the thing about T. I wish someone could explain to me why I haven’t had a shot in17 days so I’m prolly at close to zero for T levels and I can still get it up… Why everyone blames erections on T is beyond me. I think many has other issues contributing to this problem. Not saying low T helps the issue I just don’t think it’s the only player in the game. [/quote]
I was replying to you as you were editing / adding the last part. All I can say is before I started TRT I was at T=240 348-1197, FT=5.1 6.8-21.5, E=29.1 7.6-42.6, and I still got it up all the time, everyday at least once. So I agree with you on that for sure. I can say that what I didn’t know was that my erections were weak for years and my staying power was weak (quick to finish) compared to when my T got above 500 my erections got harder making it bigger and I could last 5 times longer than I had ever lasted in 30 years way better than my 20’s and 30’s. I think I have been on the low side all my life.
At your age I think the positives out weigh the negatives and if you are feeling better then that is great and you should stick with it. I didn’t really have a low total T score it was only my free T that was repeatedly coming up low. I felt like shit and had all the symptoms of low T except ED. The problem is I wasn’t educated and these symptoms can be a lot of things. I may end up back on the shots but I need to find out what is doing this and some symptoms have increased and other problems have arose since trt so I want to see what is doing what.
If I stop the T and things get better then I can assume either my dose was 2 high or it was to much for my thyroid to handle or… Point is I want to know what’s going on with my body and I don’t have all the answers yet. I hope to find them without the use of FDA approved drugs and the help of big pharma cause I just don’t trust any of it at all